Class of 2025 Information
2024-2025 Grade 12 Post-Secondary Presentation
This presentation was given to parents on September 28th and to all the Grade 12 classes in the first week of October.
Prom 2025
This year Prom will be happening on May 8th, 2025 at 6:30pm at the Burlington Convention Centre. Please continue to check here and on all TAB social media accounts for more details.
Commencement 2025
This year our Commencement ceremony is taking place on June 3 at 7:00pm at the Burlington Convention Centre. All graduating students who will be participating in the ceremony and walking the stage will need to register and pay the grad fee through School Cash Online. The grad fee covers all the ceremony expenses, including gown rental, venue rental, chairs, decorations, the keepsake cap and tassel etc.
Each student will be allocated 2 guest tickets with an option for families to sign up for additional tickets using a google form that we will send out. The google form will be sent out to all grade 12 students to their hdsb emails in May.
More details regarding the event will be posted here throughout the year. If you have any questions please contact Nicole Saldia in the main office at 905-827-1158 ext.252 or
Graduation Requirements
The Ministry of Education requires the following items to be completed to successfully obtain a high school diploma.
18 compulsory credits
12 optional credits
40 hours of community involvement activities
Ontario Secondary School Literacy test (OSSLT) written in Grade 10 or the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course.
2 eLearning courses successfully completed (opt out form available)
The secondary school program is designed so that the diploma requirements can be met within 4 years following Grade 8.
Community Involvement Hours
To document volunteer hours students should request a letter from the organization where they volunteer. The letter should list the type of work, the number of hours and the contact name. See community involvement hours for more information
Full Disclosure
What is Full Disclosure? Any Grade 11 or 12 course completed, dropped or failed after the full disclosure date will appear on a student transcript along with the marks earned in the course. If a student drops a senior course prior to the full disclosure date, the course will not show up on their final transcript. Full disclosure does not apply to Grade 9 or 10 courses.
Returning to TAB in the Fall?
Attention Grade 12 TAB Students! Are you thinking about returning to TAB in September 2025?
Do you…
-want to upgrade your courses?
-not feel ready to make a decision about post-secondary education?
- still need another credit to get into the post-secondary program of your choice
If you are looking to return next year, please let your Guidance Counsellor know as soon as possible to help you make a plan for September 2025.
Students Not Returning Will Lose Access to HDSB Email Account
As of July 13, 2024 students who are not returning for the 2024/2025 school year will lose access to the HDSB Network & Google Workspace for Education applications, data, and email.
IMPORTANT: If you have used your HDSB email when applying for post secondary, resume, job applications, you will need to update your information and change it to a personal email address before access to your HDSB account is lost.
To retain your Google Workspace data please select one of the following:
Transfer email and Drive files to a personal Google Account using Google Takeout Transfer Your Content - see Transfer their content. Note that Personal Gmail accounts only have 15 GB of free Drive space. All files in your My Drive will count toward your quota.
Archive data using Google Takeout - the traditional Takeout is also available to create an archive of all your data in Google Workspace. This will enable you to easily retain your email, essays, resumes, science projects, and any other files stored on Google Drive before access has been removed to your HDSB account.
Action must be completed by July 13 , 2025.