Daily Announcements
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
There is a meeting for Swim Team members at lunch today. Please come to the Health Room for a brief 15 minute meeting at the start of lunch.
Do you like chocolate? Are you looking for a date for Valentine's Day? Well drop by the library and check out our Blind Date with a Book!!! Who knows you may just find your perfect match and fall in love. Take a chance with a book and then enter a draw for a chance to win a Valentine's Box of chocolates. This is the LAST DAY to enter the draw!!
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 today during lunch for debate club. Don't forget to bring a pen, some paper, and a friend! New members are welcome. See you there!
For the first time, TAB will be fielding a Girls Touch Football team this spring! Any girls interested in playing Touch Football and trying out for the team should attend a meeting in S204 with Mr. Stevens tomorrow at the beginning of lunch. This will be a varsity team, so girls in any grade may attend.
Shout out to the Junior Boys Basketball team for a great season. The Tigers fell short in a close semi-final game yesterday against Hayden. The boys competed hard all season and made their coaches proud. Great work, Tigers!
The Junior Girls Volleyball team played OT yesterday in the Halton Semi finals and started off by losing game one in a close battle and then the JR Tigers came back and won Game 2 but came up a little short in game 3. The Team played well all season and had lots of fun and we are all very proud of their play! Great job, Tigers!
Hey Tigers!!! Come to the T today during lunch to buy an eco-friendly gift for your Valentine. The Eco Club will be selling Seedling grams for a quarter. See you there.
Want to gift something handmade to your Valentine? If you answered yes, then the Wellness Club will have all the supplies available for you. Come to W208 tomorrow during lunch to unwind while hand-crafting something special for that special someone.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Hey Tigers, make sure you bring canned goods TODAY to the T to receive valentines candy grams for our Spread the Love Food Drive! You can get 2 candy grams for each can you bring in and 10 candy grams if you bring in 3 cans. These candy grams will be handed out to students of your choosing on Thursday the 13th. So help spread the love and bring a can blakelock!
Do you like chocolate? Are you looking for a date for Valentine's Day? Well drop by the library and check out our Blind Date with a Book!!! Who knows you may just find your perfect match and fall in love. Take a chance with a book and then enter a draw for a chance to win a Valentine's Box of chocolates.
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 tomorrow during lunch for the debate club. New members are welcome! See you there!
For the first time, TAB will be fielding a Girls Touch Football team this spring! Any girls interested in playing Touch Football and trying out for the team should attend a meeting in S204 with Mr. Stevens on Thursday at the beginning of lunch. This will be a Varsity Team, so girls in any grade may attend.
Are you interested in gifting something hand made on Valentine’s Day? If you answered yes to that question then come by to W208 on Thursday during lunch to make cards, draw, or paint. The Wellness club will have all the materials available. You can unwind while hand crafting something for your Valentine.
Hey Tigers!!! Wouldn’t it be amazing to give something on Valentine's Day that is eco friendly and helps the environment? If you love that idea, then the Eco Club has you covered. Come by to the T on Thursday with a quarter to buy a “Seedling gram” for your Valentine. See you there!!!
For over 20 years, Women as Career Coaches (WACC) has brought together thousands of youth and mentors from the Halton Region and beyond to engage in informal conversation, listen to a line-up of inspiring spotlight speakers, and participate in panel discussions about various career pathways.
This empowering evening is designed to provide the next generation with the opportunity to discover a wide range of potential career paths. Youth thrive when surrounded by strong adult role models who help create an evening of support and empowerment as they navigate the professional world. Mentors and career coaches from various professions, post-secondary pathways, and education levels are invited to speak to attendees.
If you are interested in attending this year’s event on April 2nd at the Burlington Convention Centre, please drop into Guidance for a registration form. Space is limited.
Congratulations to the Junior Boys Basketball Team for their huge win over Georgetown yesterday. Rowan Samuel led the way with 22 points as the Tigers took down the Raiders 74-63. Good luck to the boys as they travel to Hayden today to compete in the Halton Semi-Finals. Let's go Tigers!
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Volleyball team for their 2-1 Win over Craig Kielburger! Good luck with your Semi-Final match today against OT! Go Tigers!!
A reminder to Symphonic Winds members. Rehearsal tonight is mandatory and we will run until 5 PM so please make arrangements to stay until five.
Today is Picture Day Blakelock! If you are new to the school or missed it in September, today is your chance to get your picture taken for your student ID card and yearbook. Students will be called down from class to the Tigers Den. Teachers don’t forget to get your photo taken too.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Hey Tigers, make sure you bring canned goods TODAY and TOMORROW to the T to receive valentines candy grams for our Spread the Love Food Drive! You can get 2 candy grams for each can you bring in and 10 candy grams if you bring in 3 cans. These candy grams will be handed out to students of your choosing on Thursday the 13th. So help spread the love and bring a can Blakelock!
Do you like chocolate? Are you looking for a date for Valentine's Day? Well drop by the library and check out our Blind Date with a Book!!! Who knows you may just find your perfect match and fall in love. Take a chance with a book and then enter a draw for a chance to win a Valentine's Box of chocolates.
For anyone who is interested in the Ski or Snowboard Cross Event, please meet in the Health Room at the start of lunch for a brief meeting. Thanks, Ms. Sydor and Ms. Crippen.
This was a BIG weekend for DECA Regionals and we were not disappointed.
A big shout out to all our DECA executives and to everyone who participated in the Regionals where more than 6000 students were competing to secure medals and a few coveted spots in the Internationals being held in Orlando, Florida this year!
We have 5 medal winners: Atharv Mishra, Kieran Roy, Susan Fei, Ava Puhlmann and Vanessa Vamvakaris. Congratulations to all our winners. AND …. Drum roll please … three Blakelock students qualified for Internationationals in Orlando, Florida this year! Vanessa Vamvakaris, Ava Puhlmann and Susan Fei all qualified for ICDC are headed to Orlando in April!
A special mention: McKayla Miller, Christian Kristo, Yuvaansh Kapila and Jonah Lim Tran scored impressive high points.
Congratulations to our winners and to everyone! GO TIGERS!
Just a reminder that the Student Council is hosting the General Council meeting today at lunch in W204. If you are a representative or the leader of any club that runs in this school, please come to the general council meeting to discuss your plans and potentially collaborate with other clubs! Again, come to W204 at lunch if you run any club or committee!
Relay for Life is running a bake sale on Feb 12at the T. All proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Tomorrow is picture day! If you are new to the school or missed getting your photo taken in September, then you can have your photo taken tomorrow. Edge photography will be in tomorrow morning in the Tigers Den. Students will be called down from class for their photo.
Friday, February 7, 2025
The last day to request course changes for semester 2 is today. Please use the Google form included in the timetable email you received last week. Please drop into Guidance if you have any questions.
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Calling all TAB Mathletes! The next round of Math contests are coming up soon. Please join the TAB Math Contest google classroom for more information to register, or stop by the Math office in E217 and ask for help! Registration is due Feb. 10th.
Hey tigers, make sure you bring canned goods TODAY and next Monday and Tuesday to the T to receive valentines candy grams for our Spread the Love Food Drive! You can get 2 candy grams for each can you bring in and 10 candy grams if you bring in 3 cans. These candy grams will be handed out to students of your choosing on Thursday the 13th. So help spread the love and bring a can Blakelock!
Do you like chocolate? Are you looking for a date for Valentine's Day? Well drop by the Library and check out our Blind Date with a Book!!! Who knows you may just find your perfect match and fall in love. Take a chance with a book and then enter a draw for a chance to win a Valentine's Box of chocolates.
Hey Blakelock! To celebrate the start of our Relay for Life campaign this year, the Relay for Life committee will be hosting a bake sale! Stop by the T on Wednesday, February 12th at lunch and buy a sweet treat to support a good cause!
A huge shout out to our Swim Team. They have shown amazing resilience and perseverance during a difficult season, and we want to take a minute to appreciate ALL our amazing swimmers. The Tiger Sharks went to Haltons on Wednesday, and made a strong showing as a team. Congratulations to our gold medal winners:
Natalie Pisek: Junior Girls 50 back
Zayden Dindayal: Open Boys 200 Individual Medley
Cameron Coxson: Open Girls 100 Individual Medley
Please wish them luck as we head to GHAC next Thursday!
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Calling all HOSA members there will be a meeting today in Room S208 during the first half of lunch.
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Calling all TAB Mathletes! The next round of Math contests are coming up soon. Please join the TAB Math Contest google classroom for more information to register, or stop by the Math office in E217 and ask for help! Registration is due Feb. 10th.
Hey Tigers, make sure you bring canned goods this Thursday and Friday and next Monday and Tuesday to the T to receive valentines candy grams for our Spread the Love Food Drive! You can get 2 candy grams for each can you bring in and 10 candy grams if you bring in 3 cans. These candy grams will be handed out to students of your choosing on Thursday the 13th. So help spread the love and bring a can Blakelock!
Do you like chocolate? Are you looking for a date for Valentine's Day? Well drop by the library and check out our Blind Date with a Book!!! Who knows you may just find your perfect match and fall in love. Take a chance with a book and then enter a draw for a chance to win a Valentine's Box of chocolates.
Tigers… RELAY FOR LIFE IS BACK! Come to the “T” Wednesday, February 12th, and support us by buying a treat in our Valentines Bake Sale! All proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society, and with your help, we can have another fantastic year!
Shout out to the Girls Hockey team who took down the first place Burlington Central Trojans 5-1 yesterday extending their winning streak to three games. Great work Tigers!
Interested in Junior Girls Soccer? Tryouts start today in the large gym at lunch. If you did not sign up please see Mr. Butler in the phys-ed office or at lunch.
That’s Junior Girls Soccer tryout today at lunch in the large gym.
A reminder to Choir members, we will be rehearsing today. Please be there. New members are welcome!
A HUGE CONGRATS to our Ski and Snowboard team who competed in GHAC yesterday! A special shout out to Rhys Mackay, who came in first overall for the men’s open Ski event, and to Alex, Rhys, Ayden, and Luke who came in first overall for the men’s open team event. Go Tigers!
A reminder for students interested in the Waterloo CCC meeting is today at lunch in S205.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The last day to request course changes for semester 2 is Friday. Please use the Google form included in the timetable email you received on Friday afternoon. Please drop into Guidance if you have any questions.
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 today during lunch for debate club, and don't forget to bring a pen and some paper. New members are welcome! See you there!
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Calling all TAB Mathletes! The next round of Math contests are coming up soon. Please join the TAB Math Contest google classroom for more information to register, or stop by the Math office in E217 and ask for help! Registration is due Feb. 10th.
Hey Tigers, Valentine’s Day is on the Horizon so it’s time to show some spirit. In collaboration with the Spread the Love Food Drive, trade in your canned goods at the T and get rewarded with one Candy Gram per can! Candy Grams can also be bought for money, receiving 1 for a dollar. Be ready to spread some love and help a good cause!
Buongiorno March Break Travellers! There is a short meeting today during lunch in W 204. We will be sharing important information about our upcoming trip. See you all there! Grazie!
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Volleyball Team for their 2 - 0 win over Elsie MacGill. The Jr. Tigers got a lead in Game 1 with awesome setting by Ashlyn, great serves by Peyton, Tessa and Viktoria and all! Good luck with your match on Thursday vs. Craig Kielburger!!
Do you like chocolate? Are you looking for a date for Valentine's Day? Well drop by the library and check out our Blind Date with a Book!!! Who knows you may just find your perfect match and fall in love. Take a chance with a book and then enter a draw for a chance to win a Valentine's Box of chocolates.
Attention programing students the Waterloo Canadian Computing Competition is fast approaching. If you are interested, remember to come to S205 at lunch tomorrow for registration and information.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Attention Ski and Snowboard team! There will be a mandatory meeting this TODAY in the health room at the beginning of lunch.
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 tomorrow during lunch for the debate club. New members are welcome! See you there!
Calling All Creative Minds!
Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?
Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!
When: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: During Lunch
Where: Room S107
All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.
Calling all TAB Mathletes! The next round of Math contests are coming up soon. Please join the TAB Math Contest google classroom for more information to register, or stop by the Math office in E217 and ask for help! Registration is due Feb. 10th.
A reminder to all Symphonic Winds members we have a mandatory rehearsal tonight after school. If you cannot attend but wish to stay in the band, please email Mrs. Barry.
TAB Senate will be having a MANDATORY meeting today during the second half of lunch. Please attend.
Student Book Club members will be meeting today at lunch in S103. See you there!
Monday, February 3, 2025
The last day to request course changes for semester 2 is Friday. Please use the Google form included in the timetable email you received on Friday afternoon. Please drop into Guidance if you have any questions.
February is Black History. Everyday we will make an announcement sharing stories of Black excellence!
Today we are talking about Abraham Beverley Walker. Mr. Walker was a New Brunswick-born lawyer and journalist. He was the first black lawyer in New Brunswick, and the first black lawyer born in what is now Canada. Mr. Walker was the first non-white student to attend the University of New Brunswick and the first black New Brunswicker to publish a magazine.
Attention Ski and Snowboard team! There will be a mandatory meeting this Tuesday in the health room at the beginning of lunch.
Calling all Symphonic Winds members! We have a mandatory rehearsal tomorrow after school. I need everyone there. MusicFest is coming up VERY SOON!
Senior Badminton tryouts start today in the large gym at lunch. Don’t forget your form!
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Semester 2 timetables will be resent to student email addresses tomorrow afternoon. Timetables will include course changes that have been processed up to today, January 30. If you submitted a course change request and do not see the course on your timetable tomorrow, you have been placed on a waitlist. Guidance will follow up with students on waitlists when space in a course is available.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet.
We’ll be making stress balls today in the Library Learning Commons. Stress balls will help you unwind and release some tension before final evaluation time. It’s a great way to get creative, relax, and recharge! Come by, take a deep breath, and leave with a stress ball to help get you through final evaluations! All are welcome!
Anyone interested in trying out for Jr. and Sr. Badminton please go to the phys-ed office at lunch for sign up and forms.
Anyone interested in Jr. or Sr. Girls soccer please go to the phys-ed office at lunch for sign up and forms.
This is it, Tigers! The LAST FULL DAY of semester one! As we head into exams, please remember today’s WELLNESS WORDS…
"Don't Stress. Do Your Best. Forget The Rest."
Keep your heads up and believe in yourselves, Tigers! Good luck with exams!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Reminder to Students Making Hot Cocoa Mix in a Jar! Don’t forget – the Hot Cocoa Mix in a Jar activity is happening TODAY during lunch in the Library Learning Commons! Come join us for 10 minutes of fun to de-stress and create your own hot cocoa mix. You’ll even be able to enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate to sip on while studying for your final evaluations! See you there!
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet.
Looking for a CALM, QUIET place to prepare for your Performance Tasks and exams during lunch? If you answered YES to that question, then you need to know that W208 -- the Wellness Club room -- will be open today and tomorrow during lunch to give you a space to do just that. Come on up!
Hey TAB! Are you ready for an evening of creativity and inspiration before we all head into final exams? Tomorrow evening - Wednesday, January 22, from 6 - 8 pm - the Grade 12 Art students are hosting the highly anticipated Grade 12 Art Show! Come see the incredible talent of TAB students on full display. There will be paintings, drawings, sculptures, digital art, and so much more! Whether you’re an art lover or just art curious, this is an event you don’t want to miss. See you there!
a reminder to all symphonic winds members, we will have a shorter rehearsal today after school only until 4 PM so you can all go home and study afterward. See you there.
This week our WELLNESS WORDS continue to offer tips, advice and framing for thinking as you head into the EXAM component of the FINAL 30. Here is today’s message…
"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."
So .. this message is clearly about VALUES. VALUES and PRIORITIES. If you place WORK ahead of success then you are likely to find it …. WORK is essential to SUCCESS … it’s as simple as that!! One day and one step at a time, Tigers. Make a daily plan and stick to it. You CAN do this!
Monday, January 20, 2025
Night School semester two classes are now open for registration on MyBlueprint. Registration closes on Thursday, February 13th. The course list includes Math, English and Co-Op classes as well as a Korean Language class. All classes will run in-person at Abbey Park HS.
Classes will only run if there are sufficient registrations. Night School will email students to confirm registrations, changes and cancellations.
Academic and Language applications are to be submitted on myBlueprint. Students wishing to register for Co-Op are asked to please drop by Guidance to pick up a registration form.
Tomorrow is the last day to self-nominate for the Schulich Leader Scholarship. Information was sent home in last week’s school message. If interested, please complete the Schulich Leader nomination google form by January 21, 2025 at 11:59PM .
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 this Friday at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
Calling all Mathletes here at TAB! The next set of Math Contests are coming up soon. Please sign up using the link in the TAB Math Contests Google Classroom. If you are not yet a member of our TAB Math Contest group, or need help to register, come to the Math office in E217 at lunch.
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet.
We are at the end of the semester, Tigers and our WELLNESS WORDS are here to reinforce the messaging that will lead you all to success in the your Final 30 evaluations. Here is today’s message…
"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."
Your job today is to do your best today. That might include some planning for the week ahead, yes, but no one is asking you to do everything all at once. One day and one step at a time, Tigers. You CAN do this!
Friday, January 17, 2025
Course Selection for the 2025-26 school year closes for current grade 9s today! Please ensure you select your courses through www.myblueprint.ca today if you have not already!
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 Today at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Tuesday, January 21st during lunch to make your very own Hot Cocoa Mix in a Jar! It’s the perfect way to treat yourself (and maybe a friend!) to a warm, delicious pick-me-up during those long study sessions. Limited Supplies – Sign Up Today! We’ve got all the ingredients ready for you to create your own special cocoa blend, but spots will fill up fast! Don’t miss out – sign up today in the LLC and get ready for some sweet, cozy vibes during finals week!
Reminder to all symphonic winds percussionists. We will have a sectional rehearsal today at lunch. Please be there if you can!
Course Selection for the 2025-26 school year closes on today for current Grade 10s, 11s and returning Grade 12s. Please ensure you submit by the end of today and include your parent/guardian email address when you submit!
Today is the last day of the Eco Club’s Winter Clothing Drive. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations of gently used winter clothing. Thank you for all of the donations this week, Tigers. They will be going to those in need and you are doing your part in reducing the amount of waste being sent to our landfills. Our community and environment thank you.
Reminder to all DECA provincial qualifiers, there will be a mandatory meeting today at lunch in S107/S108, see you there !
A big congratulations to our Ski and snowboard team who competed in Haltons yesterday… a special shout out goes to Hayden Price, who won silver for women’s individual racing, and to Aydan Dewees, Rhys MacKay, Alex Harrington, and Luke MacKay for winning gold in men’s team racing.
Interested in the Healthcare SHSM? Ms. Branch and Ms. Osmond will be available TODAY during the first half of lunch, in room s209, to answer any questions you may have!
The end of a LONG week. And It has been A LOT of work. Here are today’s WELLNESS WORDS to take you into the weekend.
"If you feel 'burnout' setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself."
Be sure to take some time for some SELF CARE … and to RE-ENERGIZE this weekend, Tigers! We all deserve it!! … then come back on Monday ready to meet the challenges of the final push of the semester!
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 Friday at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
Hey HOSA members! There will be a HOSA meeting today at lunch in Room S208. See you there!
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet. Tomorrow is your last day to donate, Tigers!
We’ll be making stress balls today in the Library Learning Commons. Stress balls will help you unwind and release some tension before final evaluation time. It’s a great way to get creative, relax, and recharge! Come by, take a deep breath, and leave with a stress ball to help get you through final evaluations! This is the last day we will be making stress balls before final evaluations All are welcome!
Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Tuesday, January 21st during lunch to make your very own Hot Cocoa Mix in a Jar! It’s the perfect way to treat yourself (and maybe a friend!) to a warm, delicious pick-me-up during those long study sessions. Limited Supplies – Sign Up Today! We’ve got all the ingredients ready for you to create your own special cocoa blend, but spots will fill up fast! Don’t miss out – sign up today in the LLC and get ready for some sweet, cozy vibes during finals week!
Looking for a CALM, QUIET place to prepare for your Performance Tasks and exams during lunch today? Or maybe a place just relax a bit with some QUIET self care activities … like doing some mindful colouring or a puzzle? If you answered YES come on up to W208 -- the Wellness Club room -- today during lunch. New faces welcomed
Reminder to all DECA provincial qualifiers, there will be a mandatory meeting Friday at lunch in S107/S108, see you there!
Interested in the Healthcare SHSM? Ms. Branch and Ms. Osmond will be available tomorrow during the first half of lunch, in room s209, to answer any questions you may have!
a reminder to choir members that we have rehearsal today. If you can’t be there, please let Mrs. Barry know. New members are welcome!
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Volleyball team who beat Aldershot 2 games to 1!!!! Overall, great team play led to the victory. Way to go Tigers!!! Good luck on your exams!!
Today’s WELLNESS WORDS are short and sweet, but send an important message. Here they are ….
"Don't wish for it. Work for it!"
That’s it. SIMPLE, DIRECT and POWERFUL. Now work hard today, Tigers and finish strong!
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 this Friday at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
A message for ski club- please meet in the heath room today at the start of lunch for an important meeting about your race tomorrow.
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet.
We’ll be making stress balls today in the Library Learning Commons. Stress balls will help you unwind and release some tension before final evaluation time. It’s a great way to get creative, relax, and recharge! Come by, take a deep breath, and leave with a stress ball to help get you through final evaluations! All are welcome!
Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Tuesday, January 21st during lunch to make your very own Hot Cocoa Mix in a Jar! It’s the perfect way to treat yourself (and maybe a friend!) to a warm, delicious pick-me-up during those long study sessions. Limited Supplies – Sign Up Today! We’ve got all the ingredients ready for you to create your own special cocoa blend, but spots will fill up fast! Don’t miss out – sign up today in the LLC and get ready for some sweet, cozy vibes during finals week!
Congratulations to the girls hockey team for their win yesterday against the Nelson Lords. Holly Brimacombe led the way with a hat trick as the girls cruised to a 4-1 victory. Great work tigers!
Course Selection for the 2025-26 school year closes on Friday for current Grade 10s, 11s and returning Grade 12s. Please ensure you submit by the end of day on Friday and include your parent/guardian email address when you submit!
Brass players - reminder that there is a special workshop happening today at lunch in the music room. Come and hang out and learn from an expert!
Here we are, Tigers. Already half way through our last full week of classes for Semester one. The work is getting intense and the stress is real. Here are WELLNESS WORDS to give you a little boost.
"Stop doubting yourself, work hard, and make it happen."
You CAN do this, Tigers! Make a plan and make it happen!
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 this Friday at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
Feeling the stress as final evaluations approach? Take a break and join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, January 16th during lunch for a fun and relaxing activity! We’ll be making stress balls, perfect for helping you unwind and release some tension before final evaluation time. It’s a great way to get creative, relax, and recharge! Come by, take a deep breath, and leave with a stress ball to help get you through final evaluations! All are welcome!
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet.
Looking for a CALM, QUIET place to prepare for your Performance Tasks and exams during lunch? If you answered YES to that question, then you need to know that W208 -- the Wellness Club room -- will be open today and THURSDAY during lunch to give you a space to do just that. Come on up!
Congratulations to the Jr. Girl’s Volleyball Team for their 2-1 victory over the Garth Webb Chargers. The Tigers mauled the Chargers 25-9 in game 1, lost game two and then won game 3 and took the match! The Tigers play away at Aldershot on Wednesday. Good luck Tigers!
Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Tuesday, January 21st during lunch to make your very own Hot Cocoa Mix in a Jar! It’s the perfect way to treat yourself (and maybe a friend!) to a warm, delicious pick-me-up during those long study sessions. Limited Supplies – Sign Up Today! We’ve got all the ingredients ready for you to create your own special cocoa blend, but spots will fill up fast! Don’t miss out – sign up today in the LLC and get ready for some sweet, cozy vibes during finals week!
a reminder to symphonic winds members - we have a rehearsal today after school. New members are welcome!
