Student Code of Conduct


Like any organization, at T. A. Blakelock High School we have rules, which enable us to produce a positive atmosphere in which to learn and to participate in the many facets of the life of the school. The Blakelock school rules are based on respect for self and for others so that each individual can get the most out of all the experiences and activities which make up their education and, at the same time, not prevent others from making the most of their opportunities.

School will be better if each of us lives up to the following:

It is the right of every student, teacher and other staff member of the school to study, teach, and work in an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. It is the responsibility of every school citizen to contribute to the maintenance of a positive school environment.

Within the classroom a student is subject to the authority and direction of the individual teacher, who is in turn, responsible to a member of the Leadership Team/Vice-Principal/Principal. On field trips and at school-sponsored functions, regardless of their location, students are responsible to the supervisors and to the staff of the school. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all school rules and expectations apply on field trips and at school-sponsored functions.

In addition to the school rules, the laws of Ontario and Canada must be respected and observed. Offences related to theft, assault, drugs or alcohol, vandalism and so on, will not be tolerated and may result in the involvement of authorities outside the school, including the police. The Code of Behaviour for the Halton District School Board will be the guiding authority in such cases.


According to Regulation 301 under the Education Act, the purpose of the code of conduct is:

1. To ensure that all members of the school community, especially people in positions of authority, are treated with respect and dignity.

2. To promote responsible citizenship by encouraging appropriate participation in the civic life of the school community.

3. To maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility.

4. To encourage the use of non-violent means to resolve conflict.

5. To promote the safety of people in the schools.

6. To discourage the use of alcohol and illegal drugs.


Students are to conduct themselves within the guidelines of Safe School legislation.

Students are required to give their names to any staff member who requests them.

Students sent to the office by a teacher must report immediately.

For safety and liability reasons younger children, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, etc., cannot be brought to the school.

When the fire alarm rings, everyone must leave the building quickly and remain well away from the building until signaled to return.

Smoking is not permitted on school property.

Harassment (verbal, emotional and/or physical) will be dealt with as a very serious matter.

Vandalism will result in consequences and the student will be expected to pay the cost of repair or replacement. Criminal charges may be laid.

Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on school property. Offenders will be prosecuted.

Physical confrontation of any form will result in a consequence as per Bill 212.


There is a direct link between good attendance and success in courses. Students who attend classes regularly and on time absorb more course content and have better access to teaching staff who provide extra help. T. A. Blakelock endeavors to support good attendance practices by implementing the following attendance policy.

Sign in/out procedures
Please enter all lates and early departures into the School Messenger system. When a student arrives late, they will go straight to their class where their teacher will sign them in. If they are leaving early, please let the teacher know through email as well as entering it into the School Messenger program. All students under 18 years old must have a parent or guardian permission to leave early.  If parents need any help in signing in or out their student please contact  the Main Office. 

When possible, a student should inform the Main Office and the teacher in advance of any upcoming absences. If a student must be absent due to illness, personal or family reasons, or school authorized activities, it is the responsibility of the absent student to contact their teacher to receive any work they will need to complete during their absence.

A note must accompany legitimate absences from school on the date following the absence or a phone call to the Main Office on the day of the absence. Parents may phone the school anytime after hours and access the Attendance Mailbox (905) 827-1158 and pressing “1”. It is important that you provide the name of the student, your name, the relationship to the student, the student’s grade, the reason for the absence and the expected length of absence. All notes explaining absences are to be brought to the Main Office.

All absences will be reported to the home by an electronic phone system daily.  Multiple absences may result in home contact on the part of classroom teachers and/or administration. 

Absences during exams require a medical certificate to excuse a student.

Extended Absences
Please note that T. A. Blakelock High School recognizes the importance of full attendance for all students. We do not encourage leaves of absence but we will attempt to cooperate in exceptional circumstances requested by parents. Should a leave of 3 days or more be requested, your child must complete a leave of absence form that is available from the Main Office prior to the starting date of the leave.


Only students registered at T. A. Blakelock High School are permitted in the school and on the property. All visitors are expected to identify themselves and report to the Main Office. Visitors who have an educational purpose for being in the school will be issued a Visitor’s Pass for a specific time period. Visiting for social reasons during school hours is not permitted.

