From the Principal...

November 3, 2023

Start of November Message to TAB Families

Dear T.A. Blakelock Tigers Community,

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for another productive week here at the school.  We’ve had students participating in a number of field trips and other experiential learning activities this week - which is fantastic! 

We want to thank the Ontario Provincial Honour Band for visiting the school this past Friday and putting on a wonderful music performance for the staff and students at T.A. Blakelock! 

The renovations at the school continue and we are excited to announce that we expect two more classrooms to be completed and ready to be used starting on Monday.

Please take a look at the information below related to upcoming events and opportunities here at the school.

Student Services Update:

e-Learning Opt Out Form:

Community Involvement Hours

Grade 10 Event: A Future that Fits

Scholarship Info

Messaging from Student Council:

Career Fair

Coffee House:

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Lunchtime Gym:

Information and Links:  

We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. 


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

October 29th Message to TAB Families

Dear T.A. Blakelock Tigers Community,

Thank you all for another great week at the school.  We had our I-STEM information session this past Thursday and if you have a child in grade 8 who is interested in applying for this program, you can find more information by using the following I-STEM information link.

There are many things coming up at the school and please take a moment to review the following information.

Take Our Kids to Work Day:

Music Department Update:

Student Services Update:

Gap Years

e-Learning Opt Out Form:

Students in Grades 9 - 11 may continue to submit this form until the Fall of their Grade 12 year.

Community Involvement Hours

Sheridan Field Trip

Grade 10 Event: A Future that Fits

Transcript Requests

Messaging from Student Council:

No Can, No Can Park

Career Fair

Coffee House:

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Lunchtime Gym:

Information and Links:  

We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. 


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

October 23, 2023

Halloween Messaging 2023

With Halloween approaching, we’re reaching out to provide information about how our school will be celebrating the day and also to provide some guidance to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all students and staff on the day. 

Please note, there is no expectation for your child to dress up in a costume. If your child(ren) choose(s) to dress up in a costume for Halloween, please ensure that they are contributing to the positive climate that our school is cultivating around recognizing Halloween. 


Thank you for your support.
T.A. Blakelock High School Administration

October 22 Message to TAB Community

Dear T.A. Blakelock Tigers Community,

I hope that you are doing well.  Thank you to everyone who came out for our parent/guardian - teacher interviews on Thursday night.  With the renovations taking place, it was our first opportunity to welcome everyone into the school and continue to discuss the great work that our staff and students are doing together.

The renovations continue to make progress and we look forward being able to showcase all of the newly renovated spaces soon.  We very much appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding as we do our best to navigate these exciting changes to the school.

Please take a look at the following information.

I-STEM information night for grade 8’s

Take Our Kids to Work Day:

Music Department Update:

I-STEM Update:

Student Services Update:

Scholarship Update 

Transcript Requests

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Lunchtime Gym:

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Update:

Halton Region Immunization Requirement

Information and Links:  

Thank you for another great week and we look forward to seeing you this coming Thursday.


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

October 15th Message to TAB Families

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

Hello T.A. Blakelock community.  Thank-you for another productive week here at the school.  It was a short week with Monday being a holiday, however many things were happening at the school. Thank you to all of the students, staff and community members for their efforts this week.

I also wanted to share some unfortunate news with you.  This past week, we had some significant vandalism done to one of the male washrooms in the East wing of the school.  We are doing our best to gather information related to this incident, please take some time to speak to your child(ren) about this incident.  Should they have anything to share about this vandalism, we would very much appreciate learning about it.  Such acts cause us to divert resources to the repair of these areas and at times have to close washrooms because they are not fit to be used.  

Any information is always appreciated.

Please take a look at the following information.

Parent/Guardian- Teacher Interviews:

I-STEM information night for grade 8’s:

Take Our Kids to Work Day:

Student Services Update:

Scholarship Update 

The University of Toronto’s National Book Award - Deadline for non school sponsored applications submitted directly to U of T: October 19, 2023 (11:59pm EDT)

The University of Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship - Deadline for school sponsored application to Guidance: November 1, 2023 at 3:00pm. 

Transcript Requests

Students who require a transcript are asked to please complete this Google form:

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Update:

OSSLT Save the Date!

Information and Links:  

Thank you for another great week and we look forward to seeing you this coming Thursday.


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

October 8, 2023

Thanksgiving Message to TAB Families

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

Hello Tigers!  We hope that you are all having an enjoyable long weekend. This is a friendly reminder that Monday Oct. 9 is Thanksgiving Monday and there will be no school that day.  There are some important dates coming up related to 5th week reports and parent/guardian-teacher interviews. 

Please take a look at the following information.

5th Week Reports:

Parent/Guardian- Teacher Interviews:

Construction at Rebecca St. and Lees Lane:

Take Our Kids to Work Day:

Student Services Update:

Community Hours Opportunities

Hang Out Space for students new to Canada and HDSB

Scholarship Update 

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:



All volunteers within the school or chaperoning any trip on or off site MUST submit the following:

If volunteers will be driving students somewhere, they need the first two documents PLUS:

If volunteers have submitted police checks to the main office in the past 3 years, they can submit a signed: 

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Update:

OSSLT Save the Date!

From Halton Student Transportation Services

Notification of Delays to Families

Information and Links:  

I hope that you all have a great weekend! 