This week our WELLNESS WORDS continue to offer tips and advice for navigating all the work and stress that comes during January Crunch time. Here is today’s message…
"Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You're Strong. You Got This. Take it day by day."
Similar message to yesterday …Your job today is to do your best today. no one is asking you to do everything all at once. One day and one step at a time, Tigers. Make a daily plan and stick to it. You CAN do this!
Monday , January 13, 2025
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 this Friday at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
Feeling the stress as final evaluations approach? Take a break and join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, January 16th during lunch for a fun and relaxing activity! We’ll be making stress balls, perfect for helping you unwind and release some tension before final evaluation time. It’s a great way to get creative, relax, and recharge! Come by, take a deep breath, and leave with a stress ball to help get you through final evaluations! All are welcome!
Last week, the Ontario University Application Centre sent a message to many Grade 12 students across Ontario indicating their application was incomplete due to missing grades. For most students, this message was sent in error. However, we ask that all students who have applied to post secondary to please log into their accounts this week to verify that their marks and courses are showing. If there are any issues, please contact your Guidance Counsellor ASAP.
Grade 12 students: Important Scholarship information was sent in last week’s School Messenger. Please ensure you check the Scholarship section of each week’s email for important updates. Two large scholarships were referenced last week! We are now accepting self-nominations for the Schulich Leader Scholarships and Western National Scholarships.
January 15th, 2025 is the Equal Consideration date for students applying to Ontario Universities this year. Students are urged to apply in advance of this date if they have not already. February 1st, 2025 is the Ontario Colleges Equal Consideration date.
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? Eco Club is once again running the Winter Clothing Drive to collect gently used winter clothing. Come down to the “T” during lunch this week with your donations. If you donate, you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet.
Looking for a CALM, QUIET place to prepare for your Performance Tasks and exams during lunch? If you answered YES to that question, then you need to know that W208 -- the Wellness Club room -- will be open today, tomorrow and THURSDAY during lunch to give you a space to do just that. Come on up!
It’s January Crunch time, Tigers and this week, our WELLNESS WORDS will offer you tips and advice for navigating all the work and stress that comes with the end of the semester. Here is today’s message…
"Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase."
Your job today is to do your best today. That might include some planning for the week ahead, yes, but no one is asking you to do everything all at once. One day and one step at a time, Tigers. You CAN do this!
Friday , January 10, 2025
Course Selection for the 2025-26 school year closes for current grade 9s today! Please ensure you select your courses through www.myblueprint.ca today if you have not already!
Are you a grade 12 student interested in being a part of the prom committee? The time has come! The first meeting will be held in room W202 next Thursday at lunch. Please see Ms Rudge or Ms Elliott if you have any questions.
Feeling the stress as final evaluations approach? Take a break and join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, January 16th during lunch for a fun and relaxing activity! We’ll be making stress balls and worry dolls, perfect for helping you unwind and release some tension before final evaluation time. It’s a great way to get creative, relax, and recharge! Come by, take a deep breath, and leave with a stress ball or a worry doll to help get you through final evaluations! All are welcome!
Reminder to all symphonic winds percussionists. We will have a sectional rehearsal today at lunch. Please be there if you can!
We made it, Tigers! … the end of our first week back and the first week of January Crunch time is almost here. A lot is happening in your classes right now, so please listen to today’s WELLNESS WORDS to take with you into your day and your weekend. Here they are …
"Sometimes the best thing to do is take a step back, breathe, rest your mind, and come at it with a fresh perspective."
You CAN do this, TIGERS. Use the weekend to rest your brain and make a plan to navigate the end of the semester so that you can come back strong and ready on Monday for the week ahead. Have a great weekend, Tigers!
Thursday , January 9, 2025
Hello HOSA Members we have a meeting in room s208 for the first half of lunch. See you there!
Attention, programmers! The Waterloo Canadian Computing Competition is fast approaching, and if you're interested in participating, we have all the details for you. There will be a sign-up and information session today at lunch in room S205.
Whether you're a seasoned coder or just starting out, come by to learn more and get signed up for this exciting opportunity to compete in programming challenges! That’s today at lunch in S205—we hope to see you there!
Congratulations to the girls hockey team for their dominant 7-0 win over Milton District yesterday. A special shoutout goes out to our players of the game Maddy Collier and Sophie Vernon. Great work tigers!
Congrats to the Junior Boys Basketball Team for their 47 point victory over M.M. Robinson Yesterday. It was a complete team effort and the boys led from start to finish. Way to go Tigers!
Congratulations to the JR. Girls Volleyball team! The Tigers mauled the MM Robinson Rams 2 games to 0!! Alex and Peyton had some sensational spikes and great overall team play and passing led to the Tigers success. Good luck on Monday at home to Garth Webb!
Looking for a relaxing environment for some quiet study or worktime at lunch during these last weeks of the semester… or maybe just a place to relax and do a puzzle or some colouring? WELLNESS CLUB invites you to W208 today during lunch for some self-care time or quiet Final 30 prep. Bring your lunch and come on up!
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Course Selection for the 2025-26 school year closes for current grade 9s this Friday, January 10th. Students in Grades 10 and 11 and any returning Grade 12 students, please complete your course selections by January 17th. Students who are not returning to Blakelock next year are also asked to complete the “Not Returning” process by this date. For all students - please ensure you add your parent/guardian’s email address as well so that your course selections can be approved.
There will not be any Games Club meetings this week. Check with Ms. Stewart if you have any questions.
Attention Library Volunteers! There will be a Library Volunteer Meeting right after school TODAY in the Library Learning Commons. Bring your creativity and energy because we’re brainstorming fun wellness activities to brighten up our space! Plus, we’ll be setting up exciting new volunteering opportunities for you to shine. Don’t miss it – let’s make a difference together! See you there!
Hey Tigers! There is a mandatory meeting this Friday for all DECA Provincial Qualifiers. Please submit your permission forms to Ms. Akbar in W204 if you intend to compete in the provincials
Calling all singers! Choir will be rehearsing tomorrow after school in the music room. If you missed your chance to join us last semester, come check it out. No previous experience required!
As we get into the planning for the final evaluations of the semester this week, Here are today’s WELLNESS WORDS to give you some positive perspective.
"Focus on the possibilities for success , not on the potential for failure."
You have the power to determine how this month will play out for you, Tigers. Make a plan, take control and create your success!
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Hey Tigers! There is a mandatory meeting this Friday for all DECA Provincial Qualifiers. Please submit your permission forms to Ms. Akbar in W204 by Wednesday if you intend to compete in the provincials.
Attention Library Volunteers! Mark your calendars! There will be a Library Volunteer Meeting right after school on Wednesday, January 8th in the Library Learning Commons. Bring your creativity and energy because we’re brainstorming fun wellness activities to brighten up our space! Plus, we’ll be setting up exciting new volunteering opportunities for you to shine. Don’t miss it – let’s make a difference together! See you there!
Hey Tigers! We hope you had an awesome holiday! To kick off the new year, the Senate Club is having a chill meeting TODAY from 11:30-12:00 in SOUTH 204. Here’s what’s on the agenda:
Executive roles reveal—find out who’s leading what!
Our new video project idea that highlights who we are in 2025
A sneak peek at a big project we’re working on!
We know exams and summatives are around the corner, so this meeting will be lighthearted, but still important. Come hang out, stay in the loop, and get ready for an exciting year ahead!
Reminder: SOUTH 204 at 11:30. I repeat, SOUTH 204 at 11:30.
See you soon!
Hey Student Book Club members! We are meeting TODAY at lunch in S103. Looking forward to hearing about the new books you read during the break! See you at lunch!
Need extra help before exam season? TAB scholars has your back! Come to room E103 in the science hallway today at lunch for tutoring!
Day 2 of the New Year Here are today’s WELLNESS WORDS to give you a little more to think about…
"What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year."
The reality of January is setting in after yesterday. Make a plan to bring your best efforts to the end of this semester, Tigers and start 2025 strong!!
Monday, January 6, 2025
Course Selection for the 2025-26 school year closes for current grade 9s this Friday, January 10th. Students in Grades 10 and 11 and any returning Grade 12 students, please complete your course selections by January 17th. Students who are not returning to Blakelock next year are also asked to complete the “Not Returning” process by this date. For all students - please ensure you add your parent/guardian’s email address as well so that your course selections can be approved.
Ski and snowboard team! Remember, there is a team meeting at the start of lunch in the health room, w108. Be there!
There will not be Games Club meetings this week. Please check with Ms. Stewart if you have any questions.
Welcome back, Tigers! Here are today’s WELLNESS WORDS to kick start your 2025 school year…
"A New Year...a fresh, clean start. It's like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on." - Bill Watterson
We all know that January is crunch time in the semester. Use that big white sheet of paper to create a plan to finish the semester strong! Happy New Year Tigers!
Friday, December 20, 2024
TAB - thank you all for participating in our final Spirit Week of 2024. We’re so excited to see you all in your PJs at the Winter Assembly!
Breakfast Club Closure Announcement
Dear TAB Tigers, We hope you are having a restful winter break! Please be aware that Breakfast Club will be closed upon our return from the break and will resume on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Enjoy the rest of your holidays!
We did it, Tigers! We made it to the last day. Just a few more hours until we leave the building for 2 whole weeks! Please hear the message in today’s WELLNESS WORDS…
Take a break and give your soul what it needs.
Spend time with family. Spend time with friends. Rest, relax and recharge. All those things will help you be ready for the busy days that await us when we return in January. BE SAFE and HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Tigers!
Thursday, December 19, 2024
TAB Spirit week is back! Today is dress as your favourite holiday movie character and Friday is PJ day! Hope to see you all in your festive wear throughout the week!
Holiday Fun Alert! The Library Learning Commons is feeling festive and hosting a Gingerbread House Giveaway! Want a chance to win this sweet holiday treat? Swing by the LLC to get all the details and enter the draw. Don’t wait—spread the word, bring your friends, and make this season even sweeter! This is the last day to enter. The winner will be announced tomorrow morning. Good Luck, Tigers!
Dear Tigers, We hope you're enjoying your winter break! Please note that Breakfast Club will be closed when we return from the break. It will not be available until Wednesday, January 8th, 2025. We look forward to welcoming you back then. Have a wonderful holiday season, and we’ll see you in the New Year!
a reminder to all acquire members that today is our holiday karaoke party! Bring a snack to share and bring a friend. Hope to see you all there.
Hey TABloid Team members. It’s Thursday so that means we are meeting TODAY after school in the library for our last meeting of 2024. See you there!
We are ALMOST there, Tigers. Here are today’s Wellness Words for a little inspiration…
"It always seems impossible until it's done."
We can do it, Tigers! Finish the week strong and head into the holidays with a smile!!
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
TAB Spirit week is back! Today is red and green day, Thursday is dress as your favourite holiday movie character and Friday is PJ day! Hope to see you all in your festive wear throughout the week!
Jump into the festive spirit with us at Art Club today at lunch in Room E107 as we continue painting the clay ornaments we started last meeting! Let’s create some winter-themed decorations to celebrate the season! See you there!
Attention debaters! Tonight we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in S107. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Here is your eco fact of the week. Did you know that Canada is home to 367 million hectares or 9% of the world's forest? Canada's forests help to combat climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and providing habitat for wildlife. Protecting our forests and supporting reforestation projects are simple ways to help the environment. Each tree makes a difference.
HEY TIGERS! The Business Leadership Class is hosting a Holiday Sale TODAY during lunch! We will be selling a variety of awesome items like donuts, cookies, tacos, cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate and so much more! All profits will go to the Oakville Hospital. Let’s all support this important cause and bring a little joy to those in need. Don’t forget to support your friends raise money by buying food items today during lunch!
Last night, our Sr. Boys Hockey team took on Iroquois Ridge. Despite falling behind 2-0 early, our Tigers clawed their way back into the game. Ben McWhirter got the team on the board, making it 2-1 heading into the third. When the Ridge extended their lead 3-1, things might have looked bleak, but not for these boys. With under 5 minutes to go in the 3rd, Oscar Ugryn and Nolan McNaught lit the lamp to tie the game forcing overtime. The Tigers dominated possession and Rhys Craddock buried the game-winning goal to complete the epic comeback! Call them the Comeback Kids! Huge shoutout to our player of the game Carmelo Korsh, who recorded his first-ever TAB win as a starter!
Hey Blakelock! Forget about lunch today! The Mo and Jo company is opening an authentic taco stand TODAY AT LUNCH. Tasty, homemade and all profits go to charity. Don't forget because they will sell FAST. You can use E-transfer or use cash! Get 2 tacos and chips for just $5 and a jumbo cookie for $1! So get ready tigers for a good meal and head straight to the caf today during lunch break!
attention choir members! Don’t forget about our holiday karaoke party tomorrow! Bring snacks to share, and a friend! New members are welcome to join us .
So today, Wellness Club is taking food donations and funds that we collected this December to the Fare Share food bank. Because of their work, and because of YOU, Tigers, things will be a little bit easier for members of our Oakville community. Today’s Wellness Words are a shoutout to everyone in the building who contributed to making that happen. Here they are …
There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.
Thank you, Tigers. YOU are beautiful.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
TAB Spirit week is back! Today is holiday headgear day, Wednesday is red and green day, Thursday is dress as your favourite holiday movie character and Friday is PJ day! Hope to see you all in your festive wear throughout the week!
Holiday Fun Alert! The Library Learning Commons is feeling festive and hosting a Gingerbread House Giveaway! Want a chance to win this sweet holiday treat? Swing by the LLC to get all the details and enter the draw. Don’t wait—spread the word, bring your friends, and make this season even sweeter!
Jump into the festive spirit with us at Art Club this Wednesday at lunch in Room E107 as we continue painting the clay ornaments we started last meeting! Let’s create some winter-themed decorations to celebrate the season!
It’s game day Tigers! It’s Melo’s first official start and one you won’t want to miss! Today after school at Glenn Abbey come on out and show your school spirit and cheer on your Tigers Hockey Club as they take on Iroquois Ridge. Puck drop is at 3:10.
Hey Book Club members! We are meeting TODAY at lunch in S103 for some festive fun and sweet reads and treats! See you there!
Hey Tigers! Students who are traveling to Europe’s Mediterranean Coast this March Break - Please meet in West 204 during lunch today! Bring your lunch and a reusable cup. W 204 during lunch today!
HEY TIGERS! The Business Leadership Class is hosting a Holiday Sale tomorrow during lunch! We will be selling a variety of awesome items like donuts, cookies, tacos, cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate and so much more! All profits will go to Oakville Trafalgar Hospital. Bring your cash. Let’s all come together to support this important cause and bring a little joy to those in need in our community. Don’t forget to support your friends raising money by buying food items tomorrow during lunch!
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Volleyball Team for their 2-1 win over Hayden. The Tigers fought back after game 1 to win two straight games. Sensational team serving was led by Alex, Rachael, and Peyton, perfect passing by Ashlyn and great team play by all! Way to go Tigers!
attention symphonic winds members- we will not be rehearsing today. Check classroom for details and we’ll see you after break!
Attention debaters! Tomorrow we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in S107. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Okay Tigers … we have 4 more days til we get a huge BREAK. … but there ARE still 4 more days! We still have things to DO before we get there … so… here are today’s WELLNESS WORDS with a little more advice…
Focus on being productive instead of busy
Get `er done, Tigers so that you can feel GREAT about taking a well-deserved REST over the entire break!
Monday, December 16, 2024
Morning Tigers! Welcome to the last week of school for 2024!
This week is a TAB spirit week - kicking it off today with Festive Sweaters! Tuesday is holiday headgear day (time to break out those fun hats and antlers), Wednesday is red and green day, Thursday is dress as your favourite holiday movie character and Friday is PJ day! Hope to see you all in your festive wear throughout the week!
Last week the Junior Boys Basketball team competed in the St. Thomas Aquinas Raider Invitational. On the final day of the tournament the Tigers went 2-0 defeating Kateri and Loyola to take home the Consolation Championship. Great work Tigers!
Jump into the festive spirit with us at Art Club this Wednesday at lunch in Room E107 as we continue painting the clay ornaments we started last meeting! Let’s create some winter-themed decorations to celebrate the season!
Last Thursday and Friday, your Varsity Boys Hockey team travelled to Niagara Falls to compete in one of the largest tournaments in the country. Winning their first game by an astounding 12-0 against the SOO, then facing an American team; coming back from 2-0, but ultimately lost 5-4 in a very close game. After dinner and a night out on Clifton Hill, the boys then played the tournament host Niagara on Friday morning. The boys then fought their way back again from a 2-0 deficit in a chippy game to not only overcome the deficit, but win 3-2, knocking out the tournament hosts. The boys ran out of steam and ultimately lost game 4 but still had a blast. All team members played their hearts out and represented Blakelock with class and pride. One player in particular earned the tournament MVP and that player is… (dramatic pause) Bartuzzi! You can catch your Tigers tomorrow as they take on Iroquois Ridge in their last game of 2024. Go Tigers!
Such a busy time of year and busy time in the semester! … Today’s WELLNESS WORDS offer some simple advice, here they are …
The best way to get things done is simply to begin
One step at a time, Tigers. Start the week strong … and then finish on Friday with a huge smile ready for a well-deserved break!
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
If you signed up to create your own magical snow globe, it’s time to bring your creativity to life! Join us in the Library Learning Commons at the start of lunch—we’ve got all the supplies ready, and now we just need you to make the magic happen.
Holiday Fun Alert! The Library Learning Commons is feeling festive and hosting a Gingerbread House Giveaway! Want a chance to win this sweet holiday treat? Swing by the LLC to get all the details and enter the draw. Don’t wait—spread the word, bring your friends, and make this season even sweeter!
Did you know the demands on local food banks are higher than they have ever been and that the number of clients using both the Kerr Street Mission and the Fareshare Food Bank have more than doubled in the past year? Together, we can help to make things just a little bit better. Tomorrow is the last day of our Food Drive. Please do what you can, bring what you can to your period 1 classroom, the main office, OR the Library tomorrow. Let’s finish strong the Spirit of Giving Food Drive … and just see how good that feels!
Hello members of the debate club, please PAY ATTENTION carefully. There will be a mandatory debate meeting this today in S107 at lunch time relating to competition information. If you cannot make it, please notify one of the club presidents. Make sure to bring a notebook and a writing utensil.
Looking to add some seasonal joy to your life?? Come join us in Wellness club tomorrow at lunch in W208! New faces are always welcome!
Hello tigers!! Have you bought a ticket to semi?? If so, make sure you drop by the office to pick up a permission form and hand it back in, BEFORE THURSDAY! Once you have done that you will be ready for a night of fun! See you then!
Eco Fact of the Week: Recycling just one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television for three hours. Aluminum is 100% recyclable and can be turned into new products within 60 days, reducing the need for mining and conserving natural resources.
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? If yes, then come down to the "T" during break this week to donate gently used winter clothing. If you donate you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and diverting old clothing from a landfill.
Attention all BSU members - there will be a meeting today in S204. We will be doing Black Jeopardy! There will be prizes given! We can’t wait to see you there!
Hey TAB!!! The MSA will be selling hot chocolate and samosas at the T during lunch today. Please bring cash so that you can treat yourself and your friends. See you there.
Games Club is cancelled for today - Wednesday, Dec. 11.
Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Hockey team on their 3-1 hard fought and deserving win against Garth Webb yesterday afternoon. Tomorrow, the boys travel to Niagara Falls for a 2 day tournament so if you see any of the team members, be sure to wish them luck! Go Tigers!
This is a friendly reminder for all students attending our upcoming semi-formal. Please remember that you must bring your signed permission form in order to be admitted to the event. If you haven’t submitted your form yet, make sure to get it signed and bring it tomorrow. Without the form, you won’t be able to join us for this exciting evening! Let’s make it a night to remember don’t forget your permission form! Thank you, and have a great day!
Today’s WELLNESS WORDS are just a little reminder about what WELLNESS really IS… here they are…
Wellness is the compete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effict on our state of well-being When we take care of ourselves, that is Wellness. When we take care of others, that is Wellness. When do BOTH … that is JUST PLAIN AWESOME!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
If you still want to make a snow globe on Wednesday during lunch, then hurry to the Library Learning Commons to sign up. There are only a few spots open!
Hey Tigers! The biggest Senate meeting of the year is happening TODAY at 11:30 in SOUTH 204! Here’s what’s going down:
Get hyped for the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan and find out how YOU can make a difference.
Join actual HDSB subcommittees to bring your ideas to life.
Learn about executive roles and how to take your leadership to the next level.
And most urgently: Help us plan a killer Instagram post to introduce our Senate squad to the school!
Don’t forget: SOUTH 204 at 11:30. I repeat, SOUTH 204 at 11:30.
This is your chance to step up, stand out, and make an impact. Be there—we can’t wait to see you!
Check that FOOD DRIVE box again, Tigers. Is it growing? Is your period 1 showing that they care about our Oakville community? Are YOU showing it? You have until Thursday Dec 12 to bring canned or boxed non-perishable food items to your period 1 classroom, the Library or the Main Office. PLEASE … do what you CAN, to help us to help others. (get it?? CAN …?...) Together, we can make a huge difference for many many people this holiday season!
Holiday Fun Alert! The Library Learning Commons is feeling festive and hosting a Gingerbread House Giveaway! Want a chance to win this sweet holiday treat? Swing by the LLC to get all the details and enter the draw. Don’t wait—spread the word, bring your friends, and make this season even sweeter!
Today, Dec 10, is the last day to donate new and unused PERSONAL CARE ITEMS … like deodorant, hand cream, toothpaste, makeup and shampoo to the SHOE BOX PROJECT .. an initiative to bring some joy and kindness to women in Halton who have experienced violence and are starting over. Bring your donations at lunch to the ``T`` today!
Today is day two of the TAB Winter Clothing Drive. In just the first day, we collected three garbage bags full of winter clothing. Thanks to those of you who brought your clothing for donation. If you have any gently used winter clothing at home, then come down to the "T" during break this week to donate. You will be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet by diverting old clothing from a landfill.
Hey Tigers, come by to the T tomorrow during lunch to satisfy your cravings for a warm cup of hot chocolate and a samosa to go with it. MSA will be selling both tomorrow. Please bring CASH. Treat yourself and your friends. See you there!!!
Hello members of the debate club, please PAY ATTENTION carefully. There will be a mandatory debate meeting tomorrow in S107 at lunch time relating to competition information. If you cannot make it, please notify one of the club presidents. Make sure to bring a notebook and a writing utensil.
Hey Student Book Club members. We are meeting today in S103 to distribute our next book club read. Bring your books and lunch for some reading time.
Today’s WELLNESS WORDS encourage us to grow our community with simple actions. Here they are …
Be a light for someone today, Tigers. Share a smile and share some kindness.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Good Morning TAB. Are you craving for something warm and sweet to beat the winter blues? The wait is over….MSA will be selling hot chocolate at the T on Wednesday during lunch. Drop by to grab a cup of hot chocolate with or without toppings. Also, how about a samosa to go with it? We’ve got you covered with that craving too. Treat yourself and also your friends. Please bring cash. See you Wednesday!!!!
Today is the first day of the TAB Winter Clothing Drive. Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? If yes, then come down to the "T" during break this week to donate gently used winter clothing. If you donate you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it and help the planet by diverting old clothing from a landfill.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Wade Richardson, the HDSB’s Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Lead will be at Blakelock from 9am to 2:00 pm on Monday, December 9th to talk about Skilled Trades with students. Students are urged to drop in. If you would like to book a specific time with Mr. Richardson, please drop in to see your Guidance Counsellor ASAP.