Students registered at Blakelock are reminded that similar rules regarding visitors apply at all schools.


During the school day, the buildings and grounds of T. A. Blakelock are open only to the students, staff and other Board personnel conducting business at the school.


School Bus
Bus Transportation is available to students who meet the guidelines of the Transportation Policy of the Halton District School Board. Bus routes and schedules are determined by the Transportation Department and are available prior to the start of the school year. Students are expected to follow the Code of Behaviour when riding buses and must comply with the directions and requests of the bus driver. Failure to do so may result in the loss of bus transportation for the student. Questions concerning eligibility or routes should be directed to the Transportation Department at 1-888-803-8660 during regular business hours.

Bicycle racks are provided at the front of the school. It is recommended that bicycles be locked to a rack with a sturdy lock and chain. Motorcyclists are to park on the front west side of the property. Parking on school property is a privilege. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed. All students are to park in the rear parking lot of the building only. Drive slowly and carefully. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed. Driving in an unsafe manner or parking in an unauthorized fashion will result in suspension of parking privileges. Loitering or lounging in cars is not permitted. For safety reasons, skateboards or roller blades are not to be used on school property.

You are expected to clean up your tables, put garbage in the receptacles, and return your trays to the kitchen. Food is to be consumed in the cafeteria only. We have found that if students do so in other areas it inevitably results in excessive litter. You can expect to sit at a clean table in the cafeteria and in return, are expected to clean up after yourself when you leave.


T. A. Blakelock High School is a smoke free environment. Students who smoke on school property will be subject to consequences as outlined in the Code of Behaviour and may be fined under the authority of the Tobacco Control Act.

Blakelock offers a full range of co-curricular activities, including clubs and special events organized by the key councils – Students’ Council, Arts Council, World Council, Safety and Well Being Team, Eco-School and Athletic Council. In general, most clubs meet weekly throughout the year and are student organized, operating under the guidance of a teacher-advisor. All students are welcome – listen to the announcements for meeting dates, times and places.

Dances and social events are hosted by the Students’ Council on a regular basis. All school-sponsored events are supervised by staff members and all school rules as outlined in the Code of Behaviour apply. Blakelock students are responsible for the conduct of their guests at school-sponsored events. A student card must be presented by all students attending Blakelock dances and events.


The athletic award system and some school team uniforms must be financed by funds raised by the school. In order that athletes contribute to this, the requirements are:

All athletes must possess a student card.

All athletes must pay a one-time athletic fee per year to assist with the purchase of equipment, uniforms, transportation, and awards.

Students who wish to use the Fitness Centre during their free time must purchase a fitness membership annually. These prices are listed within the registration package.

Parents should also review family insurance coverage. Student insurance coverage is available in early September.

Lockers are the property of the school and are chosen by the students when they start school. Students are encouraged to purchase their own lock to secure their chosen locker.

There is a Lost and Found Box located in the Cafeteria. Each semester end, any unclaimed items from the Lost and Found Box are donated to a charity. Students who find small valuable items are asked to turn them in to the Main Office promptly. Large items such as clothing can be placed inside the Lost and Found Box. Please mark your name in all articles for easy identification. Please do NOT leave valuables unattended. The school cannot provide security for such items or replace lost articles.

Only notices directly related to school functions may be displayed in the school and only after they have received approval from the Administration.

During the lunch periods, students are encouraged to use their time wisely. Students may relax in the Cafeteria or outdoors, study in the Library-Resource Centre, participate in the Fitness Centre, or supervised informal gym activities when available.

Lessons are going on in the school all day and it is difficult for students to concentrate if there is excessive noise in the halls. Unfortunately, even a normal conversation between you and a friend is clearly audible in classrooms you are passing and opening and closing lockers is too noisy to be ignored. We have found that the only way to control the level of these disturbances is to request students to stay out of the halls during class time. In the lunch hours, we insist that students must only use one or two of the halls to travel between the cafeteria and the Resource Centre. Loitering is not permitted in corridors, under stairwells, or in foyers adjacent to exit areas.