Learning Resources

Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs)

Grade 9 - Meghan Mansfield (mansfieldm@hdsb.ca)

Grade 10 - Ian Beaupre (beauprei@hdsb.ca)

Grade 11 - Jason Kana (kanaj@hdsb.ca)

Grade 12 - Ross Sumner (sumnerro@hdsb.ca)

Enrichment Opportunities

Shad Canada is a STEAM and entrepreneurship program for students in grade 10 and 11.

If you are an outstanding Grade 12 student and wish to enroll in a university-level course while completing Grade 12 U and M courses in your final year of study, you may apply for the Enrichment Program. 

For Grades 9-12; Venture Academy offers engaging hand-on experience for students of all ages with an interest in Engineering & Science!

Organized by the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, DEEP offers a diverse range of pre-university engineering and science courses.

Faculties of Law and Medicine summer mentoring programs

The council is about empowering youth to 'be the change.' Council members think big, SpeakUp and take action to help other students across the province. They share perspectives and act as change agents by expressing their views directly to the Minister of Education.

A week in Ottawa with students from across Canada

An opportunity to study one of eleven sub-themes for Ages 14-17


Take Harvard courses in subjects that interest you!

“the World is our classroom”   Travel the world, study abroad or next door      

You can make a difference!