Grad photos are this week and next week in the Tigers Den. If you have not already booked an appointment please do so as soon as possible. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
Attention Tigers! Get into the holiday spirit and join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, December 11th during lunch to create your very own glittery snow globe! Supplies are limited, so be sure to sign up in advance to reserve your spot. Don’t miss out on this fun and festive activity! See you there, Tigers! See Mrs. MacKay in the LLC to sign up.
Did you know?… 1 in 4 Canadian families have experienced food insecurity in the past 6 months?? 1 IN 4 …. That is 25%... whoa. We can help even if just a little, by putting more food into our local food bank. PLEASE bring a can or boxed food item to your period 1 classroom, or the MAIN OFFICE, or the LIBRARY.
AND NOW… a HUGE thank you to the awesome students and staff who came to the ``T`` yesterday during lunch to support our SMILE COOKIE SALE. You ALL made a difference in our community with your purchase as ALL FUNDS … EVERY PENNY of the money… will go to the FareShare Food Bank! … AND you bought almost ALL the COOKIES! … but … not quite EVERY single one. SOOO… if you have a loonie in your pocket today, liked your cookie yesterday, OR did not get a chance to buy one yesterday, we will be having a ``DAY OLD for a DOLLAR`` sale today at lunch, until we run out! Come to the ``T`` at lunch with your loonie!
Hey Tigers! This is a reminder for all DECA members who qualified for the provincials - there is a mandatory meeting TODAY at lunch in S107/108. All other DECA members are welcomed to attend. See you all there!
Do you have any unused winter clothing and want to help save the planet? If yes, then come down to the "T" during break next week for the Eco Club’s Winter Clothing Drive. If you donate you'll be giving winter clothing to those who need it the most and help the planet.
Did you know that today, Dec 6, is the National Day of Remembrance and Action for Violence Against Women in Canada. On Dec 6, 1989, Canada was forever changed by an act of mass violence which saw 14 women murdered as they attended classes at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. They were targeted simply for being women. Take a moment today to think about violence caused by senseless hatred and to make a commitment to speak out against violence in all forms. Learn more by a quick search of DEC 6 CANADA. … and if you would like to TAKE ACTION, you can help a group of amazing male students in our school who are trying to do just that. Have you noticed the posters or the info table near the office for the SHOE BOX PROJECT? These students are trying to help women in our community who are starting over after leaving abusive situations, by collecting PERSONAL CARE ITEMS to put in SHOEBOXES to give to these women for Christmas. … and YOU can help!! Donations will be collected at the ``T`` during lunches until Dec 10.
What a GREAT week for Blakelock! We have SO MUCH to celebrate in our community! From student and staff support of the Food Drive, to the musicians, to the student athletes and the members various clubs with initiatives happening to make a difference, this week has REALLY showcased what it means to be a Tiger! Today’s WELLNESS WORDS reflect our great community. Here they are…."People coming together as a community can make things happen."
Thank you to ALL the Tigers who help make our school grow as a community.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Did you know … 1 in 4 Canadian families have experienced food insecurity in the past 6 months?? 1 IN 4 …. That is 25%... whoa. We can help even if just a little, by helping to put more food into our local food bank. PLEASE bring a can or boxed food item to your period 1 classroom, or the MAIN OFFICE, or the LIBRARY. All donations go to the Oakville Fareshare FoodBank… just 5 mins drive from TAB. Please, help our local community this Season of Giving.
Grad photos are this week and next week in the Tigers Den. If you have not already booked an appointment please do so as soon as possible. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
Attention Tigers! Get into the holiday spirit and join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, December 11th during lunch to create your very own glittery snow globe! Supplies are limited, so be sure to sign up in advance to reserve your spot. Don’t miss out on this fun and festive activity! See you there, Tigers! See Mrs. MacKay in the LLC to sign up.
Hey Tigers! This is a reminder for all DECA members who qualified for the provincials - there is a mandatory meeting tomorrow at lunch in S107/108. All other DECA members are welcomed to attend. See you all there!
COOKIES! COOKIES! COOKIES! … … HELPING THE FOOD BANK and BRING A SMILE!! …TODAY IS THE DAY!! …. … the Wellness Club will be selling homemade COOKIES today at the “T” during lunch for just. Bring your loonies and your toonies and come get a yummy cookie. Prices vary depending on size. ALL PROFITS will go to the FARESHARE FOOD BANK to help our community this season. It’s a WIN-WIN! … Make your tummy SMILE with a yummy cookie…. And bring a SMILE to others by helping the community!… See you at lunch!
Hey all TABloid Team members, we have an important meeting TODAY after school in the Library. See you there.
“Hey Everyone we are collecting items for the Shoebox Project to support Womens Shelters in Halton. The drive will be held from December 5th to 10th, please make a difference this December by donating supplies at the T. more details found on posters around the school and on Instagram”
Hey Tigers! It’s that time of year, Semi Tickets are on sale now!! There’s a limited number, so get on Cashless and buy your semi-ticket now! This year’s theme….. GLOW IN THE DARK!
Like yesterday, today’s WELLNESS WORDS give a similar message about where real happiness comes from. "Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others" - Booker T. Washington Join in the Spirit of Giving, Tigers. Buy a SMILE COOKIE today at lunch, Donate some food items to the … GIVE to the Foodbank, DO FOR OTHERS… and see how good it makes you feel, Tigers.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Hey, Tigers! Are you ready to show your school spirit and get HYPED!? Get ready for the Pep Rally this Friday during second period. Arrive energized and show your support for our Rock Band as well as our fall and winter sports teams. Can't wait to see you there!
Grad photos are this week and next week in the Tigers Den. If you have not already booked an appointment please do so as soon as possible. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Volleyball Team for their 2-0 win over Abbey park yesterday. Awesome attack play by Alex, and Grace and sensational serving by Tessa and Charlotte. The Jr. Tigers take on Nelson on Thursday. Good luck Tigers!
Attention Tigers! Get into the holiday spirit and join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, December 11th during lunch to create your very own glittery snow globe! Supplies are limited, so be sure to sign up in advance to reserve your spot. Don’t miss out on this fun and festive activity! See you there, Tigers! See Mrs. MacKay in the LLC to sign up.
Tomorrow, Tigers, YOU have a chance to help us to help others. The Wellness Club will be selling SMILE COOKIES tomorrow at lunch at the “T”. … all profits go to the FARESHARE FOOD BANK to help families in need right here in Oakville. And remember… You can bring canned or boxed foods, or personal care items to period 1, the main office, OR the Library until Dec 12. Please join in the Spirit of Giving and do what you can to help us help others. … and just see how good that feels!
Join the Art Club today at lunch in Room E107! We’ll be crafting DIY ornaments out of clay which are perfect for gifting or decorating your space. No experience is needed, and all materials will be provided. Don’t miss out on this fun and creative way to get into the holiday spirit. See you today in Room E107!
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 today during lunch for debate club, and don't forget to bring a pen and some paper. See you there!
It’s game day, Tigers! Come watch as our Sr. Boys hockey team faces off against CK in our home opener today at Trafalgar. Puck drop is at 3! Go Tigers.
Today’s WELLNESS WORDS are a little reminder about where real happiness comes from. "Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but giving more." - Jackson Brown Jr. Join in the Spirit of Giving, Tigers. Plan to buy a SMILE COOKIE tomorrow at lunch, Bring in some food items… GIVE to the Foodbank, Tigers and see how good it feels.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Wade Richardson, the HDSB’s Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Lead will be at Blakelock from 9am to 2:00 pm on Monday, December 9th to talk about Skilled Trades with students. Students are urged to drop in. If you would like to book a specific time with Mr. Richardson, please drop in to see your Guidance Counsellor ASAP.
Blakelock, it’s time to get pumped! Our Pep Rally is happening this Friday, December 6th, during second period in the gym! Come show your school pride, support our athletes, and have a blast with your friends! Let’s make this rally unforgettable!
Grad photos are this week and next week in the Tigers Den. If you have not already booked an appointment please do so as soon as possible. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
Join the Art Club this Wednesday at lunch in Room E107! We’ll be crafting DIY ornaments out of clay which are perfect for gifting or decorating your space. No experience is needed, and all materials will be provided. Don’t miss out on this fun and creative way to get into the holiday spirit. See you Wednesday in Room E107!
Hey Student Book Club members! We are meeting today at lunch in S103 to discuss the first half of our current read: “A Man Called OVE” (pronounced “uh-vey”). Bring your lunch and opinions.
Did you know that 1 in 10 households in Oakville is experiencing food insecurity?… that means that they are uncertain how they will meet the food needs of their families on a regular basis. A changing economy means that life has gotten so much harder for so many people.… YOU have a chance to help with this, Tigers. The Wellness Club has placed a box in your period 1 classroom to collect non-perishable food or personal care items to help our local food bank.. thE FareShare Food Bank. You can bring your contributions to period 1, the main office, OR the Library any day this week and next. Please join in the Spirit of Giving and do what you can to help us help others.… and just see how good that feels!
SMILE COOKIES!… FOOD BANK!… HELPING!! This Thursday bring a TOONIE and get a SMILE!… the Wellness Club will be selling homemade HOLIDAY SMILE COOKIES at the “T” during lunch for just $2. ALL PROFITS will go to the FARESHARE FOOD BANK to help our community this season. Please join us in helping others… and get a BIG SMILE!!
Hello debaters! Just a reminder that we will be having a meeting tomorrow during lunch in S107. See you there!
Monday, December 2, 2024
Hey Tigers, are you looking for an unforgettable way to show your favourite Blakelock sports teams some love? Well on Friday, December 6th get ready to celebrate with our fall and winter sports teams! You’ll be able to see your favourite Blakelock athletes compete in some incredible activities - do you think our players have what it takes?
Did you know that 1 in 10 households in Oakville is experiencing food insecurity?… that means that they are uncertain how they will meet the food needs of their families on a regular basis. A changing economy means that life has gotten so much harder for so many people.… YOU have a chance to help with this, Tigers. The Wellness Club has placed a box in your period 1 classroom to collect non-perishable food or personal care items to help our local food bank.. The FareShare Food Bank. You can bring your contributions to period 1, the main office, OR the Library any day this week and next. Please join in the Spirit of Giving and do what you can to help us help others.… and just see how good that feels!
Attention all music students, please check your email for important information regarding Thursday’s concert
Grad photos start today. If you have booked an appointment, Edge photography will be in the Tiger’s Den to take your photo. If you have not already booked an appointment please do so as soon as possible. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Grad photos start next week on Monday. Edge photography will be in the Tiger’s Den to take your photo. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
A reminder to all Symphonic Winds, and Choir members. Our rehearsals this week are mandatory. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Barry know ASAP. Our concert is next week!
Henna Designs in the Library Learning Commons!
On Thursday, November 28th… that’s today Tigers, during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.
Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Today is Thursday, and that means that the Wellness Club will be meeting in W208. Come and join us as we prepare to help the Oakville community with our upcoming Food Drive. New faces are always welcomed!
Wade Richardson, the HDSB’s Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) Lead will be at Blakelock from 9am to 2:00 pm on Monday, December 9th to talk about Skilled Trades with students. Students are urged to drop in. If you would like to book a specific time with Mr. Richardson, please drop in to see your Guidance Counsellor ASAP.
Get ready to show your school spirit Tigers! On Friday December 6th we'll be having Blakelock's first Pep Rally of the year in the Large Gym! Get ready to watch our athletes participate in some fun activities! We can't wait to see you there!
Congratulations to the Junior Girls Volleyball Team for their 2-0 win over Burlington Central. Great play from Shay and Victoria and the entire team! Go Tigers!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Grad photos start next week on Monday. Edge photography will be in the Tiger’s Den to take your photo. If you do not want to purchase a package, there is an option for a no charge sit fee that will have your picture in the yearbook. Book your appointment at: bookmygrad.ca
A reminder to all Symphonic Winds, and Choir members. Our rehearsals this week are mandatory. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Barry know ASAP. Our concert is next week!
Henna Designs in the Library Learning Commons!
On Thursday, November 28th during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.
Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Are you looking to meet some kind people who care about making a difference in our community? Do you see that in helping others, we actually also help ourselves? If the answer for you is YES, come and join us in Wellness Club tomorrow in W208. New faces are always welcomed!
Attention debaters! Today we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in S107. Again, that’s today in S107. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Here is your eco fact of the week: A global energy switch to nuclear power can cut 60-70% of current global CO₂ emissions, assuming of transport and industry running in electric energy and a lot of money invested in nuclear infrastructure. Just keep in mind that nuclear is the cleanest energy.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the period one teachers and students who came out for the “Hope in Every Step” walk for Halton Women’s Place on Friday. This was a very successful event with almost 400 students attending.
Intimate Partner Violence has been declared an epidemic in Halton, and Halton Women’s Place provides help to those that need it. By supporting this event and by talking about domestic violence, we start to erase the stigma and combat the problem. With your help, we were able to raise over $1000 for Halton Women’s Place! We hope to see you all again at next year’s walk. Way to go, Tigers!
A reminder to all Symphonic Winds, and Choir members. Our rehearsals this week are mandatory. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Barry know ASAP. Our concert is next week!
Today’s Black Friday deal in the Cafeteria is @ $2.00 Egg and Cheese breakfast sandwich! Come down for a breakfast sandwich while supplies last!
Henna Designs in the Library Learning Commons!
On Thursday, November 28th during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.
Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn. We look forward to seeing you there!
Are you graduating this year?
Want to have a photo commemorating this occasion?
How about your photo as part of a group composite?
Maybe a picture in the yearbook that you can look back at years from now with fond memories?
Or how about a poster size picture of you hanging in your parent’s hallway forever for all to see?
If you answered yes to any or all of the above, then get ready!
Grad photos start next week! Book your appointment today at: bookmygrad.ca
Attention debaters! Tomorrow we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in S107. Again, that’s tomorrow in S107. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Congratulations to the Junior Girls Volleyball team who won their tournament yesterday at McMaster. A big shout out to the excellent setting by Ashlyn and Rachael. Huge blocks by Charlotte, Grace and Tessa kept the girls’ defence the best in the tournament. Outstanding hits by Powerhouse Peyton and Amazing Alex who were unstoppable for the offence. Incredible dives and passing by Emmy, who contributed to the excellent passing. We are so excited for the upcoming season. Way to go girls.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Henna Designs in the Library Learning Commons!
On Thursday, November 28th during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.
Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.
We look forward to seeing you there!
A reminder to all Symphonic Winds, and Choir members. Our rehearsals this week are mandatory. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Barry know ASAP. Our concert is next week!
Come check out the Black Friday Deals in the cafeteria this week! There is a $2.00 special EVERY DAY!"
Friday, November 22, 2024
Attention Grade 9 Girls interested in trying out for the Bantam Girls Volleyball team, please meet in W207 at the start of lunch TODAY for a brief meeting.
Today is ODD SOCKS DAY!!!…A chance for EVERYONE at Blakelock to SHOW that they are TAB…A Tiger Against Bullying….Thanks to you AWESOME humans who remembered! You ROCK!!… and in case you forgot… it’s not too late!!… …maybe Swap a sock with a friend? You figure it out …BE COURAGEOUS… be CREATIVE and show you care!
Krispy Kreme Donuts are in the building. If you ordered them online and you are attending the walk, please pick them up during period one. If your class is not attending the walk, you will pick them up at lunch at the ‘T’. If you did not get your online order in on time, fear not, there will be a few for sale today, as well as a bake sale, so bring your money. Buy some treats and help TAB fight against Domestic Violence!
As we end Bullying Prevention Week, here is one last message…
The latest research tells us that 71% of Canadian teens report experiencing bullying within the past 12 months. That information is GRIM…. But those same researchers have also found that building stronger communities and encouraging people to speak up can change those numbers for the better.
So… let’s keep working TOGETHER, Tigers to make our COMMUNITY strong and to make Blakelock a safe place for everyone. And when it’s needed…SPEAK UP… seek help for yourself….seek help for others.…... and show that we ARE T.A.B … Tigers Against Bullying!
Hello Tigers! This is a reminder for all DECA members - there is a mandatory meeting today at lunch in South107/S108. See you all there!
Yesterday, your Senior Boys hockey team traveled to York University to compete in their first tournament of the season. Playing 3 games, two early morning and one early afternoon, the Boys won their first game 2-0, won their second game- 6-0, another shutout, and their third game 2-0 with all 3 goalies earning a shutout. Advancing to the finals, the boys started slowly due to only a 15 minute break between games, but then turned it on in the second and third periods and buried their opponent 3-1 earning their first tournament win! Shoutouts not only to the players of the game, but to the whole team who with only a few weeks of practice, played with heart and dedication and like brothers, stood up for one another when necessary, making coaches and parents proud while representing Blakelock with class! Well done boys and congratulations on a fantastic win! Is there anywhere you would rather be?
A HUGE thank you to the amazing students who helped at last night’s Grade 8 Night! We received many super positive comments from families about how wonderful you all were! You made the night!
Yesterday, your Tiger sharks, the school Swim Team, travelled to McMaster for their first swim meet this season! The Team battled hard, showing their strength and devotion through an irregular season. Many swimmers set personal bests and even met last year's OFSAA qualifying time. All in all, great work, Tigers!
Thursday, November 21, 2024
November is Domestic Violence Awareness month! Did you know that in Canada, 1 in 3 women will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime? Halton Women's Place serves hundreds of women and children every year who have been victims of violence.
Tomorrow, during period 1, the ESL E class is organizing a walk around the track to raise money for Halton Women’s Place. Representatives from Halton Women’s Place will be joining us and we will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash! Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30! We are also asking that every student donate $2 for this important cause. Your period one teacher will be collecting donations every day this week. Any donation helps this very important cause!!!
Full Disclosure is this Friday, November 22! If you are considering dropping a senior course, please speak with your Guidance Counsellor ahead of this date. Courses dropped after Full Disclosure will remain on a student’s official transcript.
Today’s efforts to raise awareness and prevent BULLYING are designed to encourage you to think about BULLYING in terms of HUMAN RIGHTS. Please listen up to learn more…
Bullying is a Human Rights Issue. Canada has signed the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child and article 19 of that document commits to protecting children against abusive treatment . Traditional research has focussed on protecting children from adults, but current research is focussed on the need to protect children from the mental, physical and violent abuse at the hands of their peers. … Their peers! That means the harm that you do to EACH OTHER.
Tomorrow is ODD SOCKS DAY!!! … A chance for EVERYONE at TAB to dare to be different … to STAND UP, STAND OUT, and STAND TOGETHER to show that this community cares to take a stand against bullying. What does ODD SOCKS mean?.. It can mean unique .. strange …mismatched … funky colours, funky patterns… swapping with some friends?… you decide! GET CREATIVE and have some fun with it! Show that WE are TAB… Tigers Against Bullying!
Skibidi Donut. Skibidi Donut. Skibidi Donut.
Krispy Kreme Donuts are coming to Blakelock tomorrow in time for the weekend! They are absolute fire! If you did not get your online order in on time, fear not, there will be a few for sale tomorrow. There will also be a bake sale during period one tomorrow and after school, so bring your cash! Get a treat and help TAB fight against Domestic Violence!
Hey Tigers! Are you ready to test your knowledge, compete with your friends, and win awesome prizes? Then join us for our Bullying Prevention Kahoot Game!
When: Thursday, November 21st
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar Room
This isn’t just any Kahoot game—it’s a chance to learn about respect, inclusion, and how YOU can make a difference in creating a kinder, safer school community.
What to Expect:
✅ Fun and interactive questions that get you thinking
✅ Friendly competition with your classmates
✅ Prizes for top players (Yes, you read that right! Prizes
Bring your A-game, your energy, and let’s show bullying has NO PLACE here!
Attention Grade 9 Girls interested in trying out for the Bantam Girls Volleyball team, please meet in W207 at the start of lunch on Friday for a brief meeting.
This is a reminder for all DECA members - There will be a mandatory meeting tomorrow at lunch in South 107/S108. See you all there!
Hey TABloid Team-meeting today after school in the Library. Also, Tigers, catch up on all the latest TAB news from sports, entertainment, to community events and the secret lives of staff! Read all about it!
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Do you know that Canadian women are more likely to experience violence than men? On average, a woman dies from intimate partner violence in Canada every 6 days. Halton Women's Place is the only women's shelter in Halton Region, which provides essential shelter services to women and children who are victims of abuse. On Friday, November 22, during first period, ESL E will be organizing a walk around the track to Against violence, raising funds. Join us for a walk, bake sale, and fun activities ! Please encourage your class to participate, and remember that any donation, no matter how big or small, makes a difference. Your teacher will be collecting donations prior to the event. Let's stand against violence together. Thank you for your support!
The rumours are true: Krispy Kreme is coming to Blakelock, but only for a limited time! Blakelock is selling Krispy Kreme donuts as part of our fundraiser for Halton Women’s Place, a shelter for abused women and children. You can buy individual donuts for $2 or one dozen to share with friends and family for $15. They are available on School Cash Online until Tuesday and we will also be selling a limited amount on Friday Nov 22.
Full Disclosure is this Friday, November 22! If you are considering dropping a senior course, please speak with your Guidance Counsellor ahead of this date. Courses dropped after Full Disclosure will remain on a student’s official transcript.
Today is Trans Day of Remembrance. Let’s reflect on the lives of transgender individuals who have lost their lives to violence, and reaffirm our commitment to supporting and respecting the transgender community.
Attention debaters! This is an extremely important announcement. Today we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in E208. Again, that’s E208. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Get Ready for the Ultimate Kahoot Challenge: Bullying Prevention Edition!
Hey Tigers! Are you ready to test your knowledge, compete with your friends, and win awesome prizes? Then join us for our Bullying Prevention Kahoot Game!
When: Thursday, November 21st
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar Room
This isn’t just any Kahoot game—it’s a chance to learn about respect, inclusion, and how YOU can make a difference in creating a kinder, safer school community.
What to Expect:
✅ Fun and interactive questions that get you thinking
✅ Friendly competition with your classmates
✅ Prizes for top players (Yes, you read that right! Prizes
Bring your A-game, your energy, and let’s show bullying has NO PLACE here!
Friday is ODD SOCKS DAY!!!… A chance for EVERYONE at TAB to dare to be different … to STAND UP, STAND OUT, and STAND TOGETHER to show that this community cares to take a stand against bullying. What does ODD SOCKS mean?.. It can mean unique .. strange …mismatched … funky colours, funky patterns… swapping with some friends?? … you decide! GET CREATIVE and have some fun with it! Show that WE are TAB… Tigers Against Bullying
This week, as we raise awareness about BULLYING and work toward creating a stronger, better community for ALL students, think about this, Tigers…
So…... ask yourselves, Tigers. Do YOU do your part to shut down the bullying???… or do you help make it happen?
Do the right thing, Tigers. STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT.. And SHUT DOWN THE BULLIES… Let’s work together for a better community for everyone!
Tigers, this week is Anti-Bullying Week. Please show our sense of COMMUNITY by wearing school colours TOMORROW for a TAB Spirit Day and mismatched socks on Odd Sock Day this Friday!
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
November is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This was established to bring attention to the problem of Domestic violence and abuse in Canada. Halton Women's Place is a local shelter dedicated to helping abused women and their children. They offer safe shelter, counselling and many other supports for women and their children who are experiencing abuse. The ESL E class is organizing a "Hope in every step walk" walk on the track to raise money for Halton Women's Place on Friday November 22 in period 1. All period 1 classes are invited to attend. We will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash! Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30!
Please also take a moment to donate $2 to your period one teacher this week in support of Halton Women’s Foundation!
In support of Domestic Violence Prevention Month, the ESL E class will have an information booth set up in the T today. Join us to learn about this important issue and get a prize!
Looking to add some arts and crafts to your day? Join us at Art Club in room E107 on Wednesday where we’ll be making 3D paper snowflakes! Let’s make the winter season extra special with your awesome creativity.