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

October 2, 2023

Community Message - Language

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I’m writing to you today to bring awareness about an incident that took place at the school resulting in the use of the HDSB’s Discriminatory and Harmful Language Protocol.  The protocol informs the work that staff engage in and the steps that we take in the event that discriminatory and harmful language is used at school or at school related functions.  The intent of the protocol is to provide awareness to all members of the school community on the expectations that exist to create a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Recently, there was an incident at school where the ‘n-word’ was referenced. This interaction has had a significantly negative impact on those involved. The use of the ‘n-word’ - whether it be spoken aloud, written, and/or printed, be implied or referenced directly or indirectly - is not acceptable.  It causes harm and we take these incidents seriously. Engaging in these types of actions, can result in significant consequences including notifying the police, suspension or the consideration of expulsion from the school. 

These same expectations hold true to any action or use of language that is deemed to be discriminatory or harmful to anyone based on their race, religion, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, family status, mental or physical ability, socioeconomic status, culture, citizenship or origin.  Such words and actions have no place in our school or community.

The students and staff at T.A. Blakelock have demonstrated the ability to achieve many great things together and to work collaboratively to create a welcoming and supportive school community.  Schools are a place of learning and sometimes the most important lessons go beyond the walls of the classroom.   

With that being said, the work related to discriminatory and harmful language will continue.  This is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders (ie: staff, students, parents and community members).  We will continue to engage in meaningful dialogue with our students, staff and school community as we work together to be better and do better.  

Please take some time to review the Discriminatory and Harmful Language Protocol and this message with your child(ren).  I hope it is an opportunity to discuss its contents and the impact that words can, and do have.  

Should you have any questions related to this message, please feel free to contact the school.


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

October 2 Message to TAB

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

Hello Tiger Community!  Thank you for another great week here at the school.  Thank you to our team of teachers and students who helped to organize a number of learning opportunities connected to Truth and Reconciliation Week.  You will see more information below about the upcoming P.A. Day this Friday Oct 6.  This is also a friendly reminder that next Monday Oct. 9 is Thanksgiving Monday and there will be no school that day.

P.A. Day Information:

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:



All volunteers within the school or chaperoning any trip on or off site MUST submit the following:

If volunteers will be driving students somewhere, they need the first two documents PLUS:

If volunteers have submitted police checks to the main office in the past 3 years, they can submit a signed: 

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Update:

OSSLT Save the Date!

Student Services Update:

Scholarship Update 

Grade 12 and 12+ Field Trip to Sheridan College

Ontario Universities Application Centre Resource

Grade 12 Guidance Visits

From Halton Student Transportation Services

Notification of Delays to Families

School Parking lot and Driveway:

Information and Links:  

I hope that you all have a great week!


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

September 24, 2023

Week 3 Message to TAB Community

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

Hello Tiger Community!  Thank you for another great week here at the school.  We had many students participate in our Terry Fox Run/Walk and we thank everyone for their support of this event.  The T.A. Blakelock Club Fair took place this past Thursday and it was a great opportunity for students to learn more about the plethora of ways that students can get involved at the school. Students are encouraged to connect with their teachers should they have any questions about the Club Fair.

We would also like to remind everyone about the HDSB’s Code of Conduct  and Discriminatory & Harmful Language Protocol.  As situations arise, these documents contain important information about the work that takes place in schools and provides students with information about the expectations while at school.  We appreciate you taking the time to review these documents with your student(s) as well.

School Council Upcoming Events:

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day 

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Athletics Update:

Student Services Update:

Queen’s Leadership, Excellence, and Development Conference (QLEAD)

Grade 12 Post Secondary Parent Night

Scholarship Update 

Grade 12 Questionnaire

From Halton Student Transportation Services

Notification of Delays to Families

School Parking lot and Driveway:

Information and Links:  

Thank you again everyone for another wonderful week here Blakelock!


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

September 15, 2023

Week Two Message to TAB Community

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

Hello Tiger Community!  Thank you for another great week here at the school.  There are many opportunities for students to get involved this year and there will be a Club Fair taking place next Thursday in the big gym. It will be a chance for students to learn more about all of the wonderful extra-curricular opportunities here at the school.

You will also read some additional information about Terry Fox and some other upcoming events in the following weekly update.

School Council Upcoming Events:

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Terry Fox Run

Student Services Update:

Timetable Changes

Mandatory eLearning credits

Post Secondary Exploration Conference, October 25

Grade 12 Post Secondary Parent Night

Scholarship Update 

Guidance Appointment Booking

I-STEM Update:

School Parking lot and Driveway:

Information and Links:  

Thank you again everyone for another fantastic week here Blakelock! 


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School

End of First Week Message to TAB Families

Sept.10, 2023

Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

Hello Tiger Community!  We had a fantastic first week of the school and we want to thank everyone for all of their efforts as we kick off the start of another school year.  A BIG shout out goes to the staff and students of the Tiger Crew who did a great job of welcoming our grade 9 students to T.A. Blakelock and making them feel a part of our great community.

There will be many opportunities to get involved this school year and all students are encouraged to participate to the fullest - in the classroom and beyond.

We look forward to sharing updates and information as the school year progresses and please take a look at some of the upcoming events and opportunities.

Go Tigers!

School Council Upcoming Events:

Music Department Update:

Student Services Update:

Timetable Changes

Community Involvement

Mandatory eLearning credits

Post Secondary Exploration Conference in October

School Parking lot and Driveway:

Athletics and Phys Ed Information:

Municipal Enforcement Services Information:

Information and Links:  

Thank you again everyone for a great first week! 


Paul Dawson
Principal - T.A. Blakelock High School