Attention debaters! This is an extremely important announcement. Tomorrow we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in E208. Again, that’s E208. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Today is the last day to order your Krispy Kreme donuts online! Blakelock is selling Krispy Kreme donuts as part of our fundraiser for Halton Women’s Place, a shelter for abused women and children. You can buy individual donuts for $2 or one dozen to share with friends and family for $15. They are available on School Cash Online until tomorrow and we will also be selling them on Friday Nov 22.
Hey Tigers! Today, Student Council will be collecting books for the Oakville Book Donation! All books will be donated to the Children's Ward at the Oakville Hospital. Don't forget to bring your new books to the T at lunch!
Also … This week is Anti-Bullying Week. Please show your solidarity by wearing school colours on Spirit Day this Thursday and mismatched socks on Odd Sock Day this Friday… stand up, stand out and stand TOGETHER to show that we are a community that CARES, Tigers!
Tomorrow is Trans Day of Remembrance. Remember, kindness and understanding can make a difference in creating a welcoming environment for everyone.
Full Disclosure is this Friday, November 22! If you are considering dropping a senior course, please speak with your Guidance Counsellor ahead of this date. Courses dropped after Full Disclosure will remain on a student’s official transcript.
Today’s Wellness contribution to Bullying Prevention Week deals with the idea of POWER. Please listen up to learn more...
Bullying is a relationship problem. It is about POWER and the ABUSE of power. It is incredibly difficult for the person being bullied to remove themselves from this destructive relationship. Once a bullying relationship is established, attempts to make the bullying stop are usually unsuccessful and may make things worse. ADULT INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED TO CORRECT AND SUPPORT.
Have you witnessed bullying and should help the victim to get support? DO YOU need support? SEEK OUT A TEACHER, COUNSELLOR, OR ANOTHER CARING ADULT… Use the Confidential Reporting tool on the school website. CHECK OUT THE POSTER AROUND THE BUILDING FOR MORE INFO.. Reach out for help for YOURself or for OTHERS!… Take a stand and show that we ARE TAB… Tigers Against Bullying!
Get Ready for the Ultimate Kahoot Challenge: Bullying Prevention Edition!
Hey Tigers! Are you ready to test your knowledge, compete with your friends, and win awesome prizes? Then join us for our Bullying Prevention Kahoot Game!
When: Thursday, November 21st
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar Room
This isn’t just any Kahoot game—it’s a chance to learn about respect, inclusion, and how YOU can make a difference in creating a kinder, safer school community.
What to Expect:
✅ Fun and interactive questions that get you thinking
✅ Friendly competition with your classmates
✅ Prizes for top players (Yes, you read that right! Prizes
Bring your A-game, your energy, and let’s show bullying has NO PLACE here!
Monday, November 18, 2024
Did you know that November is Domestic Violence Awareness month? Domestic violence is a problem in every community, and affects people regardless of age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. Halton Women's Place is a local shelter dedicated to helping abused women and their children. They offer safe shelter, counselling and many other supports for women and their children who are experiencing abuse. The ESL E class is organizing a "Hope in every step walk" walk on the track to raise money for Halton Women's Place on Friday November 22 in period 1. All period 1 classes are invited to attend. We will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash! Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30!
Please also take a moment to donate $2 to your period one teacher this week in support of Halton Women’s Foundation!
The rumours are true: Krispy Kreme is coming to Blakelock, but only for a limited time! Blakelock is selling Krispy Kreme donuts as part of our fundraiser for Halton Women’s Place, a shelter for abused women and children. You can buy individual donuts for $2 or one dozen to share with friends and family for $15. They are available on School Cash Online until tomorrow and we will also be selling them on Friday Nov 22.
Hey Tigers! Today, Student Council will be collecting books for the Oakville Book Donation! All books will be donated to the Children's Ward at the Oakville Hospital. Don't forget to bring your new books to the T at lunch!
Tigers, this week is Anti-Bullying Week. Please show your solidarity by wearing school colours on Spirit Day November 21st and mismatched socks on Odd Sock Day November 22nd!
Get ready to show your school spirit Tigers! On Thursday November 21st, we'll be having Blakelock's FIRST EVER pep rally in the Large Gym! Wear your black, green and white to celebrate our fall and winter sports teams, and get ready to watch our athletes participate in some fun activities! We can't wait to see you there!
In support of Domestic Violence Prevention Month, the ESL E class will have an information booth set up in the T tomorrow. Join us to learn about this important issue and get a prize!
Good morning Tigers! This is Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week in Ontario. While we have a GREAT community of students here at Blakelock , we are not immune to bullying. This week, we will be spotlighting some FACTS and STATS to give us all a little more to think about … Here is the first of the week …
TEASING and BULLYING … what is the difference? TEASING is in-the-moment and playful. BULLYING is re-occuring and unwanted. So ask yourself … is what you are doing, or what you are hearing … is it TEASING? … or is it BULLYING?
Look for posters around the building to learn more.
This Wednesday, we are recognizing Trans Day of Remembrance, which honours the lives lost to anti-trans violence. We encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on the importance of inclusivity and respect for all identities.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Today’s the day - Representatives from the University of Waterloo, Western University and the University of Niagara Falls will be visiting our school. Students are urged to drop by the caf at lunch to connect with the reps and ask their post secondary questions!
Many women and children experience Domestic Abuse in Canada. Abuse the attempt by one person to control another using fear, violence, or intimidation. Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, or psychological. Halton Women's Place is a local shelter dedicated to helping abused women and their children. They offer safe shelter, counselling and many other supports for women and their children who are experiencing abuse.
On Friday, November 22 at the start of period 1, join us for Blakelock’s first ‘Walk for Hope’ to raise money for Halton Women’s Place and bring attention to Domestic Violence. We will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash! Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30! We are also asking that every student donate $2 for this important cause. Your period one teacher will be collecting donations every day this week. Any donation helps this very important cause!!!
Today at lunch, the Library Learning Commons is the place to be! Come hang out, get creative, and make something amazing.
What’s Happening:
Colouring Fun: Help us bring our giant library banner to life by adding your colourful touch! No artistic skills needed—just come ready to colour and have fun!
Origami Station: Want to try something new? We’ll have an origami station where you can learn how to fold paper into cool shapes and designs. Great for beginners and experts alike!
When: This is the Last Day for the Origami & Colouring Stations
Where: Library Learning Commons
Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one! Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone. See you there!
The rumours are true: Krispy Kreme is coming to Blakelock, but only for a limited time! Blakelock is selling Krispy Kreme donuts as part of our fundraiser for Halton Women’s Place, a shelter for abused women and children. You can buy individual donuts for $2 or one dozen to share with friends and family for $15. They are available on School Cash Online until Tuesday and we will also be selling them on Friday Nov 22.
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Hey Tigers! Next week, on Monday and Tuesday, Student Council will be collecting books for the Oakville Book Donation! All books will be donated to the Children's Ward at the Oakville Hospital. Don't forget to bring your new books to the T at lunch!
There is a meeting for Swim Team members in W108 at the start of lunch today. Could all members of the Swim Team please attend this brief meeting.
In support of Domestic Violence Prevention Month, the ESL E class will have an information booth set up in the T on Tuesday. Join us to learn about this important issue and get a prize!
All athletes who tried out for the Junior Girls Volleyball team, please check the list outside the Phys Ed office today. There will be another tryout on Monday for those on the list. Thanks to everyone who tried out for the team and gave it your best shot!
"Want to hear the scoop on Pumpkin Picasso, TAB's Underrated clubs, Band Camp and so much more? Check out the Tabloid's newest publication, out now!!"
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Need a little extra support in math or science? We’ve got you covered! Come by TAB scholars today at lunch in room E104.
Did you know that in Canada, 1 in 3 women will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime? Halton Women's Place serves hundreds of women and children every year who have been victims of violence.
On Friday November 22nd, during period 1, the ESL E class is organizing a walk around the track to raise money for Halton Women’s Place. Representatives from Halton Women’s Place will be joining us and we will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash! Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30!
We are also asking that every student donate $2 for this important cause. Your period one teacher will be collecting donations every day this week. Any donation helps this very important cause!!!
Blakelock! On November 18th and 19th, Student Council will be collecting books for the Oakville Book Donation. Bring your new books to the T at lunch for Student Council to collect them. All donations will be sent to the Children's Ward at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital
Do you like donuts? Do you especially love the deliciously sweet, soft, melt-in-your-mouth-taste-of-heaven that is the Krispy Kreme donut? Well, you are in luck! Blakelock is selling Krispy Kreme donuts as part of our fundraiser for Halton Women’s Place, a shelter for abused women and children. You can buy individual donuts for $2 or one dozen to share with friends and family for $15. They are available on School Cash Online and we will also be selling them on Friday Nov 22. We have a limited amount, so reserve yours before they are all gone!
This week at lunch, the Library Learning Commons is the place to be! Come hang out, get creative, and make something amazing.
What’s Happening:
Colouring Fun: Help us bring our giant library banner to life by adding your colourful touch! No artistic skills needed—just come ready to colour and have fun!
Origami Station: Want to try something new? We’ll have an origami station where you can learn how to fold paper into cool shapes and designs. Great for beginners and experts alike!
When: All week during lunch
Where: Library Learning Commons
Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one! Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone. See you there!
Choir! We will rehearse today after school. There are very few weeks left until our concert, so please be there!!!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Want to add some positive experiences to your Term 2?? Interested in connecting with kind students who are looking to have fun while making a difference in our community? Join us in Wellness Club TODAY and every Thursday in W208. New and familiar faces are ALWAYS welcome!
For this week’s eco fact, a little bit of positivity! Since the 1950s, it is estimated we have produced just over 18 trillion pounds of plastic. Unfortunately, most of that plastic has found its way into our oceans. Although ocean pollution is a very real problem, strides are being made to clean our oceans and protect sea creatures. 4ocean is an incredible organization that just announced an amazing milestone that helps us get one step closer to clean oceans. They have officially collected 30 million pounds of trash from the ocean –– a record-setting accomplishment!
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
The STEAM career fair is happening this Friday! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to talk with residency students, dentists, engineers, and more! Make sure to hand in your signed permission form to Ms. Elliott or Mr. Iafrate.
Need a little extra support in math or science? We’ve got you covered! Starting this week, students can drop in for help with homework at TAB scholars in room E104 at lunch time on both TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. See you there!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Want to add some positive experiences to your Term 2?? Interested in connecting with kind students who are looking to have fun while making a difference in our community? Join us in Wellness Club TOMORROW and every Thursday in W208. New and familiar faces are ALWAYS welcome!
Attention debaters! This is an extremely important announcement. Today we will be meeting for debate club during lunch in E208. Again, that’s E208. Please bring a pen and paper. See you there!
Could all students writing the Waterloo Math Contest this morning please report to the Cafeteria. That’s all students writing the Waterloo Math Contest, report to the cafeteria now please!
Get ready to show your school spirit Tigers! Tomorrow we'll be having Blakelock's FIRST EVER pep rally in the Large Gym! Wear your black, green and white to celebrate our fall and winter sports teams, and get ready to watch our athletes participate in some fun activities! We can't wait to see you there!
Tigers, this week is Anti-Bullying Week. Please show your solidarity by wearing school colours on Spirit Day tomorrow and mismatched socks on Odd Sock Day this Friday!
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
The STEAM career fair is happening this Friday! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to talk with residency students, dentists, engineers, and more! Make sure to hand in your signed permission form to Ms. Elliott or Mr. Iafrate.
This week at lunch, the Library Learning Commons is the place to be! Come hang out, get creative, and make something amazing.
What’s Happening:
Colouring Fun: Help us bring our giant library banner to life by adding your colourful touch! No artistic skills needed—just come ready to color and have fun!
Origami Station: Want to try something new? We’ll have an origami station where you can learn how to fold paper into cool shapes and designs. Great for beginners and experts alike!
When: All week during lunch
Where: Library Learning Commons
Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one! Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone.
See you there!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Want to add some positive experiences to your Term 2?? Interested in connecting with kind students who are looking to have fun while making a difference in our community? Join us in Wellness Club every Thursday in W208. New and familiar faces are ALWAYS welcome!
Need a little extra support in math or science? We’ve got you covered! Come by TAB scholars today at lunch in room E104.
Monday, November 11, 2024
The STEAM career fair is happening this Friday! Do not miss this amazing opportunity to talk with residency students, dentists, engineers, and more! Make sure to hand in your signed permission form to Ms. Elliott or Mr. Iafrate.
This week at lunch, the Library Learning Commons is the place to be! Come hang out, get creative, and make something amazing.
What’s Happening:
Colouring Fun: Help us bring our giant library banner to life by adding your colourful touch! No artistic skills needed—just come ready to color and have fun!
Origami Station: Want to try something new? We’ll have an origami station where you can learn how to fold paper into cool shapes and designs. Great for beginners and experts alike!
When: All week during lunch
Where: Library Learning Commons
Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one! Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone.
See you there!
On Friday of this week representatives from the University of Waterloo, Western University and the University of Niagara Falls will be visiting our school. Students are urged to drop by the caf at lunch to connect with the reps and ask their post secondary questions!
Congratulations to the Jr. Boys Volleyball team for winning the Halton Championship by defeating Elsie MacGill 25-15, 25-22 to win the match 2 games to 0 last Friday. The Tigers were led by strong attack play from Spencer Miller and Jeevan Puri and sensational setting by Ethan Fowler and Ben Bourke and passing of Clyde Ross. The Jr. Boys were undefeated during league play. Way to go, Tigers!!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Need a little extra support in math or science? We’ve got you covered! Starting this week, students can drop in for help with homework at TAB scholars in room E104 at lunch time on both TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. See you there!
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Basketball Team for winning the Championship on Friday, defeating Burlington Central in the final!
The girls finished their season undefeated—a remarkable achievement that speaks to their hard work and determination. Amazing job, Tigers!
*Reminder* The first Senior Boys Basketball Tryout is today, November 11th after school. You must have the Secondary Interschool Athletics Package form completed and signed to participate in the tryout. Please find Mr. Tam if you have any questions or need clarifications about the tryout.
Attention any Grade 9 or 10 student who wants to try out for the Junior Boys Basketball AND the Junior Girls Volleyball teams!!! We have a short meeting TODAY in the health room, that’s W108 to get your schedule and mandatory forms.
To all Senior Girls interested in trying out for Volleyball, our first try out will be tomorrow after school in the large gym. Remember your forms, if you need one, grab a form from the Phys Ed office.
Friday, November 8, 2024
A rep from George Brown will be here today in the caf! If you are interested in this school, drop by!
Wanna travel to Europe this March break? Join us as we explore 4 different countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break! We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain!
Interested? Today is the last day to enroll. If you have questions, please see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton! QR codes are on the posters at the T.
Are you thinking about joining the ski and snowboard team but missed the meeting and the first practices? Come to the math office and get the forms from Mr. Jokic, Ms. Elliot or Mrs. Sydor
The STEAM career fair is happening next Friday! Do not forget to hand in your signed permission forms to Ms. Elliott or Mr. Iafrate .
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Did you purchase a yearbook last year? Are you sure? Maybe you did but you forgot because it’s been sooooo long! Maybe your parents bought one and you didn’t even know? Please have someone check your school cash online history to see if you purchased a 2023/2024 yearbook and if so, come to the main office during the lunch break or after school and pick it up!
If you’re still interested in going on the fan bus to watch the Basketball and Volleyball championships today, you still have time to bring your form to the phys.ed. Office! Please come down before 11am today to reserve your seat. You must have a signed permission form to go!
Good luck to the Junior Girls Basketball team and the Junior Boys Volleyball team today as they compete for the HSSAA Championships, Go Tigers!
Today is the LAST DAY to pick up your school bus stickers. Starting Monday, November 11, any student without a bus sticker will be removed from the transportation list and will not be allowed to board the bus.
Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.
Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Singers! Choir and Chamber Choir will be rehearsing on Thursday after school. Please be there!
"Reminder to all DECA members! Our exam begins period 1 in the library TODAY. If you have not gone down to the library, please do so asap."
HOLA Amigos! Wanna explore Europe this March break? Join us as we discover the sights and sounds of 4 different countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break! We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain! Sounds exciting? The deadline to enrol is tomorrow! For more info, see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton! QR codes are on the posters at the T.
Interested in joining a group of kind people who are committed to making our community stronger? Join us in the Wellness Club in W208 today at lunch. New faces are always welcome!
Are you thinking about joining the Ski and Snowboard Team but missed the meeting and the first practices? Come to the Math office and get the forms from Mr. Jokic, Ms. Elliot or Mrs. Sydor
Did you purchase a yearbook last year? Are you sure? Maybe you did but you forgot because it’s been sooooo long! Maybe your parents bought one and you didn’t even know? Please have someone check your school cash online history to see if you purchased a 2023/2024 yearbook and if so, come to the main office during the lunch break or after school and pick it up!
Your eco fact of the week! Did you know that in Halton, the transportation sector accounts for 44% of all emissions? To help reduce this impact, Oakville has recently introduced electric buses and other measures to lower emissions. However, we all need to do our part to reduce emissions further. Simple actions like biking, walking, or using public transportation to get to school can make a big difference. Plus, public transportation in Oakville is free for those under 18, so why not take advantage of it?
Starting this week, school bus drivers will be checking for bus stickers . If you don’t have your sticker, you won’t be allowed to board the bus. Any Students who have not picked up their bus stickers will be removed from transportation starting Monday, November 11.
Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker as soon as possible. Stickers can be picked up before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.
Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt, and remember: pick up times are before school, at lunch or after school - not during class.
Show your spirit - come grab your gear!
Attention TABloid Team, we are meeting TODAY after school in the library. See you there!
Attention Computer science and robotics club members! A reminder we will be having our weekly meeting in S205 today at lunch.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Ciao! Tigers! Wanna discover Europe this March break? Join us as we explore the sights and sounds of four beautiful countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break! We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain!
Sounds exciting? The deadline to enroll is coming up soon - November 8, 2024. If you have questions please see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton! QR codes are on the posters at the T.
"Reminder to all DECA members, our exam is TOMORROW, periods 1 & 2 in the library at 8:10am. Don't forget your computer, calculator and student ID. See you there!"
Ski and snowboard team workouts continue today at lunch in the small gym. Remember to bring your forms with you!
Can’t make it, or haven’t joined yet? Come down anyway and let the coaches know!
HelloTigers, we would like to invite you to partake in the 2024 Treaty Recognition Week in a school-wide poll on our comprehension of treaty duties, rights, and relationships. TRC asks you to join us at lunch at the "T" to write down your response to the survey question. We hope to see you there!
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 today during lunch for debate club, and don't forget to bring a pen and some paper. See you there!
Did you miss the Boys’ Basketball meeting? No problem! Head over to E218 to scan the QR code for the interest form and join the Google Classroom. Remember to return your signed permission form to Mr. Tam—you’ll need this completed to participate in tryouts. If you still need a permission form, please find Mr. Tam. Tryouts begin next week on Monday (November 11th) after school for the Senior Boys Basketball Team! Keep checking Google Classroom for all the important dates.
Interested in joining a group of kind people who are committed to making our community stronger? Join us in Wellness Club in W208 TOMORROW at lunch. New faces are always welcome!
Calling all artists! Join the Art Club today at lunch in room E107 to make your own DIY bookmarks. All skill levels are welcome, come and hang out!
Starting this week, school bus drivers will be checking for bus stickers . If you don’t have your sticker, you won’t be allowed to board the bus. Any Students who have not picked up their bus stickers will be removed from transportation starting Monday, November 11.
Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker as soon as possible. Stickers can be picked up before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.
Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt, and remember: pick up times are before school, at lunch or after school - not during class.
Show your spirit - come grab your gear!
Congratulations to the Jr Boys Volleyball Team for their 2-0 win over Gaetan Gervais in Semi-final action yesterday. The Jr Tigers will advance to the Halton Finals this Friday! Good luck Tigers!
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
For any Senior Girls (that’s Grade 11 and 12) interested in playing Volleyball, meet Ms. McAllan in the Health Room today at lunch in W108.
Last year’s Henna event was a huge hit, and we want to bring it back for more creative fun! We’re looking for talented students who would love to showcase their henna skills and bring beautiful designs to other students.
If you’re passionate about henna and want to be part of this exciting event, we’d love to hear from you! Sign up to be a henna artist by dropping by the Library Learning Commons and ask for Mrs. MacKay.
Let’s make this event even more amazing together!
Hey TAB, Treaty Recognition Week is this week, so TRC members will continue yesterday’s Treaty Week reflection at lunch at the “T”. We invite all students to complete a reflection to contribute to a school-wide survey surrounding our understanding of treaty obligations, rights, and relationships. We hope to see you there!
Western University’s Ivey program will visit TAB today! Drop into the caf at lunch!
A reminder to Symphonic Winds members: we’ll be rehearsing today after school. Please be there. Our concert is fast approaching!
"Reminder to all DECA members, our exam is THIS Thursday, periods 1 & 2 in the library at 8:10am. Don't forget your computer, calculator and student ID. See you there!"
Bonjour! Wanna discover Europe this March break? Join us on a once in a lifetime trip as we explore 4 countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break! We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain! Sounds exciting? Remember the deadline to enroll is November 8, 2024. If you have any questions or for more information please see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr Stainton! QR codes are on the posters at the T.
Ski and Snowboard team workouts have started! Way to go to those that remembered and were there yesterday. For everyone else, the next practice is Wednesday, that’s tomorrow the first half of lunch in the small gym. If you missed the meeting, you can still join! See Ms. Elliot, Ms. Sydor or Mr. Jokic in the Math office to get forms!
Starting this week, school bus drivers will be checking for bus stickers . If you don’t have your sticker, you won’t be allowed to board the bus. Any Students who have not picked up their bus stickers will be removed from transportation starting Monday, November 11.
Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker as soon as possible. Stickers can be picked up before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.
Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!
Spiritwear orders are ready for pick up in the main office! Please bring your receipt, and remember: pick up times are before school, at lunch or after school - not during class.
Show your spirit - come grab your gear!
Congratulations to the Junior Girls Basketball team who won their semi-final game yesterday. Diyenka Senanayake led the way as the Tigers took down MM Robinson 39-24. The Tigers will move on to the Halton Championships this Friday. Good luck Tigers!
Please join me in congratulating your individual OFSAA Junior Boys Cross Country Bronze medalist Ethan Deveaux, and the 11th place OFSAA Junior Boys Cross Country team of Ethan Deveaux, Spencer Miller, Luke MacKay and Harrison Crowe. The boys battled through hills, cold temperatures and rain to represent their team, their school and GHAC, and they did us proud. Coach Defalco and Coach Rochus are immensely proud of the work this team has put in, and it’s proof positive that hard work and dedication does pay off. Way to go boys!
Monday, November 4, 2024
For any Senior Girls (that’s Grade 11 and 12) interested in playing Volleyball, meet Ms. McAllan in the Health Room Tuesday at lunch in W108.
Hi Tigers,
Did you miss the Boys’ Basketball meeting? Head over to E218 to scan the QR code for the interest form and join the Google Classroom. Be sure to find Mr. Tam to pick up a required permission form—this needs to be signed and completed for tryouts! Keep an eye on Google Classroom for all the important dates and updates.
We will be having tryouts next week.
Last year’s Henna event was a huge hit, and we want to bring it back for more creative fun! We’re looking for talented students who would love to showcase their henna skills and bring beautiful designs to other students.
If you’re passionate about henna and want to be part of this exciting event, we’d love to hear from you! Sign up to be a henna artist by dropping by the Library Learning Commons and ask for Mrs. MacKay.
Let’s make this event even more amazing together!
Hey Book Club Members, we are meeting TOMORROW at lunch in S103. See you there!
Hey Tigers, the Truth, and Reconciliation Committee invites you down to the “T” at lunch to complete a reflection for the 2024 Treaty Recognition week and to contribute to a school-wide survey surrounding our understanding of treaty obligations, rights, and relationships. We hope to see you there!
Attention Chamber Choir members: We’ll meet in S119 for a rehearsal today at lunch. Please be there!
Mohawk College will be at TAB today at lunch in the Caf. Drop in with your post secondary questions! Tomorrow we will host Western University’s Ivey program and on Friday George Brown visits!
Don’t forget to pick up your bus sticker today! Stickers are required to board the bus, and drivers will start checking them as you get in. Please bring your student ID with you and pick up your sticker before period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.
Make sure you’re set for your ride - get your sticker today!
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Looking for something to do after school today? Come down to the gym and support the Junior Girls Basketball team as they take on MM Robinson in the semi-finals. Tip-off is at 3:30. See you there!
Do you like science and art? Do you know a lot about biology, chemistry, physics, science in general, and/or art? Come by E102 for the STEAM trivia challenge this Friday! Please see the TAB-Steam Instagram and the posters around the school as they are posted throughout this week for more information! See you there!
Friday, November 1, 2024
Did you miss the SKI and SNOWBOARD team meeting? Come get the google classroom code and forms from MrJokic in the math office. Dry Land practices start next week!
Ciao! Tigers! Wanna travel to Europe this March break? Join us as we explore 4 different countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break! We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain!
Interested? The deadline to enroll is November 8, 2024. For more info, see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton! QR codes are on the posters at the T. Happy Exploring!
For any Senior Girls (that’s grade 11 and 12) interested in playing Volleyball, meet Ms. McAllan in the health room Tuesday at lunch in W10.
This is a reminder to all DECA members - there will be a mandatory meeting today at lunch in S107/S108, see you there!
Hi Tigers,
Did you miss the boys’ basketball meeting? Head over to E218 to scan the QR code for the interest form and join the Google Classroom. Be sure to find Mr. Tam to pick up a required permission form—this needs to be signed and completed for tryouts! Keep an eye on Google Classroom for all the important dates and updates.
The pumpkin contest is officially over and our winners are… in first place, Jack, in second place, Spider, and in third place, Skull! If you made any of these pumpkins, stop by the library to collect your prizes. Thank you to everyone who participated in the pumpkin carving competition!
Are you still holding on to a Hallowe’en shape that you found yesterday?? Even though the Wellness Club’s Trade for Treat event is over, you can still cash in for your Treat! Bring your shape to W208 at lunch and see Mme. Mowbray!
The results are in for our spooktacular Pumpkin Carving Contest!
First place goes to the masterful "Jack"!
Second prize is claimed by the eerie "Spider"!
And our third-place winner is the chilling "Skull"!
A whopping 192 students cast their votes—thank you all for participating!
If you're one of our talented pumpkin artists, come on down to the Library Learning Commons to collect your well-deserved prizes! Let’s celebrate your creativity!
Hey TRC Team. We are meeting today in S118 at the beginning of lunch. New members are always welcome!
Calling all Henna Artists!
The Library Learning Commons is excited to host another Henna event this year, just like last year’s amazing celebration! We’re looking for talented students who can create beautiful henna designs to join us for this fun-filled lunchtime event.
If you’re interested in showcasing your skills and sharing the art of henna, please let us know! Your creativity can help make this event a huge success. Interested artists, please stop by the LLC and see Mrs. MacKay.
Congratulations to the Senior Girls Basketball Team on a fantastic season! Although the journey ended in the quarterfinals with a tough loss to Craig Kielburger, the team showed incredible determination and heart. Throughout the season, they faced many challenges but used them as motivation to keep pushing forward. A special shoutout to Emma Kellerman for her impressive 28-point performance to finish off the season. If you have any of these girls in your class, please congratulate them on a job well done!
Don't forget to pick up your bus sticker today! Stickers are required to board the bus, and drivers will start checking them as you get in. Please bring your student ID with you and pick up your sticker before period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.
Make sure you’re set for your ride - get your sticker today!
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Attention all Grade 12 Science Students: If you are considering a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), then join us at the STEAM career fair on November 15th in the cafeteria during periods 1 and 2. You can speak to speech pathologists, med students, biomedical staff, engineers, and more. Obtain a permission form from the Math/Science officer (E217) and return it to Mr. Iafrate or Ms. Elliott.
HOSA members there will be a meeting today at lunch in room S208.
This week, we are excited to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights! Diwali is a significant festival in India that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It’s a time for family gatherings, festive meals, and beautiful decorations.
To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!
Did you miss the SKI and SNOWBOARD team meeting? Come get the google classroom code and forms from MrJokic in the math office. Dry Land practices start next week!
Did you find any yet??? Any of the Ghosts, Bats, Monsters, Pumpkins and other Hallowe’en shapes hidden around the building??
Look HIGH and look LOW … there are MANY FOAM SHAPES … AT LEAST 75 hidden around the building for the Wellness Club annual TRADE FOR TREAT EVENT. Find as many of the Hallowe’en shapes hidden somewhere around the building as you can… and bring them to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT! Just another way to join in the community fun today! Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!
Attention all Actors! This is a reminder that auditions will take place in the Studio Theatre today at lunch! You only need to attend one audition.
Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5. Be sure to bring your student ID with you. School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Hey, awesome Tigers!
Get ready to show your pumpkin love! 🎉 The Library Learning Commons is hosting a Pumpkin Carving Vote. We need YOUR votes to crown the ultimate pumpkin champion!
When: Today and tomorrow.
Where: Library Learning Commons
What: Check out the spooktacular pumpkin creations and vote for your favorite!
Join us for some festive fun and help us decide which pumpkin deserves the title of Pumpkin Champion!” 🏆 Don’t forget to bring your friends and enjoy some tasty treats while you’re at it!
Let’s make this a Halloween to remember! 🎃👻
Happy voting!
Hola Tigers!
Ciao Tigers!
Wanna travel to Europe this March break? Join us as we explore 4 different countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break! We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain! Sounds exciting?
The deadline to enrol for the trip is November 8, 2024. For more information, see Ms. Clarke, Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton! QR codes to enrol are on the posters at the T. Happy exploring!
Hey Tigers – This is a reminder to all DECA members: There is a mandatory meeting tomorrow at lunch. See you there!
Hi Tigers, did you miss the Boys’ Basketball meeting? Head over to E218 to scan the QR code for the interest form and join the Google Classroom. Be sure to find Mr. Tam to pick up a required permission form—this needs to be signed and completed for tryouts! Keep an eye on Google Classroom for all the important dates and updates.
A quick reminder to all Choir members we will have a rehearsal today until four. Please be there. I can’t wait to see your costumes!
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Attention all Grade 12 Science Students: If you are considering a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), then join us at the STEAM career fair on November 15th in the cafeteria during periods 1 and 2. You can speak to speech pathologists, med students, biomedical staff, engineers, and more. Obtain a permission form from the Math/Science officer (E217) and return it to Mr. Iafrate or Ms. Elliott.
Ghosts!... Bats! …Monsters!...Pumpkins!... and more! This Thursday, the Hallowe'en Wellness Club will be hosting our annual TRADE FOR TREAT EVENT. Yes that’s right!! The candy is back!!!
Find one of the foam shapes hidden somewhere around the building, take it … and bring it to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT!
Just another way to join in the community fun on Thursday! Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!
This week, we are excited to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights! Diwali is a significant festival in India that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It’s a time for family gatherings, festive meals, and beautiful decorations.
To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!
Did you miss the SKI and SNOWBOARD team meeting? Come get the google classroom code and forms from MrJokic in the math office. Dry Land practices start next week!
Hey Tigers, if you’re interested in joining the Boys Basketball team, come to a quick meeting tomorrow (October 30th) at the start of lunch in E218. We will be discussing the upcoming season and handing out forms. If you are unable to attend the meeting or have any questions, please find Mr. Tam either in E218 or the Math Office.
Attention all Actors! This is a reminder that auditions will take place in the Studio Theatre today and tomorrow at lunch! You only need to attend one audition.
Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5. Be sure to bring your student ID with you. School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Hey, awesome Tigers!
Get ready to show your pumpkin love! 🎉 The Library Learning Commons is hosting a Pumpkin Carving Vote. We need YOUR votes to crown the ultimate pumpkin champion!
When: Today and tomorrow.
Where: Library Learning Commons
What: Check out the spooktacular pumpkin creations and vote for your favorite!
Join us for some festive fun and help us decide which pumpkin deserves the title of Pumpkin Champion!” 🏆 Don’t forget to bring your friends and enjoy some tasty treats while you’re at it!
Let’s make this a Halloween to remember! 🎃👻
Happy voting!
Hello Tigers!
To commemorate the Islamic Heritage Month, MSA in association with Salaam Neighbor will be organizing a gallery walk in the library conference room today during lunch. See you there!
Attention Debaters! Join us in room S107 today during lunch for Debate Club, don't forget to bring a pen and some paper. See you there!
Congrats on an amazing season to our Varsity Field Hockey Team. After a long season of battling hard to finish 2nd in Halton and and 3rd in GHAC, our Tigers just fell short of qualifying for OFSAA. Way to go girls and let’s get ready for next year!
Hey Blakelock! Don’t forget to bring non-perishable goods or a monetary donation for our annual “No Can, No-Can Park” on Halloween (that’s TOMORROW!). Students will be outside in the morning collecting your donations in exchange for your parking spot!
Girls Varsity Hockey tryouts, today at Kinoak arena at 3:30PM. Please bring in forms if you haven’t done so already
Congratulations to the Junior Girls Basketball team who finished off the regular season yesterday with a 40-18 win over Burlington Central to place first overall with an undefeated record of 8-0. Great work Tigers!
Looking for a fun Friday activity to do this week? Well you’re in luck! This Friday the TAB STEAM Council is holding a spooky oooooohblek experiment session!
Ooblek, also known as cornstarch mud, is a fun liquid with some interesting traits and characteristics!
Sign up using the posters around the school, and join us Friday at the start of lunch for a fun spooky experience.
Following this week's steam activity, the steam council will be meeting Friday, second half of break for our weekly meeting.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Attention all Grade 12 Science Students: If you are considering a career in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), then join us at the STEAM career fair on November 15th in the cafeteria during periods 1 and 2. You can speak to speech pathologists, med students, biomedical staff, engineers, and more. Obtain a permission form from the Math/Science officer (E217) and return it to Mr. Iafrate or Ms. Elliott.
Ghosts!... Bats! …Monsters!...Pumpkins!... and more! This Thursday, the Hallowe'en Wellness Club will be hosting our annual TRADE FOR TREAT EVENT. Yes that’s right!! The candy is back!!!
Find one of the foam shapes hidden somewhere around the building, take it … and bring it to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT!
Just another way to join in the community fun on Thursday! Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!
This week, we are excited to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights! Diwali is a significant festival in India that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It’s a time for family gatherings, festive meals, and beautiful decorations.
To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!
Did you miss the SKI and SNOWBOARD team meeting? Come get the google classroom code and forms from MrJokic in the math office. Dry Land practices start next week!
Hey Tigers, if you’re interested in joining the Boys Basketball team, come to a quick meeting tomorrow (October 30th) at the start of lunch in E218. We will be discussing the upcoming season and handing out forms. If you are unable to attend the meeting or have any questions, please find Mr. Tam either in E218 or the Math Office.
Attention all Actors! This is a reminder that auditions will take place in the Studio Theatre today and tomorrow at lunch! You only need to attend one audition.
Hello debaters! Just a reminder that we will be having a meeting tomorrow during lunch in S107. See you there!
Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5. Be sure to bring your student ID with you. School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Good morning, Tigers! Halloween is almost here, and starting today, you can buy your Halloween candy grams at the 'T' during lunch! For just $0.50 per candy or 5 for $2, you can send a spooky treat and a message to your friends. Don’t miss out, as sales run for today and the next two days only. Also, on Thursday during break, there will be a spooky Halloween bake sale. Let’s make this Halloween the sweetest one yet!
Grade 12's! Today’s post secondary visit is from Trent University. Drop by the Caf at lunch to visit the rep and get more info on the programming.
The Relay for Life Committee will be meeting tomorrow at lunch in room S102. If you are part of the committee make sure to join us, we are excited to get things going!
Ghosts!... Bats! …Monsters!...Pumpkins!... and more! This Thursday, the Hallowe'en Wellness Club will be hosting our annual TRADE FOR TREAT EVENT. Yes that’s right!! The candy is back!!!
Find one of the foam shapes hidden somewhere around the building, take it … and bring it to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT!
Just another way to join in the community fun on Thursday! Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!
This week, we are excited to celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights! Diwali is a significant festival in India that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It’s a time for family gatherings, festive meals, and beautiful decorations.
To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!
Attention all Grade 12 science students: If you are considering a career in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics), then join us at the STEAM career fair on November 15th in the cafeteria during periods 1 and 2. You can speak to audiologists, respiratory therapists, journalists, materials scientists, nurses, and more. Obtain a permission form from the math/science officer (E217) and return it to Mr. Iafrate or Ms. Elliott.
HOSA members there will be a meeting Thursday at lunch in room S208. See you there!
Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5. Be sure to bring your student ID with you. School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Do you like drama? Are you passionate about supporting your school? Are you searching for the new, exciting council to join?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the TAB Drama Council is for you! Please join us for our first meeting, today, at the start of lunch in the studio theater to learn more! See you there!
Friday, October 25, 2024
Grade 12's! Today’s post secondary visit is from Toronto Metropolitan University. Drop by the Caf at lunch to visit the rep and get more info on the programming. AND drop in on Monday to connect with Trent University!
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Math? Then STEAM club is the club for you! Join us in E102 TODAY for an introductory meeting! See you there!
It’s that time to start dreaming of rushing down the slopes of beautiful white snow! Anyone interested in the ski and snowboard team should come to the health room, West 108 at lunch TODAY.
Attention, Blakelock! The countdown is on; Halloween candy grams go on sale Monday! Purchasing a Candy Gram allows you to send a sweet treat and message to your friends. Remember, you’ll only have three days to buy your candy grams, so be sure to stop by the T next week and get yours before Halloween next Thursday!
Hey Tigers! Did you know that this year our TAB DECA chapter this year is made up of over 90 awesome TAB students! These students will be representing TAB at the upcoming regionals!
There is a mandatory meeting today for all DECA members at lunch today in S107/S108. See you there!
The Relay for Life Committee will be meeting Tuesday at lunch in room S102. If you are part of the committee make sure to join us, we are excited to get things going!
Yesterday the Junior Girls Basketball team continued their winning ways with a dominant 50-27 victory over Burlington Central to stay undefeated on the season. Great work Tigers!
A big thank you to all of the period 4 classes that came out yesterday to help the EcoClub pick up garbage around the school. With 8 classes and only 20 minutes of cleaning, we managed to completely fill around 10 garbage bags. Thank you for the hard work Tigers!
Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5. Be sure to bring your student ID with you.
School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.
Congratulations to our Varsity Girls Field Hockey Tigers for a fantastic fight against OT, unfortunately they just fell short loosing 2-0, good luck to our Tigers next week in the GHAC semi final!!
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Hey, do you play guitar? Looking to play with a band and rock out here at TAB? Well the JR Rock Band is looking for a Guitar and Bass Guitar player and they need YOU! If you are interested, come down to the Music room or talk to Ms. Abbott or Mr. Beaupre about details!
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Math? Then STEAM club is the club for you! Join us in E102 on Friday for an introductory meeting! See you there!
What are you doing during lunch these days? Do you like to paint? To be creative? To hang out with nice people? If you answered YES, to any or all of these questions, come on up to W208 TODAY at lunch and join us in the Wellness Club! New faces are always welcomed!
Hey Tigers, are you looking for some Halloween fun? Student council is hosting a pumpkin carving contest! TODAY is the LAST DAY to sign up individually or with friends and purchase your pumpkin on cashless for $5. Carving will take place on October 29th and students will vote for the winners from October 30th-31st! There will be prizes for the top 3 pumpkins!! We can’t wait to see your pumpkins!
Hey, Blakelock! Just a reminder—our Halloween candy grams are on sale next week! Starting Monday, you can grab a candy gram at the T during lunch. Send your friends a fun treat and a personalized message to make their Halloween extra special. Sales are only on for the three days before Halloween next week so don’t forget!
Congratulations to the Junior Boys Volleyball Team for their 2-1 win over King’s Christian Collegiate. The Junior Boys finished in the top seed in Tier 2 and will play their first playoff game on Nov. 4th. Good luck Tigers!!
This is a reminder that Knitting Club is TODAY at lunch in room E214. Bring your own projects or learn to knit or crochet. All are welcome. That’s E214 at lunch every Thursday.
It’s that time to start dreaming of rushing down the slopes of beautiful white snow! Anyone interested in the ski and snowboard team should come to the health room, West 108 at lunch TOMORROW.
Hey TABloid Team, we are meeting today after school in the LLC. See you there!
ATTENTION: All Grade 11 and Grade 12 students going on today’s field trip to the ROM need to be in front of the studio theatre at 9AM this morning!
Are you interested in helping grow and support the TAB Drama Department? Well, it's your chance! join the TAB Drama Council! More information coming soon.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Hey, do you play guitar? Looking to play with a band and rock out here at TAB? Well, the JR Rock Band is looking for a Guitar and Bass Guitar player and they need YOU! If you are interested, come down to the Music room or talk to Ms. Abbott or Mr. Beaupre about details!
Attention Library Volunteers!! There will be a meeting today after school in the Library Learning Commons. Hope to see you all there!
Hey Tigers, are you looking for some Halloween fun? Student council is hosting a pumpkin carving contest! Make sure to sign up individually or with friends and purchase your pumpkin on cashless for $5 by Thursday October 24th. Carving will take place on October 29th and students will vote for the winners from October 30th-31st! There will be prizes for the top 3 pumpkins!! We can’t wait to see your pumpkins!
What are you doing during lunch these days? Do you like to paint? To be creative? To hang out with nice people? If you answered YES, to any or all of these questions, come on up to W208 tomorrow at lunch and join us in Wellness Club! New faces are always welcomed!
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 today during lunch for debate club, and don't forget to bring a pen and some paper. See you there!
Time for your morning theater joke, brought to you by the TAB Drama Department:
Why don’t actors ever play hide and seek? Because they are always in the spotlight.
What’s that? You want to hear another one? Ok, here it is:
What’s a ghost’s favorite play? Romeo and Ghouliet.
(laughing loudly) HAhahahaha Oh, Boy, Whew!
If you thought that was funny, or even if you didn’t, but you are interested in being part of the school play, come to the information meeting today at the START OF LUNCH in the STUDIO THEATRE. We need actors as well as people to work backstage. If you are interested in set, costumes, props, music, choreography, other backstage work, or performance, please come to the information meeting at the start of lunch today.
Join the Art Club today at lunch, in Room E107! All skill levels are welcome, come and hang out!
Congratulations to our Varsity Field Tockey Team who defeated Frank Hayden in the Halton Semi Finals. They now move on to face OT in the final and have made history to be blakelocks first ever field hockey team to qualify for the GHAC semi finals. GO Tigers!
Good morning, Blakelock! Get ready for something sweet next week: Halloween candy grams are coming! Starting next Monday, the 28th, you’ll be able to purchase candy grams at the T during lunch. It’s the perfect way to send a spooky treat and a special message to your friends, which will be delivered on Halloween! Sales will run for three days only, so mark your calendars and don’t miss out!
Please join me in congratulating your 2024 GHAC Junior Boys Cross Country Champions, if you see them. Ethan Deveaux was the top overall finisher, winning his second individual GHAC Cross Country title. Spencer Miller’s top 10 finish and Luke MacKay and Harrison Crowe’s top 20 finishes rounded out an outstanding score of 44.
Those Boys will be heading to Ottawa in a couple weeks for this year’s OFSAA. A big congratulations to all runners who ran yesterday, if your season is finished, please wash your singlet and return it to Mr. Rochus.
This is a reminder that Knitting Club will take place tomorrow at lunch in room E214. Bring your own projects or learn to knit or crochet. All are welcome. That’s E214 at lunch every Thursday.
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Math? Then STEAM Club is the Club for you! Join us in E102 on Friday for an introductory meeting! See you there!
It’s that time to start dreaming of rushing down the slopes of beautiful white snow! Anyone interested in the ski and snowboard team should come to the Health Room, West 108 at lunch this FRIDAY.
Hey Blakelock! GSA is hosting our annual Chalk Positive day today at break! If you want to be creative, write some positive messages for the school, or just do some fun drawings in chalk, come to the front of the school at the start of break today! All are welcome and bring your friends!
Attention Students and Staff: The Cafeteria is closed today. Please make other meal arrangements. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Hey, do you play guitar? Looking to play with a band and rock out here at TAB? Well, the JR Rock Band is looking for a Guitar and Bass Guitar player and they need YOU! If you are interested, come down to the Music room or talk to Ms. Abbott or Mr. Beaupre about the details!
Grade 12's! This week’s post secondary visits are McMaster today and Toronto Metropolitan University on Friday. Drop by the Caf at lunch to visit the reps and get more info on the programming at each school! Next Monday? Trent!
Hey Tigers, are you looking for some Halloween fun? Student council is hosting a pumpkin carving contest! Make sure to sign up individually or with friends and purchase your pumpkin on cashless for $5 by Thursday October 24th. Carving will take place on October 29th and students will vote for the winners from October 30th-31st! There will be prizes for the top 3 pumpkins!! We can’t wait to see your pumpkins!
Hello debaters! Just a reminder that we will be having a meeting tomorrow during lunch in S107. See you there!
Looking to get creative? The Art Club will be meeting this Wednesday at lunch in Room E107, stop by and join the fun!
Hey Tigers, are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and/or Math? Then STEAM Club is the Club for you! Join us in E102 on Friday for an introductory meeting! See you there!
Good Morning Tigers!!! To commemorate the Islamic Heritage Month in October the MSA in collaboration with Salaam Neighbor will be hosting a Gallery Walk in the Studio Theatre tomorrow at 11.00 am. Everyone is welcome.
It’s that time to start dreaming of rushing down the slopes of beautiful white snow! Anyone interested in the ski and snowboard team should come to the Health Room, West 108 at lunch this FRIDAY.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Attention all Swimmers! Our first short meeting will be today at the start of break in the Health Room! Please swing by to get some information on the season and pick up a form.
Are you worried about sitting in the cold and trying to eat your lunch? Drop by the Games Room (E214) and play one of our 30 games. We have card games, board games, and other hands-on activities during the lunch period on Mondays and Wednesdays. See Ms. Stewart or Ms. Pick if you have any questions.
Grade 12's! This week’s post secondary visits are McMaster on Tuesday and Toronto Metropolitan University on Friday. Drop by the Caf at lunch to visit the reps and get more info on the programming at each school! Next Monday? Trent University!
Hey, do you play guitar? Looking to play with a band and rock out here at TAB? Well the JR Rock Band is looking for a Guitar and Bass Guitar player and they need YOU! If you are interested, come down to the Music room or talk to Ms. Abbott or Mr. Beaupre about details!
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in science, technology, engineering, art and/or math? Then STEAM club is the club for you! Join us in E102 on Friday for an introductory meeting! See you there!
Hey Tigers, are you looking for some Halloween fun? Student council is hosting a pumpkin carving contest! Make sure to sign up individually or with friends and purchase your pumpkin on cashless for $5 by Thursday October 24th. Carving will take place on October 29th and students will vote for the winners from October 30th-31st! There will be prizes for the top 3 pumpkins!! We can’t wait to see your pumpkins!
Friday, October 18, 2024
Are you worried about sitting in the cold and trying to eat your lunch? Drop by the Games Room (E214) and play one of our 30 games. We have card games, board games, and other hands-on activities during the lunch period on Mondays and Wednesdays. See Ms. Stewart or Ms. Pick if you have any questions.
Anyone interested in playing Varsity Girls Hockey please see Mr. Winter or Mr. Butler in the Phys-Ed office at lunch.
Hey Tigers! This is a reminder to all DECA members! There will be a meeting today at lunch in S107/S108. See you there!
Good morning Blakelock if you're looking for something to do during your second half of lunch, come to the large gym at 11:35 to play badminton. Bring friends!!!!!!!! see you there, Blakelock.
Congratulations to our Varsity Field Hockey team for going 6 and 1 in the regular season. If you see them in the halls, wish them good luck for their Halton Semi Final against Hayden on Tuesday!!
Today is photo retake day. If you missed getting your photo taken in September, Edge Photography will be here this morning in the Tiger’s Den.
Reminder to all TRC members. We are meeting today at lunch in S118. New members are welcome.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
HOSA members, we have a meeting today at lunch in room S208!
A reminder to all choir and chamber choir members, we will be rehearsing after school today. Please be there! New members are welcome, but this is the final week to join if you wish to be a part of choir, so come check it out if you’re curious!
Hey Tigers! Are you looking for a fun and competitive way to show off your Halloween spirit? If so, put your strong skills on display in Blakelock’s Pumpkin Carving Contest! Get together in groups or work individually to carve the best pumpkin, competing with your fellow schoolmates. Carving will take place on the 29th of October with a vote for the winner happening on the 30th and 31st in the library. Cashless entries for $5 are open now for your spot in the competition. Hope to see you there!
Interested in meeting people who CARE about KINDNESS, COMMUNITY and POSITIVE WELL-BEING??… join us TODAY in W208 where the Wellness Club meets. New faces are always welcomed!
Hey TABloid Team! We have a meeting TODAY after school in the Library. See you there!
For any boys interested in trying out for the Junior or Senior Hockey Team this year, please come to a meeting in W206 - puck drops at the beginning of lunch!
Anyone interested in playing varsity girls hockey please see Mr. Winter or Mr. Butler in the Phys-ed office at lunch.
Congratulations to the Jr. Boys Volleyball team for their 2-1 victory over Elsie MacGill. The Tigers lost the first set but fought back to win the next 2 games and the match. There will be a practice today at lunch. Go Tigers!
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
This Friday is Photo Retake Day. If you are new to the school or missed getting your photo taken in September, Edge photography will be here this Friday morning in the Tiger’s Den.
Are you worried about sitting in the cold and trying to eat your lunch? Drop by the Games Room (E214) and play one of our 30 games. We have card games, board games, and other hands-on activities during the lunch period on Mondays and Wednesdays. See Ms. Stewart or Ms. Pick if you have any questions.
Congratulations to the Jr. Boys Volleyball Team for their 2 - 0 victory yesterday over King’s Christian Collegiate. The first place Tigers will play 2nd place MacGill today after school in Milton. Go Tigers!!
This week's eco fact focuses on nature restoration at the 2024 Global Nature Positive Summit, held in Sydney. The event aims to enhance private sector investment to protect and restore ecosystems, working towards international goals. This summit comes at a crucial time, as the latest "State of the Climate" report warns that Earth is entering an unpredictable phase of climate crisis, with rising temperatures and increasing pressures on ecosystems. Despite the challenges, there is positive momentum towards increasing renewable energy use and efforts to support biodiversity conservation worldwide, emphasizing the need for collaborative action to address climate and ecological concerns.
Attention debaters! Join us in S107 today during lunch for debate club, and don't forget to bring a pen and some paper. See you there!
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Rise and shine Grades 9 - 12 Mathletes! The Canadian Junior and Senior Math Contest is calling all brave problem-solvers. Embark on this exciting challenge to test your wits and let your Math skills shine.
To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a Math teacher for help. PLEASE REMEMBER, TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP!
This Friday is Photo Retake Day. If you are new to the school or missed getting your photo taken in September, Edge photography will be here this Friday morning in the Tiger’s Den.
Congratulations to the Jr. Boys Volleyball team for their 2-0 win over Gaetan Gervais Secondary School last Thursday. Great front row attack by Ben, Vlad, Jeevan and Spencer and passing from Matt and Clyde. Good luck today against King’s Christian school tonight after school at Blakelock.
Attention Grade 12 students: A rep from Dalhousie University will be at Blakelock today at lunch. Drop by the Caf to chat about the amazing programs Dal offers!
Good morning Tigers! A bigThank you from the Wellness Club to everyone who joined us in activities to recognize World Mental Health day last week. We loved the energy and enthusiasm and would like to welcome you back to W208 this Thursday to join us for other activities.… and if you didn’t get there but are interested in meeting people who CARE about KINDNESS, COMMUNITY and POSITIVE WELL-BEING… join us THIS Thursday. New faces are always welcomed!
HOSA members there will be a meeting Thursday at lunch in room S208. We can’t wait to see you then!
Join Blakelock's First-Ever Student Senate Club!
Want to make a difference and represent our school at the Halton District School Board level? Whether you tried out for the Senate or just want to get involved, this is your chance! Led by your 2024-2025 Student Senators, Rishi and Mobin, we invite you to our first meeting today during the second half of break at the conference room in the office. Come share your ideas, help shape the future of Blakelock, and make your voice heard!
Don’t miss this great opportunity to lead and represent our school in front of all of the HDSB! We look forward to seeing you there!
Varsity Girls Hockey meeting today at lunch in the health room (w108).
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Rise and shine Grades 9 - 12 Mathletes! The Canadian Junior and Senior Math Contest is calling all brave problem-solvers. Embark on this exciting challenge to test your wits and let your Math skills shine.
To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a Math teacher for help. Sign up is open until October 15.
If you’re interested in joining the choir, we’re still accepting new members. Just come to the music room Today after school and see what it’s all about! No experience required.
Are you wasting your lunchtime away? Just sitting around and not chasing that ever fulfilling need to put your opponent in checkmate! Well, dust off those 8 by 8 boards and come out to the chess club in E205 Tuesdays and Wednesdays at lunch.
Hey TABloid Team. It’s Thursday so that means we are meeting TODAY after school in the Library. See you there!
When was the last time you charged your phone?… ridiculous question right?!?!… but what about the last time you recharged your MIND? Most of us wouldn't dream of draining our phone battery to zero, but when it comes to mental energy, we’ll often let it run on empty. Today is WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY. Look for the posters around the building. Check out the resources that Wellness Club has shared with you on those posters.…. Then PLEASE… join us in W208 on TODAY for a lunch time of RECHARGE and SELF CARE!
Exciting News from the Breakfast Club!
We are thrilled to announce that the Breakfast Club is expanding, and our new spot, The Tabby Shack, will be officially open for business starting next week!
We’ll be serving hot bagels, English muffins , and fresh fruit everyday at the TAB Shack, so stop by for your favourite morning bites.
Plus, don’t miss the Grab & Go Kart station, which will be located in the east stairwell for even more options!!
Join us next week to celebrate and grab some delicious breakfast!
There is a Cross Country practice today, following school! Come get one last spin of the legs in during the much anticipated annual extravaganza known as the Great Gobbler Workout. Will the defending Grand Gobbler, Ethan Deveaux take home the belt for a second year in a row? Show up to practice and find out.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Rise and shine Grades 9 - 12 Mathletes! The Canadian Junior and Senior Math Contest is calling all brave problem-solvers. Embark on this exciting challenge to test your wits and let your math skills shine.
To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a math teacher for help. Sign up is open until October 15.
If you’re interested in joining the choir, we’re still accepting new members. Just come to the music room Thursday after school and see what it’s all about! No experience required
Attention students who signed up to make Pumpkin Spice Latte Slime! We will be making slime today in the Library Learning Commons during lunch. That’s today Tigers!
When was the last time you charged your phone?… ridiculous question right?!?!… but what about the last time you recharged your MIND? Most of us wouldn't dream of draining our phone battery to zero, but when it comes to mental energy, we’ll often let it run on empty. WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY is this THURSDAY OCT 10. Check out the posters around the building. Check out the resources that Wellness Club has shared with you on those posters.…. Come join us in W208 on Thursday for a lunch time of RECHARGE and SELF CARE!
Join the Art Club today at lunch, in Room E107! All skill levels are welcome, come and hang out!
Attention debaters! We will be having a mandatory meeting today during lunch in S107. Don’t forget to bring a pen and some paper. See you there!
Yesterday the Tigers Cross Country team were in action at their home meet; the Schnurricane Classic. Congratulations to all that ran with a special shoutout to the Junior Boys team that finished second behind the defending OFSAA Champs, Dundas Valley. Ethan Deveaux was the low stick, taking the dub, while Luke Mackay, Harrison Crowe and Spencer Miller all finished within the top 20 for an impressive score of 48.
Congratulations to the Jr. Girls Basketball Team on their dominant 50-25 victory against M.M. Robinson. The girls remain undefeated on the season and move to 4-0. Special shoutout to Diyenka Senanayake for her finishing at the rim and Ashyln Rusnov for her defensive effort and tenacious rebounding.
Chess club has started up againCome by today in E205 and see if you can pull off the ever crafty ‘en passent’ and bring glory to your family line!
No major commitment needed, just drop in and challenge someone!
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Rise and shine Grades 9 - 12 Mathletes! The Canadian Junior and Senior Math Contest is calling all brave problem-solvers. Embark on this exciting challenge to test your wits and let your math skills shine. To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a math teacher for help. Sign up is open until October 15.
The University of British Columbia will be at TAB today at 11 in the caf! Drop by if you have questions!
If you’re interested in joining the choir, we’re still accepting new members. Just come to the music room Thursday after school and see what it’s all about! No experience required
A reminder to Symphonic winds members - we’re rehearsing today after school. Please be there!
Hey Book Club members! This is a reminder that we are meeting TODAY at lunch in S103 to discuss “Circe” (“Sir-sea”). See you there!
Reminder to all DECA members there will be a mandatory meeting today at lunch in S107/S108. See you there!!
Looking to get creative? The Art Club will be meeting this Wednesday at lunch in Room E107, stop by and join the fun!
When was the last time you charged your phone?… ridiculous question right?!?!… but what about the last time you recharged your MIND? Most of us wouldn't dream of draining our phone battery to zero, but when it comes to mental energy, we’ll often let it run on empty. WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY is this THURSDAY OCT 10. Check out the posters around the building. Check out the resources that Wellness Club has shared with you on those posters.…. Come join us in W208 on Thursday for a lunch time of RECHARGE and SELF CARE!
Chess club will start up again today! And run every Tuesday and Wednesday in E205. No major commitment needed, just drop in and challenge someone!
Monday, October 7, 2024
Rise and shine Grades 9 - 12 Mathletes! The Canadian Junior and Senior Math Contest is calling all brave problem-solvers. Embark on this exciting challenge to test your wits and let your math skills shine.
To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a math teacher for help. Sign up is open until October 15.
The University of British Columbia will be at TAB tomorrow at 11:00 am in the caf! Drop by if you have questions!
Calling all artists! The Art Club is meeting this Wednesday at lunch in Room E107.
Congratulations to the Junior Boys Volleyball team for their 25-17 win in Game 1 and 25-13 win in Game 2!!! The Jr. Boys have 4 wins and 0 losses this season. Practice today in the small gym. Keep up the good work Tigers!
A reminder to chamber choir members - we’re going to meet in the music room today at lunch for a quick meeting.
If you’re interested in joining choir, we’re still accepting new members. Just come to the music room Thursday after school and see what it’s all about! No experience required.
Intramural Volleyball this tuesday at lunch. Sign up with your team outside of the gym office.
Just a quick reminder to all book club members: we are meeting tomorrow to discuss “Circe” (Sur-say). See you in S103 at lunch tomorrow.
When was the last time you charged your phone?… ridiculous question right?!?!… but what about the last time you recharged your MIND? Most of us wouldn't dream of draining our phone battery to zero, but when it comes to mental energy, we’ll often let it run on empty. WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY is this THURSDAY OCT 10. Check out the posters around the building. Check out the resources that Wellness Club has shared with you on those posters.…. Come join us in W208 on Thursday for a lunch time of RECHARGE and SELF CARE!
Friday, October 4, 2024
Hey, everyone! Are you ready to mix up some magic this Fall? Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, October 9th during lunch for a super fun Pumpkin Spice Latte Slime-making session!
Spots are limited, so be sure to grab your friends and sign up with Mrs. MacKay in the LLC.! There are just a few spots left!
Don’t miss out on this ooey-gooey adventure! We can’t wait to see you there!
Happy Slime-Making!
Yearbooks can be picked up in the main office at lunch, before school and after school. Please do NOT come down during class time. We will not distribute yearbooks while students are in classes.
The TRC (Truth and Reconciliation) Team will be meeting TODAY at lunch in S118. New members are welcome.
Congratulations to the Junior and Senior Girls Basketball Teams for their wins yesterday against ES Gaetan Gervais and White Oaks. Special shoutout to Brooke Booth for the gutsy defensive effort to secure the win for the Senior team. For the Juniors, special shoutout to Scarlett Shabaga and Laine Lamont for their shooting and finishing at the rim. Go Tigers!
Congratulations to the Jr Boys Volleyball team for their win over Elsie MacGill on Wednesday. Amazing team play by the Tigers and in particular super spikes by Jevan and Company and sensational setting by Ethan! Good luck today against Burlington Central!
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Do you like to knit or crochet? Or would you like to learn how? Today is the first meeting of the KNITTING CLUB. Join us in room E214 at lunch. All are welcome. That’s Knitting club at lunch today in E214.
Yearbooks can be picked up in the main office at lunch, before school and after school. Please do NOT come down during class time. We will not distribute yearbooks while students are in classes.
There will be a HOSA meeting today at lunch in room S208.
Attention all members of the TABloid team! We are meeting today after school in the main area of the library. See you there!
Looking for a place to do some relaxing activities…meet some kind people… and maybe even contribute to our school community? Come join us in WELLNESS CLUB where we help ourselves while helping others. Interested?? We meet TODAY in W208. New faces are ALWAYS welcome! Hope to see you there!
Hey, everyone! Are you ready to mix up some magic this Fall? Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, October 9th during lunch for a super fun Pumpkin Spice Latte Slime-making session! Spots are limited, so be sure to grab your friends and sign up with Mrs. MacKay in the LLC.! Don’t miss out on this ooey-gooey adventure! We can’t wait to see you there! Happy Slime-Making!
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
There will be a HOSA meeting Thursday at lunch in room S208. If you haven’t already submitted it please bring your signed permission form to the meeting.
Today is Custodial Workers’ Recognition Day! We would like to take a moment to thank the custodial staff at our school for all their hard work in keeping our school looking great!!!
Looking for a place to do some relaxing activities…meet some kind people… and maybe even contribute to our school community? Come join us in WELLNESS CLUB where we help ourselves while helping others. Interested?? We meet tomorrow, THURSDAY in W208. New faces are ALWAYS welcome.
Hey, everyone! Are you ready to mix up some magic this Fall? Join us in the Library Learning Commons on Wednesday, October 9th during lunch for a super fun Pumpkin Spice Latte Slime-making session! Spots are limited, so be sure to grab your friends and sign up with Mrs. MacKay in the LLC.! Don’t miss out on this ooey-gooey adventure! We can’t wait to see you there! Happy Slime-Making!
It is time for the eco fact of the week: As you may already know, climate change is a constant issue the Earth is facing. Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets have already decreased by about 427 million tons per year. In order to reduce this we need to reduce our carbon footprint. You can do so by biking to nearby places, reducing food waste, and using reusable products.
Hello debaters, just a reminder that we have a debate meeting TODAY during lunch in room S107. Make sure to also complete the Google form in the Google Classroom today. It is URGENT that you complete that form as soon as possible if you want to stay in the debate club. Don't forget to bring your lunch and some pen and paper! See you there, Debaters!
A big shoutout goes out to our Girls Basketball teams who went 2-0 yesterday at home. The junior girls started it off led by Farrah Caesar with a dominant 49-15 win over Elsie MacGill. In the senior game Emma Kellerman cooked the competition and dropped a season high 37 points leading the Tigers to a 44-13 victory over Oakville Trafalgar. Great work Tigers!
ATTENTION EVERYONE! If you bought a 2023/2024 yearbook, you can now pick it up in the main office during lunch today.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Looking for a fun and creative challenge? Join the Improv Team as we prepare to compete an make Blakelock proud! Improv is all about thinking on your feet, creating, and performing without preparation. No acting experience? No problem! Come to our lunchtime meeting today in the studio theatre and get a taste of what improv is all about. Everyone's welcome!
ATTENTION EVERYONE! The yearbooks from last year are finally here! If you bought a 2023/2024 yearbook, you can pick it up in the Tiger's DEN today at lunch.
Attention Book Club members! We are meeting today at lunch in S103. Bring your lunch and please return your copy of Circe (“sur- see”) if you have finished reading this epic story. See you soon!
There will be a HOSA meeting Thursday at lunch in room S208. If you haven’t already submitted it please bring your signed permission form to the meeting.
Hello debaters, just a reminder that we have a debate meeting this Wednesday during lunch in room S107. Make sure to also complete the Google form in the Google Classroom by tomorrow. It is URGENT that you complete that form as soon as possible if you want to stay in the debate club. Don't forget to bring your lunch and some pen and paper! See you there, Debaters!
Looking for a place to do some relaxing activities…meet some kind people… and maybe even contribute to our school community? Come join us in WELLNESS CLUB where we help ourselves while helping others. Interested?? We meet THURSDAY in W208. New faces are ALWAYS welcome.
Attention Tigers! Interested in art and want to make a difference? Join the new Sending Sunshine club! We’ll be writing cards for senior homes to bring some joy to the elderly. Plus, there are leadership positions up for grabs! Card writing sessions will be held every other tuesday during lunch. Our first meeting is TODAY during lunch in room E102. Don’t miss out on this chance to spread some positivity!
There’s a cross country practice on a brand new day! And that day is today! See you after school Tiger XC runners!
Monday, September 30, 2024
Attention Grade 12 students: Grade 12 Post secondary assemblies are this week in your Period 5 classes. Check in with your teacher to find out your day!
If you have a spare, Coop or an elearning class in Period 5, please check your HDSB email ASAP. Please attend the day indicated in the email from Mrs. Svendsen. Drop by Guidance if you have any questions!
ATTENTION EVERYONE! The yearbooks from last year are finally here! If you bought a 2023/2024 yearbook, you can pick it up in the Tiger's DEN today at lunch.
The grade 11 NBE classes invite you to scan some QR codes this week in the T. The giant heart of QR codes near the main office will link you to various facts and information gathered by students around Indigenous history, rights, beauty and brilliance. As we reflect on Orange shirt day and the sovereignty of all nations, please take a moment to scan some of these codes and learn about First Nations, Metis and Inuit experiences and perspectives.
There will be no cross country practice this evening. Practices will run Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday this week. Tell 2 friends: no cross country practice today.
Today is The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day. Please take the time to visit the TRC Spotlight across from the cafeteria and stop by the memory garden in the outdoor classroom to scan the QR for the poem in the Memory Garden and take some time to reflect. Thank you.
Attention Book Club members! We are meeting tomorrow at lunch in S103. Bring your lunch and please return your copy of Circe (“sur- see”) if you have finished reading this epic story.
Hey Tigers! There is an important DECA meeting TODAY in S204 during lunch! See you all there!
Friday, September 27, 2024
ATTENTION EVERYONE! The yearbooks from last year are finally here! If you bought a 2023/2024 yearbook, you can pick it up in the Tiger's DEN today at lunch.
In December 2015, the TRC released a 6-volume final report that documented 94 Calls to Action aimed at rectifying the impacts of residential schools and advancing the process of reconciliation on this land. To learn more, you can visit the TRC spotlight board outside the big gym.
Don’t forget to wear your orange shirt on Monday to recognize the day of Truth and Reconciliation!
Today is the day, TAB! Last chance to give your toonies for Terry! Today we honour Terry Fox’s battle against cancer, and his memory with our own fundraising efforts, taking up the torch that Terry left. Join us in the gym for a brief assembly following period 2 before we start our 3km walk or 5km run. Following your own trek come on out to the back field for food trucks, and games.
The Tigers Jr Boys Volleyball team welcomed Burlington Central to the Jungle by beating them 3 games to 0! The Tigers were roaring with sensational serving and blocking by Team Captain Spencer Miller! Plus insane hits, blocks and serves by Vlad Karpenko, Ben Reeder, Matthew Textera and Jeevan Puri. Overall great team play was the key victory! Way to Go Tigers!
Today’s Cross Country practice will be running in the Terry Fox run. If you missed the meet Wednesday, or are feeling recovered, try running the route as a threshold. Also, there will be no practice on Monday.
“What’s Up Blakelock?” is a weekly news program that streams live on the TAB Comm Tech youtube channel. Today’s topics include the new science labs, the origins of the word “chate” and more. Don’t miss our 9am broadcast, or watch on demand anytime!
Thursday, September 26, 2024
ATTENTION EVERYONE! The yearbooks from last year are finally here! If you bought a 2023/2024 yearbook, you can pick it up in the Tiger's DEN today and tomorrow at lunch.
Calling all singers! We had a great turnout last week for choir. If you would like to join us, please join the google classroom. The code is: hac2nsm. For those who wish to audition for chamber choir, today is your last chance. Be sure to sign up, or speak with Mrs. Barry. We will rehearse today after school in the music room. All singers welcome, no experience required!
Interested in joining us in the Wellness Club this year? Come on up to W208 TODAY at lunch to hear all about our club and some of our plans for this year. You are welcome to come eat in the room … or come at 11:15 for the info meeting…. Just COME!🙂 All are welcome!
Blakelock’s GSA is having our first meeting today at lunch in the grade 9 drama room, W107! Come down and check it out if you are interested in being a part of a fun and inclusive community. Bring your friends and we hope to see you there!
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada was established in 2008 as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Its primary goal was to document the history and lasting impacts of the residential school system on Indigenous students and their families. To learn more, you can visit the TRC spotlight board outside the big gym.
It was a big day yesterday at the Dundas Valley Gryphon Cross Country Meet. With schools from at least 4 different conferences in attendance, the team was against some of its toughest competition outside of OFSAA itself. Great efforts all around with special shout outs to Ethan Deveaux who won the Junior Boys race as well Harrison Crowe and Spencer Miller who netted top 10 finishes in the Tiger XC debuts. Onwards to the Schnurrican Classic in 2 weeks.
Hey Tigers, two more days to bring in your toonies for terry! Tomorrow is the big day! Be sure to wear comfortable walking or running shoes! Support a great cause and win a donut party for your period 1 class! Get those toonies!
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Are you passionate about creativity and love making art? Join us at Art Club’s first meeting today at lunch in room E107!
Blakelock’s GSA is having our first meeting tomorrow at lunch in the grade 9 drama room, W107! Come down and check it out if you are interested in being a part of a fun and inclusive community. Bring your friends and we hope to see you there!
Calling all singers! We had a great turnout last week for choir. If you would like to join us, please join the google classroom. The code is: hac2nsm. For those who wish to audition for chamber choir, the sign up sheets are posted in google classroom. We will rehearse on Thursday after school in the music room. All singers welcome, no experience required!
Interested in joining us in the Wellness Club this year? Come on up to W208 tomorrow at lunch to hear all about our club and some of our plans for this year. All are welcome!
In 1876 the, “Indian Act,” was put in motion facilitating the removal and separation of over 150 000 Indigenous children from their families into residential schools. Many of these children are still unaccounted for, buried in unmarked graves or lost to time and poor record keeping. Join TAB’s Truth and reconciliation team in acknowledgement of these lost individuals and their families on orange shirt day, Monday, September 30th. We are holding ribbon making and screening ----- at lunch today in S118.
Hello Tigers! Do you love a good argument? Are you passionate about current events or looking to sharpen your public speaking skills? Then the Debate Club is the place for you! Whether you’re a seasoned debater or just curious, everyone is welcome. We will meet today in room S107 across from the library at lunchtime.
Congratulations goes out to the Junior Girls Basketball team who won their season opener yesterday with a dominant victory over MM Robinson. Farrah Caesar and Laine Lamont lead the way with a combined 23 points as the Tigers cruised to a 39-15 win. Great work Tigers!
A reminder to those who signed up or want to participate in the fandom club our first meeting is today in S205 during lunch.
BSU will be having their second meeting of the school year today in the Tiger’s Den! We will be having Black Trivia and there will be a ton of prizes! See you there!
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Attention Eco enthusiasts:
This Tuesday at the start of lunch come to S117 for a meeting. We plan on going through all of the things we are planning to do to help the environment this school year. So if you signed up, or are thinking of signing up, this is your chance! You will have lots of fun while saving the environment.
Calling all singers! We had a great turnout last week for choir. If you would like to join us, please join the google classroom. The code is: hac2nsm. For those who wish to audition for chamber choir, the sign up sheets are posted in google classroom. We will rehearse on Thursday after school in the music room. All singers welcome, no experience required!
A reminder to symphonic winds members - we will rehearse today after school in the music room. New members are welcome, especially if you play a brass instrument!
Attention everyone interested in buying TAB SPIRITWEAR and GRADWEAR! The link is live on the main page of our website. Grade 12’s get your Class of 2025 hoodies and new this year, we are offering spiritwear with your sport of choice or programs like SHSM, ISTEM or Music too! Get your orders in as soon as possible.
Photo day proofs have been distributed by period 1 teachers, please go online, use the Edge imaging code and place your orders by September 30th. If you did not get your student card, check with your period 1 teacher or check at the office. Photo retake day will be happening on October 18th.
Interested in joining us in the Wellness Club this year? Come on up to W208 THURSDAY at lunch to hear all about our club and some of our plans for this year. All are welcome!
Hey Tigers, come cheer on our Jr. and Sr. Girls Basketball Teams today after school against M.M. Robinson.
Blakelock’s GSA is having our first meeting this Thursday at lunch in the grade 9 drama room, W107! Come down and check it out if you are interested in being a part of a fun and inclusive community. Bring your friends and we hope to see you there!
Hey TAB, just a reminder that TERRY FOX is this FRIDAY. Be ready to participate by any means necessary, grab a friend and walk or run, but don't forget da TOONNIE TOONNIE TOONNIE. Let’s hit our fundraising goal of $3000 TIGERS!
Attention Tigers! To prepare for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day on September 30th, TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team is holding a ribbon-making session with 3 short film screenings in S118 (across from the English Office) during lunch this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Bring a friend along for a ribbon-making session to support our Truth and Reconciliation efforts at TAB.
Cross Country team members, the meet happens tomorrow! Mr. Rochus is in room S110 waiting for your forms. Don’t make him sad, return your forms ASAP
Looking for a fun, creative outlet? Want to sharpen your acting, quick-thinking, and teamwork skills? We’re excited to invite YOU to be a part of Blakelock’s Improv Team! Whether you’re an experienced performer or just curious to try something new, this is your chance to step into the spotlight, make new friends, and have a blast. First meeting will be held in the Studio Theatre during lunch today.
Congratulations to the Tigers Jr Boys Volleyball Team for their 2-0 win over E.S. Gaetan Gervais. Practice today at 3:00pm. Go TIGERS!
Monday, September 23, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more.
Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM
Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106
Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj
New members and new ideas are always welcome.
Calling all singers! We had a great turnout last week for choir. If you would like to join us, please join the google classroom. The code is: hac2nsm. For those who wish to audition for chamber choir, the sign up sheets are posted in google classroom. We will rehearse on Thursday after school in the music room. All singers welcome, no experience required!
A reminder to symphonic winds members - we will rehearse tomorrow after school in the music room. New members are welcome, especially if you play a brass instrument!
Attention everyone interested in buying TAB SPIRITWEAR and GRADWEAR! The link is live on the main page of our website. Grade 12’s get your Class of 2025 hoodies and new this year, we are offering spiritwear with your sport of choice or programs like SHSM, ISTEM or Music too! Get your orders in as soon as possible.
Photo day proofs have been distributed by period 1 teachers, please go online, use the Edge imaging code and place your orders by September 30th. If you did not get your student card, check with your period 1 teacher or check at the office. Photo retake day will be happening on October 18th.
Attention Eco enthusiasts:
This Tuesday at the start of lunch come to S117 for a meeting. We plan on going through all of the things we are planning to do to help the environment this school year. So if you signed up, or are thinking of signing up, this is your chance! You will have lots of fun while saving the environment.
-“what does the fox say?!” It's Terry fox time!!! This Friday, September 27th during period 2 you can walk or run but make sure to show your support! Join us on the field and in the south parking lot after for food trunks, tattoos and field games!
Trip forms, cross country team, first meet wednesday, very urgent, S110, Mr. Rochus, as soon as possible. Check emails.
Blakelock’s GSA is having our first meeting this Thursday at lunch in the grade 9 drama room, W107! Come down and check it out if you are interested in being a part of a fun and inclusive community. Bring your friends and we hope to see you there!
Friday, September 20, 2024
Hey Tigers! Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Then join DECA Blakelock’s business club! We are meeting TODAY in S204 during lunch. Don’t hesitate to come if you are new or just want to learn more about DECA - everyone is welcome! Learn how exciting DECA is and how you can join us TODAY in S204 during lunch! See you there!
Interested in a Volunteer Opportunity? The Fall Celtic Festival in Oakville is looking for Volunteers this weekend. Come see Ms Miller in E203 or in E217 to sign up.
TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team meets TODAY in S118 at the beginning of lunch. We look forward to meeting our new members and those who are interested. We currently meet on Fridays at the beginning of lunch in S118 - across from the English & French Workroom. Bring your lunch! Please see Ms. Mirabelli or Ms.Turnbull if you have any questions.
Attention everyone interested in buying TAB SPIRITWEAR and GRADWEAR! The link is live on the main page of our website. Grade 12’s get your Class of 2025 hoodies and new this year, we are offering spiritwear with your sport of choice or programs like SHSM, ISTEM or Music too! Get your orders in as soon as possible.
Photo day proofs have been distributed by period 1 teachers, please go online, use the Edge imaging code and place your orders by September 30th. If you did not get your student card, check with your period 1 teacher or check at the office. Photo retake day will be happening on October 18th.
Hey Breakfast Club members! Please check your emails and make sure to sign up for the Google Classroom for the club. All important updates and information will be shared there. If you didn’t receive an invite, no worries! Please come see Ms. Deol in East 210 today at lunch, and she’ll get you added to the class. Thank you!
Attention all Senior Hockey players. Come to our information meeting today at the start of break in W206 to learn more about the upcoming season and how to join. And remember, this year rep players are also welcome to play.
There’s a mandatory cross country practice after school today. We’re handing out trip forms. Don’t miss it. If you can’t make it, go find Mr. Rochus ASAP.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more.
Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM.
Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106.
Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj.
New members and new ideas are always welcome.
Attention all students who are interested in a health care career HOSA is the club for you. HOSA is the Health Occupations Students of America which is a national and international 2 day competition held in Toronto. If you would like more information we will be hosting our first meeting Today in S208 at lunch. Follow us on Instagram @tab.hosa
Attention singers! This year we have some exciting plans for our vocal ensembles. If you’d like to join us, come to the music room Today after school for our first rehearsal and info session. No experience required.
Interested in a Volunteer Opportunity? The Fall Celtic Festival in Oakville is looking for Volunteers this weekend. Come see Ms Miller in E203 or in E217 to sign up.
📣 Exciting News! Join Us for Another Bead Bracelet Making Lunch Hour!! Due to the overwhelming success of our first session, we’re thrilled to announce another opportunity to create your own beautiful bead bracelets!
When: Today during lunch
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar room
Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club, in S 204 Friday at the start of lunch. New members are always welcome, see you there!
Attention TABloid Team and all of you who signed up at the Club Fair and are interested in seeing if the TABloid Student Newspaper Team is for you!
We are meeting today after school in the main area of the Library. See Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
Hey NEW and returning members of TAB’s TRC Team! We look forward to meeting our new members and those who are interested in TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team. We are meeting TOMORROW in S118 at the beginning of lunch. We currently meet on Fridays at the beginning of lunch in S118 - across from the English & French Workroom. Bring your lunch! Please see Ms. Mirabelli, Ms. Turnbull or Ms. Zuberi if you have any questions.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Attention all students who are interested in a health care career HOSA is the club for you. HOSA is the Health Occupations Students of America which is a national and international 2 day competition held in Toronto. If you would like more information we will be hosting our first meeting Thursday in S208 at lunch. Follow us on Instagram @tab.hosa
Attention singers! This year we have some exciting plans for our vocal ensembles. If you’d like to join us, come to the music room tomorrow after school for our first rehearsal and info session. No experience required.
🎉✨ Get Ready to Bead the Day Away! ✨🎉
Attention all crafty minds and creative souls! 📚🧵
Join us for a vibrant and sparkling lunchtime adventure in the Library Learning Commons as we dive into the dazzling world of Bead Bracelet Making! Whether you're a beading pro or just looking to try something new, this is your chance to let your creativity shine. 🌟
When: Today during lunch!!
Where: Library Learning Commons / Seminar Room
What to Expect: An array of colorful beads, expert tips, and the opportunity to create stunning, personalized Bead Bracelets.
Bring your lunch, your friends, and your enthusiasm. Let's make this a lunch break to remember! 🍽️🎨
See you there with your beading spirit on! 💫
Hello Tigers! Do you love a good argument? Are you passionate about current events or looking to sharpen your public speaking skills? Then the Debate Club is the place for you! Whether you’re a seasoned debater or just curious, everyone is welcome. We meet today in S107 across from the library during lunchtime. See you there!
Attention all grade 12 students, Guelph will be here answering all your questions at 11am in the caf!
Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club, in S 204 Friday at the start of lunch. New members are always welcome, see you there!
Interested in a Volunteer Opportunity? The Fall Celtic Festival in Oakville is looking for Volunteers this weekend. Come see Ms Miller in E203 or in E217 to sign up.
It's time for the Terry Fox Run!! Lets get foxy and bring in our toonies for Terry to your period 1 class.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Calling all instrumentalists! If you want to join a band, Symphonic Winds begins today. Everyone is welcome. Come to the music room today after school to join.
Attention singers! This year we have some exciting plans for our vocal ensembles. If you’d like to join us, come to the music room Thursday after school for our first rehearsal and info session. No experience required. Interested in a Volunteer Opportunity? The Fall Celtic Festival in Oakville is looking for Volunteers this weekend. Come see Ms Miller in E203 or in E217 to sign up.
🎉✨ Get Ready to Bead the Day Away! ✨🎉
Attention all crafty minds and creative souls! 📚🧵Join us for a vibrant and sparkling lunchtime adventure in the Library Learning Commons as we dive into the dazzling world of Bead Bracelet Making! Whether you're a beading pro or just looking to try something new, this is your chance to let your creativity shine. 🌟When: Wednesday, September 18th That’s tomorrow during lunch
Where: Library Learning Commons / Seminar Room
What to Expect: An array of colorful beads, expert tips, and the opportunity to create stunning, personalized Bead Bracelets. Bring your lunch, your friends, and your enthusiasm. Let's make this a lunch break to remember! 🍽️🎨
See you there with your beading spirit on! 💫
Hey Blakelock! If you want the chance to join a variety of Blakelock’s amazing clubs, the club fair is your opportunity! Today, the club fair will be open for everyone’s access in the large gym, so come on down at the start of lunch!
Hello Tigers! Do you love a good argument? Are you passionate about current events or looking to sharpen your public speaking skills? Then the Debate Club is the place for you! Whether you’re a seasoned debater or just curious, everyone is welcome. Our first meeting will be tomorrow in room S107 across from the library at lunchtime.
Monday, September 16, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more.
Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM.
Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106
Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj
New members and new ideas are always welcome.
Attention all students who are interested in a healthcare career HOSA is the club for you. HOSA is the Health Occupations Students of America which is a national and international 2 day competition held in Toronto. If you would like more information we will be hosting our first meeting this Thursday in S208 at lunch. Follow us on Instagram @tab.hosa
Attention Library Volunteers!! Get ready for an exciting start to our adventure! Our very first meeting is happening today, right after school in the Library Learning Commons.
We want your awesome ideas and boundless enthusiasm as we dive into brainstorming fun and engaging library activities. Whether you have a wild suggestion or a creative twist on an old favorite, bring it all!
Let's make our library the coolest hangout spot in the school. Can’t wait to see you there and start cooking up some fantastic plans!
Hope to see you all there!
Calling all musicians! This week all our ensembles will begin. Check out our instagram page @tab.music for the schedule. If you’d like to join a band, come to the music room after school on Tuesday. If you like to sing, come to the music room on Thursday after school and join our vocal ensemble. Everyone is welcome, no experience required!
So you’ve been out to a few cross country practices….come see Mr. Rochus today BEFORE THE END OF THE DAY, to express your interest in running the September 25th meet. He’s in S110…all day…come see him ASAP….he needs to get his paperwork done. To recap, Cross Country Runners, see Mr. Rochus in S110 before the end of the day, and pass along this message to 3 teammates.
Are you new to Blakelock or just want to get involved? Come to the club fair on Tuesday September 17th in the large gym at break! You might just meet new friends and make new memories!
Friday, September 13, 2024
Do you like to play cards? Are you interested in playing scrabble or another board game? E214 is open at lunch on Monday and Wednesday for students to play board games and/or cards. We hope to see you at lunch.
Hey future health care professionals, the TAB HOSA club is going to start meeting soon. Details are coming next week.
Attention all staff and students! The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day is on September 30, so TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team is holding its first meeting TODAY at lunch in S118 (across from the English Office). Get ready for a year of unlearning, collaborating, and creating! In the words of Reconciliation Canada, reconciliation is “based on the idea of restoring friendship and harmony – about resolving differences, accepting the past and working together to build a better future.” See Ms. Turnbull or Ms. Mirabelli if you have any questions, or better yet, come join the TRC Team meeting TODAY at the beginning of lunch in S118 to learn more and get involved.
Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club! Our first meeting will be in W 204 TODAY at the start of lunch. This is your chance to find out what DECA is all about and how to join DECA. We are looking forward to welcoming new members! Remember to join us today at the start of lunch in West 204!
Are you a Blakelock student that identifies as Black? Come join the Black Student Union at Blakelock. Our first meeting is Wednesday September 18th at lunch in the Tiger’s Den. Follow us on Instagram at @tab_bsu25
The Computer Science Club is back and better than ever! Do you have a knack for technology or a curiosity about coding? Join the Computer Science Club every Friday during lunch in Room S205! Whether you’re an experienced coder or just curious about the world of tech, our club is the perfect place to learn, create, and connect with others who share your interests. Bring your lunch, your ideas, and your enthusiasm! Again that's room S205 at lunch.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more. Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM. Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106. Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
5,6,7,8! Are you interested in trying out for TAB’s dance team this year? Please come to a brief information meeting on Thursday at the start of lunch in room W202. Contact Ms. Rudge if you have any questions. See you then!
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in joining the athletic council? Do you enjoy watching sports? Do you enjoy organizing and being a part of something? Do you want to get your volunteer hours? Then come out to the athletic council meeting today at lunch in the health room, that’s W108!
Calling all TABloid Team members and those of you who are interested in joining the student-run school newspaper! We will be holding our first official meeting TODAY after school in the Library Learning Commons (LLC). If you enjoy reporting, photography, editing, meeting new people, this team is for you. Contact Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
Attention all staff and students! The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day is on September 30, so TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team is holding its first meeting this Friday in S118 (across from the English Office). Get ready for a year of unlearning, collaborating, and creating! In the words of Reconciliation Canada, reconciliation is “based on the idea of restoring friendship and harmony – about resolving differences, accepting the past and working together to build a better future.” See Ms.Turnbull or Ms. Mirabelli if you have any questions, or better yet, come join the TRC Team meeting tomorrow at the beginning of lunch in S118 to learn more and get involved.
Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club. Our first meeting will be in W 204 this Friday at the start of lunch. New members are always welcome. See you there! Remember that’s this Friday in West 204 during lunch!
The Breakfast Club is returning next week, and we're looking for a new member to join us! This is a great opportunity to build your customer service skills and earn valuable volunteer hours. If you're interested in becoming a member, visit Ms Deol in East 210 this Friday at lunch.
Are you a Blakelock student that identifies as Black? Come join the Black Student Union at Blakelock. Our first meeting is Wednesday September 18th at lunch in the Tiger’s Den. Follow us on Instagram at @tab_bsu25.
Just a reminder that we will be having our 2nd Girl’s Basketball tryout after school today (2:50 PM) in the large gym. List for who has made it to the 2nd tryout it posted on google classroom and outside the Phys Ed office. If you have any questions or concerns please talk to Mr. Tam or Mr. Winter.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more. Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM. Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106. Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has signed up to be part of our Library Volunteer Team! We are thrilled to announce that our team is now full, and we will not be accepting any new members at this time. For those who have joined us, we are excited to get started and will be having our first meeting after school on Monday, September 15th, in the Library Learning Commons. We can’t wait to see you all there and begin our journey together. Thank you once again for your enthusiasm and commitment!
Do you like to play cards? Are you interested in playing scrabble or another board game? E214 is open at lunch on Monday and Wednesday for students to play board games and/or cards. We hope to see you at lunch
HDSB Night School is now accepting registration for the Fall session. To register, please log into MyBlueprint.ca/Halton and then go to Continuing Education on the left side of the screen. Registration closes on Sept 16 at 4pm. If you are interested in registering for Coop, please visit Guidance as this is a separate process.
Timetable changes for Semester 1 courses will end tomorrow at 4pm. If you would like to request a change in your courses, please ensure you complete and submit the Google Form sent with your timetable by 4:00 tomorrow !
Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club. Our first meeting will be in W204 this Friday at the start of lunch. New members are always welcome. See you there! Remember that’s this Friday in West 204 during lunch!
5,6,7,8! Are you interested in trying out for TAB’s dance team this year? Please come to a brief information meeting on Thursday at the start of lunch in room W202. Contact Ms. Rudge if you have any questions. See you then!
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in joining the athletic council? Do you enjoy watching sports? Do you enjoy organizing and being a part of something? Do you want to get your volunteer hours? Then come out to the athletic council meeting on Thursday at lunch in the health room, that’s W108!
Calling all students who are interested in a future in health care the TAB HOSA club will start meeting shortly. More details are coming soon.
Attention all staff and students! The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day is on September 30, so TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team is holding its first meeting this Friday in S118 (across from the English Office). Get ready for a year of unlearning, collaborating, and creating! In the words of Reconciliation Canada, reconciliation is “based on the idea of restoring friendship and harmony – about resolving differences, accepting the past and working together to build a better future.” Please come join the TRC Team meeting this Friday at the beginning of lunch in S118 to learn more and get involved.
Calling all TABloid Team members and those of you who are interested in joining the student-run school newspaper! We will be holding our first official meeting this THURSDAY after school in the Library Learning Commons (LLC). If you enjoy reporting, photography, editing, meeting new people, this team is for you. Contact Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more. Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM. Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106. Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
Blakelock’s Ecological Conservation Club is having their first meeting today in S117 at lunch. We gather every Tuesday where like minded students are actively working alongside other Eco leaders and enthusiasts. If you're looking to take action and make a difference, join us today for our first meeting. That’s today at lunch in S117.
Do you like to play cards? Are you interested in playing scrabble or another board game? E214 is open at lunch on Monday and Wednesday for students to play board games and/or cards. We hope to see you at lunch.
TIGERS! Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club. More information coming later this week, so stay tuned!
Do you love to read? Do you love to discuss books? Do you enjoy making new friends who love books? If you think to yourself “YES! I love books and friends”, then you need to attend today’s BOOK CLUB meeting at lunch in S103. Bring your lunch and let’s discuss our summer read. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Turnbull
Calling all TABloid Team members and those of you who are interested in joining the student-run school newspaper! We will be holding our first official meeting this THURSDAY after school in the Library Learning Commons (LLC). If you enjoy reporting, photography, editing, meeting new people, this team is for you. Contact Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
5,6,7,8! Are you interested in trying out for TAB’s dance team this year? Please come to a brief information meeting on Thursday at the start of lunch in room W202. Contact Ms. Rudge if you have any questions. See you then!
Hey Tigers! Are you interested in joining the athletic council? Do you enjoy watching sports? Do you enjoy organizing and being a part of something? Do you want to get your volunteer hours? Then come out to the athletic council meeting on Thursday at lunch in the health room, that’s W108!
Attention all staff and students! The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day is on September 30, so TAB’s Truth and Reconciliation Team is holding its first meeting this Friday in S118 (across from the English Office). Get ready for a year of unlearning, collaborating, and creating! In the words of Reconciliation Canada, reconciliation is “based on the idea of restoring friendship and harmony – about resolving differences, accepting the past and working together to build a better future.” Please come join the TRC Team meeting this Friday at the beginning of lunch in S118 to learn more and get involved.
Attention Grade 9 Tigers! Want to have some fun, stay active and show off your stick-handling skills? Come to W206 today at 11:00 because it’s your chance to learn all about the junior hockey program and the return of our ball hockey intramurals. Can’t make it? No worries, find Mr. Alchesi and he’ll get you set up. Don’t miss out on your chance to take your skills to the next level!
Today is the day! Picture day! Edge Photography is here today to take your picture. Students will be called down to the small gym by class. Get your smile on Blakelock!
Monday, September 9, 2024
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more. Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM. Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106. Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
In 50 years, the planet will not be the same as it is today. Did you know that within ten years alone, more than 28 trillion tonnes of ice have melted away from the glaciers of our planet? The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable in our lives and if you're looking to take action and make a difference in our community, consider joining the Environmental Conservation Club. Starting this week, we will meet every Tuesday at lunch in S117 where students similar to yourself will work alongside other eco leaders and enthusiasts. Join us for fun games, simulations, contests, and more!
Are you passionate about your school library, love organizing library activities, or just want to make a difference in our school community? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Become a Library Volunteer! Not only will you get hands-on experience with fun library activities, but you can also rack up those valuable volunteer hours. It’s a win-win! Drop by the library to sign up or ask Mrs. MacKay for more details.
Do you like to play cards? Are you interested in playing scrabble or another board game? E214 is open at lunch on Monday and Wednesday for students to play board games and/or cards. We hope to see you at lunch
Hi Tigers, we will be having our first tryouts for Jr and Sr Girls Basketball Today. Jr Girl’s tryout will be at lunch and Sr Girl’s tryout will be after school in the large gym. If you are interested in basketball, please come out. You will need to have the Secondary Interschool Athletics Package completed and signed to participate in the tryout. If you have any questions please talk to Mr. Tam or Mr. Winter.
HDSB Night School is now accepting registration for the Fall session. To register, please log into MyBlueprint.ca/Halton and then go to Continuing Education on the left side of the screen. Registration closes on Sept 16 at 4pm. If you are interested in registering for Coop, please visit Guidance as this is a separate process.
Timetable changes for Semester 1 courses will end this Thursday at 4pm. If you would like to request a change in your courses, please ensure you complete the Google Form sent with your timetable by Thursday at 4pm!
TIGERS! Do you love business? Are you competitive? Do you want to gain real world business experience? Join DECA, Blakelock’s business club. More information coming later this week, stay tuned!
Tonight is the first official practice of the TAB Cross Country team. We’ll be meeting outside the west doors. We’ll see you there, with your running shoes ready to go!
Do you love to read? Do you love to discuss books? Do you enjoy making new friends who love books? If you think to yourself “YES! I love books and friends”, then you need to attend tomorrow’s BOOK CLUB meeting at lunch in S103. Bring your lunch and let’s discuss our summer read. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Turnbull
Calling all TABloid Team and those of you who are interesting in joining the student-run school newspaper! We will be holding our first official meeting THURSDAY after school in the Library Learning Commons (LLC). If you enjoy reporting, photography, editing, meeting new people, this team is for you. Contact Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
Friday, September 6, 2024
FOUR! Attention All golfers. If anyone is interested in playing golf on the school team please see Mr. Butler in the phys-ed office today at lunch.
Calling all Girls Basketball players. If you are interested in playing basketball this year we will be having an information meeting today at the start of lunch in W108. See you there!
Reminder! Today at lunch anyone interested in participating in any music department activities is invited to the music room today at 11:30 for a brief meeting!
Attention Jr. Boys Volleyball players who missed Thursday’s meeting, there will be a meeting today in room W108 at lunch to register for the practice on Monday. It is important to get forms signed before the practice on Monday after school.
Blakelock’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) organizes a variety of events, including but not limited to Iftar Night, hot chocolate, Friday Prayers and more. Meetings: Wednesdays at 11:00AM. Weekly Friday Prayers: at 11:30AM at Room South 106. Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
In 50 years, the planet will not be the same as it is today. Did you know that within ten years alone, more than 28 trillion tonnes of ice have melted away from the glaciers of our planet? The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable in our lives and if you're looking to take action and make a difference in our community, consider joining the Environmental Conservation Club. Starting next week, we will meet every Tuesday at lunch in S117 where students similar to yourself will work alongside other eco leaders and enthusiasts. Join us for fun games, simulations, contests, and more!
Did you miss yesterday’s Cross Country meeting in S110 at lunch? Pop by today and get a form from Mr. Rochus and get attached to our google classroom for all the deets you need. S110, Mr. Rochus, Cross Country.
Are you passionate about your school library, love organizing library activities, or just want to make a difference in our school community? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Become a Library Volunteer! Not only will you get hands-on experience with fun library activities, but you can also rack up those valuable volunteer hours. It’s a win-win! Drop by the library to sign up or ask Mrs. MacKay for more details.
Reminder to all staff and students next TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10th is photo day.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Attention Junior Boys there will be a Jr. Boys Volleyball meeting in West 108 on Thursday after school in W108. This is the first team meeting. Please attend this meeting if you are interested in trying out for the Team on Monday. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Calling all Girls Basketball players. If you are interested in playing basketball this year we will be having an information meeting tomorrow at the start of lunch in W108. See you there!
Now that we’re into our second day of school, let’s take some time for reflection Tigers… Is there enough excitement in your life? Do you have opportunities to be brave? Are you tough enough to get knocked down, and strong enough to get back up when it happens? When was the last time you were actually knocked down anyway? Do you want more? For those who do, Football may be for you. See us in E219 for details, or come check it out today after school. All are welcome, and newcomers are absolutely encouraged.
Anyone interested in being in a band or starting your own band is invited to a meeting in the music room tomorrow (Friday) at 11:30! We will discuss options and timelines. Go music!
There is a cross country meeting today in room S110 at the beginning of lunch. We’ll be handing out forms, discussing a meet schedule and we’ll talk about practices. See you there, in room S110 at lunch for the cross country meeting.
FOUR! Attention All golfers. If anyone is interested in playing golf on the school team please see Mr. Butler in the phys-ed office today at lunch.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Calling all Grade 11 and 12 boys interested in trying out for the senior boys volleyball team. There will be a very short meeting today right after school in room E207. Once again, Grade 11 and 12 Boys interested in senior Boys Volleyball, come for a short meeting today right after school in room E207.
Hey Blakelock, school is here along with the fall season, and you know what that means… FOOTBALL!! All are welcome, no experience necessary, and newcomers are absolutely encouraged, even better if you bring a friend… A little bravery is all you need. Come to E219 today to speak with Mr. Beaupre, Mr. Kana or Mr Sumner. Blakelock Football, all students, no experience necessary, E219 for details. GO TIGERS!!
The Cross Country team will have a brief meeting in room S110 tomorrow at the beginning of lunch. If you’re wondering if this announcement is personally speaking to you, it is. We’ll see you there….in room S110 tomorrow at the beginning of lunch for the cross country meet, all are welcome.
Photo day is happening next Tuesday on September 10th! So make sure you wear a clean shirt, brush your hair and practice your best smile!
Calling all female athletes! Interested in fresh air and staying outside as long as possible?!?! Any girls interested in playing Field hockey please meet in W107 (health room) after school today!! Any questions see Ms McAllan or Ms D’Alessio
Calling all Grade 9 and 10 boys interested in trying out for the junior boys volleyball team. There will be a very short meeting tomorrow right after school in room W108. Once again, Grade 9 and 10 boys interested in playing boys volleyball, come for a short meeting tomorrow right after school in the health room.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Attention all prospective Tiger Football players! We are holding a meeting for any boys interested in playing football next September tomorrow at the beginning of lunch in Mr. Stevens’ room (S204). Any boys in any grade are encouraged to attend the meeting. If you’re even thinking of playing football in the Fall, please come tomorrow for some important information. Any questions can be addressed to Mr. Kana, Mr. Beaupre or Mr. Stevens.
Attention Tigers! Today is the LAST DAY to stock up on your summer reading books before exams start! As part of our Summer Reading Program, you can borrow up to 10 books from the Library Learning Commons to enjoy all summer long.
Why wait? Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break. Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.
🌞 Don't miss out on:
Unlimited adventures through reading
A chance to explore new genres
Plenty of books to keep you company all summer
Hurry in and pick up your books today!
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
It’s not too late to hand in your track and field uniforms. Please do so ASAP, S110.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Attention all prospective Tiger Football players! We are holding a meeting for any boys interested in playing football next September tomorrow at the beginning of lunch in Mr. Stevens’ room (S204). Any boys in any grade are encouraged to attend the meeting. If you’re even thinking of playing football in the Fall, please come tomorrow for some important information. Any questions can be addressed to Mr. Kana, Mr. Beaupre or Mr. Stevens.
If you have your track and field uniform, please drop it by S110 at your earliest convenience. Thanks!
Hey Tigers! Exams are just around the corner, and we know how stressful that can be. That's why we're hosting a Stress Ball Making Activity in the Library Learning Commons. Come join us today during lunch and create your very own stress ball. What to Expect:
All materials provided
Step-by-step instructions
A fun, relaxing environment
Bring your friends, take a break, and make something that will help you stay calm and focused during exam season. See you there!
Looking for a little SUNSHINE today and a “pick-me-up” to brighten these last HEAVY DUTY DAYS of the semester??? Come to the “T” at lunch for the SUNSHINE SALE! Wellness club has baked cookies and cupcakes and will offer Freezies for sale at the “T” TODAY AT LUNCH to brighten your day. Come on down to the “T” at lunch today with your loonies and toonies! See you there!
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime today. Thank you.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Monday, June 17, 2024
Attention all prospective Tiger Football players! We are holding a meeting for any boys interested in playing football next September tomorrow at the beginning of lunch in Mr. Stevens’ room (S204). Any boys in any grade are encouraged to attend the meeting. If you’re even thinking of playing football in the Fall, please come tomorrow for some important information. Any questions can be addressed to Mr. Kana, Mr. Beaupre or Mr. Stevens.
Hey Tigers! Stock up on your summer reading books before exams start! As part of our Summer Reading Program, you can borrow up to 10 books from the high school library to enjoy all summer long.
Why wait? Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break. Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.
🌞 Don't miss out on:
Unlimited adventures through reading
A chance to explore new genres
Plenty of books to keep you company all summer
Hurry in and pick up your books today! 📖✨
Friday, June 14, 2024
Hey Athletes! It is finally here!! This Thursday is the The Athletic Banquet, and all are welcome!! There will be aw
Attention all prospective Tiger Football players! We are holding a meeting for any boys interested in playing football next September on Tuesday of next week at the beginning of lunch in Mr. Stevens’ room (S204). Any boys in any grade are encouraged to attend the meeting. If you’re even thinking of playing football in the Fall, please come on Tuesday for some important information.
Any questions can be addressed to Mr. Kana, Mr. Beaupre or Mr. Stevens.
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime today. Thank you.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Track and fielders! Get your singlets washed this weekend, and you can return them to Mr. Rochus on Monday!
Hey Tigers! Stock up on your summer reading books before exams start! As part of our Summer Reading Program, you can borrow up to 10 books from the high school library to enjoy all summer long.
Why wait? Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break. Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.
🌞 Don't miss out on:
Unlimited adventures through reading
A chance to explore new genres
Plenty of books to keep you company all summer
Hurry in and pick up your books today! 📖✨
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Hey Athletes! It is finally here!! This Thursday is the The Athletic Banquet, and all are welcome!! There will be awards, school spirit and most importantly FOOD!!! The food will be open to all that attend, but the tigers that got tickets throughout these past months have a fast past through the food line! Hope to see you on Thursday Tigers!!
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime today. Thank you.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Hey Tigers! Stock up on your summer reading books before exams start! cAs part of our Summer Reading Program, you can borrow up to 10 books from the high school library to enjoy all summer long.
Why wait? Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break. Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.
🌞 Don't miss out on:
Unlimited adventures through reading
A chance to explore new genres
Plenty of books to keep you company all summer
Hurry in and pick up your books today! 📖✨
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Hey Athletes! It is finally here!! This Thursday is the The Athletic Banquet, and all are welcome!! There will be awards, school spirit and most importantly FOOD!!! The food will be open to all that attend, but the tigers that got tickets throughout these past months have a fast past through the food line! Hope to see you on Thursday Tigers!!
Looking for a place to unwind a little during lunch. Come up to W208 today to join us in WELLNESS CLUB. Poster painting, quiet activities or a different place to study. All are welcome!
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime today. Thank you.
Attention Booklovers! We are delighted to announce that the Library Learning Commons is kicking off the Summer Reading program. Students may borrow up to 10 books for the summer. We have lots of new books, so drop by the LLC today and grab your reads for a delightful summer getaway!
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Hey Athletes! It is finally here!! This Thursday is the The Athletic Banquet, and all are welcome!! There will be awards, school spirit and most importantly FOOD!!! The food will be open to all that attend, but the tigers that got tickets throughout these past months have a fast past through the food line! Hope to see you on Thursday Tigers!!
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime today. Thank you.
Spiritwear orders are available for pick up in the main office. Please bring your receipt with you. Students, please do not use class time to come down for this, pick up can be done before school, at lunch or after school.
Attention Booklovers! We are delighted to announce that the Library Learning Commons is kicking off the Summer Reading program. Students may borrow up to 10 books for the summer. We have lots of new books, so drop by the LLC today and grab your reads for a delightful summer getaway!
In June, we celebrate Indigenous History month. This month is important because we recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. In honor of Indigenous History month, the TRC team invites you to come to the Outdoor classroom TODAY at 11:15 during lunch, to place a rock in the rock garden display, remembering all residential schools survivors and those whose lives were taken at those schools that were operated in Canada between 1831 and 1996. See you at 11:15!
Monday, June 10, 2024
In June, we celebrate Indigenous History month. This month is important because we recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. In honor of Indigenous History month, the TRC team invites you to come to the Outdoor classroom TOMORROW on Tuesday, June 11 at 11:15 during lunch, to place a rock in the rock garden display, remembering all residential schools survivors and those whose lives were taken at those schools that were operated in Canada between 1831 and 1996. To find out more information check out our spotlight display outside the cafeteria. See Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
Please join me in congratulating the OFSAA Bronze medalist in the Novice Boys 3000m, Ethan Deveaux. It goes without saying, this is a huge accomplishment, and we should be proud of him.
Big shout out to Michael Ekeng who raced with the best in Ontario this past weekend as well, coming 12 and 13th in the 100 and 200 with competition from all across Ontario.
Well done! And thanks for a great Track season.
Attention Booklovers! We are delighted to announce that the Library Learning Commons is kicking off the Summer Reading program. Starting today students may borrow up to 10 books for the summer. We have lots of new books, so drop by the LLC today and grab your reads for a delightful summer getaway!
Friday, June 7, 2024
Graduating Grade Twelves! Today is the last day to submit your senior quote! Please fill out the google form posted on your class brightspace pages or find the QR codes posted around the school. Thanks to all those who have already filled it out!
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime today. Thank you.
In June, we celebrate Indigenous History month. This month is important because we recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. In honor of Indigenous History month, the TRC team invites you to come to the Outdoor classroom on Tuesday, June 11 during lunch, to place a rock in the rock garden display, remembering all residential schools survivors and those whose lives were taken at those schools that were operated in Canada between 1831 and 1996. To find out more information check out our spotlight display outside the cafeteria. See Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Graduating Grade Twelves! Yearbook wants to hear from you! What is your best memory? Please fill out the google form posted on your class brightspace pages or find the QR codes posted around the school. Form closes Friday.
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime this week. Thank you.
A reminder that TAB scholars is running today at lunch in room E104. Swing by to ask questions or have any concept re-taught to you so that you're prepared to ace your finals!
Good morning Tigers! The annual athletic banquet is quickly approaching. It will be held in the large gym on Thursday June 13th. Food will be served starting at 5:30 for all athletes and coaches. Those who have picked up a food ticket will have priority and those who forgot to get a ticket will get their food second. There will be an awards ceremony to highlight the successes of our student athletes. See you there!
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Graduating Grade Twelves! Yearbook wants to hear from you! What is your best memory? Please fill out the google form posted on your class brightspace pages or find the QR codes posted around the school. Form closes Friday.
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime this week. Thank you.
Hey Tigers! A reminder that TAB scholars, a group of peer tutors are here to help ace your exams. We will be located in E104 Tuesday and Thursday for the next 2 weeks. See you tomorrow!
Final update from the diamond:
Thank you for supporting our Boys Baseball team throughout their historic season. Yesterday, your Tigers hosted Kings Christian College with a championship on the line. Nathan Thompson got the start on the mound delivering a stellar performance with 4 dominant innings, striking out 6. The game was back and forth until the 6th inning. With the tying run on second base, Josh Bushen faked a bunt and slashed an RBI single to tie the game up 2-2. The Tigers took the lead on hits from Brody Kemp & Nathan Thompson going up 4-2. Jordan Hoortje came out of the bullpen, reliable as ever and closed out the game, for the Tigers to win their first Championship in 13 years!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIGERS!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Graduating Grade Twelves! Give us your senior quote … memories and more for the yearbook. Please fill out the google form posted on your class brightspace pages or find the QR codes posted around the school. Form closes Friday.
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime this week. Thank you.
Hey Tigers! We know that it can be a stressful time with exams and FPTs coming up which is why TAB scholars, a group of peer tutors are here to help you! We will be located in E104 Tuesday and Thursday for the next 2 weeks. That’s right, including TODAY! Swing by to ask questions or have any concept re-taught to you so that you're prepared to ace your finals! See you Tuesday and Thursdays.
Monday, June 3, 2024
Graduating Grade Twelves! We want your words of wisdom… memories and more for the yearbook. Please fill out the google form posted on your class brightspace pages or find the QR codes posted around the school. Form closes Friday.
TAB we are announcing that a friend of ours is doing a food drive! Look for food bins around the school. Any little bit helps!
Attention Tigers: Passionate about sports? Want to make a difference next year at TAB? Sign up for a leadership position for the 2024-25 Athletic Council and help shape our athletic programs, boost school spirit, and develop leadership skills. Oh and did we mention community hours are available? Our application form is on our instagram and today is the last day to sign up! If you have signed up, expect an email tomorrow, as we are starting interviews Wednesday. For more info, please see Mr. Alchesi, Ms. Northey or Mme D’Alesio.
Attention Grads: If you have not returned your grad gowns, please bring it back to the main office sometime this week. Thank you.
Friday May 31, 2024
Good morning Tigers! If you are interested in joining the Athletic Council next year and want to apply for a leadership position(no previous experience required) you can fill out our google form on the council instagram page and we’ll reach out to you for an interview next Wednesday!
Hey Blakelock! Tomorrow is the first of June, which means that it is the beginning of pride month. To commemorate this, TAB will be flying the pride flag for the month of June. Come out to the front of the school today at 11:15 a.m. to celebrate with us and raise the pride flag. See you there!
Happy Friday, Tigers! We are thrilled to announce the outstanding achievements of our Tennis Team at GHAC yesterday! The team's hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship have truly paid off, and we couldn't be prouder of their performances. A special congratulations to Rhys Mackay for his remarkable achievement in the Boys Singles category, winning the Silver Medal! Additionally, a huge round of applause to Luke Mackay and Josh Hsu for their exceptional performance in the Boys Doubles category, bringing home the Gold Medal! Please congratulate them if you see them in the halls. Amazing job, Tigers!
Even though no one asked for it on this beautiful Friday morning, Ms. Northey would like to share a quick fun fact: did you know that lacrosse is one of our 2 national sports in Canada (alongside hockey), and that it’s the oldest team sport in North America? Although it’s clear how important the sport is to Canada, unfortunately there are also many who have never had a chance to pick up a stick and try it out. If you would like to, you can join Ms. Northey on the field at lunch today to grab a stick and try it out! It’s going to be nice and relaxed, passing a ball around, so we hope to see you out there! All are welcome.
Big congratulations are in order for Ethan Deveaux and Michael Ekeng. Over the past 2 days at OFSAA South Regionals, the track and field team faced strong competition from 3 athletic conferences for the chance to advance to next week’s OFSAA. Ethan started his run with a silver medal in the Novice Boys 1500 and came back the next day for a dominant gold in the novice boys 3000. Michael stamped his ticket to OFSAA on day 1 in the novice boys 100, and also came back to get his second event on day 2 with a bronze medal in the 200. Congratulations to the whole team, who showed true Tiger spirit at this high level meet. Get you pen out Mr. Dawson, we’ve got some paperwork coming your way.
Thursday May 30, 2024
Good morning Tigers! Important reminder that today and tomorrow at lunch, the Athletic Council will be at the T to give out Athletic Banquet tickets. These are the final days for pick-up, so please make sure you mention it to your friends if they haven’t grabbed theirs!
If you want to apply for a leadership position with the council (no previous experience required) you can fill out our google form on the council instagram page and we’ll reach out to you for an interview next Wednesday!
Attention Tigers! The Kahoot Game is happening in the Library Learning Commons today at the beginning of lunch. Bring your Game and let’s have some fun!!
A huge congratulations goes out to the Varsity Girls’ Soccer team who are 3-time GHAC Champions. This is an incredible feat! They played a strong team game to defeat St. Mary’s Hamilton 3-0. Goals were scored by Ashlyn Rusnov and Isabella Guzman. Another big shout out goes to our defence of Anna Craddock, McKayla Miller, Madeline McArter and Mikayla Vamvakaris with a special kudos to Ava Dubkowski for shutting down their top scorer. Holly Brimacombe recorded the shutout. The team is off to OFSAA next week. Let’s go TIGERS!
Update from the diamond:
Yesterday, the Boys Baseball team hosted an electrifying semi-final playoff game against White Oaks at Abbey Park. Jack Herbert got the start on the mound, delivering a stellar performance with 4 dominant innings only giving up 3 hits. The Tigers were trailing 1-0 until the 5th inning when Brody Kemp capitalized on a pitcher’s error to score from third base, tying the game. The excitement continued as Jordan Hoorntje came out of the bullpen, striking out 6 batters to keep the Tigers in the game. The tension built as we entered the bottom of the 7th inning with the game tied. With the winning run on second base, Zach McCabe made an unforgettable infield single, securing a dramatic walk-off victory for the Tigers. The Tigers will now play Kings in the finals next week. GOOO TIGERS!
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Get your game on, Tigers! There will be a Kahoot game in the Library Learning Commons tomorrow during lunch. Dive into Asian Culture for a chance to win 1st prize, 2nd prize or 3rd prize. Please see Mrs. MacKay to sign up. All are welcome!!
Hey Tigers! Were one of the many many students who came to visit our table at Spring Bash last week? WELLNESS CLUB is ALWAYS happy to welcome new faces in W208. Come join us tomorrow at lunch to help us plan for our upcoming Sunshine Sale! W208 tomorrow at lunch!
Yesterday our very own Cricket Team took to the pitch for the Second Annual Halton Cricket Tournament. The Tigers set a team record of 50 runs in the final game against a tough opponent in Georgetown. Krish Batheja led the way with 15 runs. Great work team, we will get them next year!
Important Athletic Council announcement: The final 2 days to pick up your athletic banquet tickets are tomorrow and Friday at lunch, at the T! After Friday, no more tickets will be available so please make sure you tell your friends and come out to celebrate TAB Athletics!
We will also be holding interviews for Athletic Council executive positions for next year. These interviews will start early next Wednesday with more info to come tomorrow! Check out our instagram page for the google document to sign up.
Attention Grads! Today is the final day to pick up your caps and gowns for the commencement ceremony in the main office during lunch. If you have paid your commencement fee in school cash online, you can collect your graduation gowns and guest tickets today in the main office.
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Hey Tigers! Were one of the many many students who came to visit our table at Spring Bash last week? WELLNESS CLUB is ALWAYS happy to welcome new faces in W208. Come join us tomorrow at lunch to help us plan for our upcoming Sunshine Sale! W208 tomorrow at lunch!
Dive into the depths of your wisdom about Asian Culture! Get ready to play the ultimate Kahoot game where prizes await. Come to the Library Learning Commons on Thursday, May 30th during lunch for some Kahoot fun! Please see Mrs. MacKay to sign up.
Attention Grads! We will be handing out your cap and gowns for the commencement ceremony in the staff room today at lunch. So if you have paid your commencement fee on school cash online you can pick up your grad gowns and guest tickets today in the staff room at lunch.
Monday May 27, 2024
Dive into the depths of your wisdom about Asian Culture! Get ready to play the ultimate Kahoot game where prizes await. Come to the Library Learning Commons on Thursday, May 30th during lunch for some Kahoot fun! Please see Mrs. MacKay to sign up.
Please join me in congratulating the following members of the track and field team as they move onto OFSAA regionals this week!
-Ethan Deveaux, the new novice boys 3000m record holder, taking almost 17s off a 13 year old record, and the novice boys 1500m champion.
-Michael Ekeng, GHAC Champion in the Novice Boys 100, bronze in the 200, and a qualifier in the long jump as well.
-Brooke Mackenzie, qualifier in the Junior Girls javelin
-Lauren Keats, GHAC silver medalist in the Senior Girls triple jump.
-Adam Dampier, GHAC bronze medalist in the Senior Boys 400 and bronze medalist in the senior boys 800.
The team will be back at Mohawk Sports Park this Wednesday and Thursday, hoping to stamp their ticket to the big dance in the land of the purple ponies, next week.
Attention Grads! We will be handing out your cap and gowns for the commencement ceremony in the staff room today at lunch. So if you have paid your commencement fee on school cash online you can pick up your grad gowns and guest tickets today in the staff room at lunch.
Friday May 24, 2024
The Truth and Reconciliation committee invites you to come and help us paint rocks in the library reading room TODAY at lunch. These rocks will go to a display in memory of Residential School survivors which students can visit in the outdoor classroom. See you TODAY at lunch. See Ms.Turnbull if you have any questions
🌟 Breaking News! 🌟
Join us at the Tabby Shack for a culinary adventure as the Breakfast Club unveils its tantalizing new menu items! Starting today, savor the delicious flavors every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:45 to 8:30 am …..open to all and at no cost.
Indulge in a delightful array of breakfast delights crafted with love and expertise. Whether you crave fresh fruit, eggs on a bagel or a muffin, we've got something to satisfy every palate.
Don't miss out on the chance to kickstart your mornings with a burst of flavor and energy. Bring your appetite and join us at the Tabby Shack to experience breakfast like never before! See you there! 🍽️✨
What a day at the GHAC Track And Field Championships yesterday. Huge congratulations to your Grade 9 Boys 100m GHAC Champion, Michael Ekeng! Also, Ethan Deveaux kicked off his tour of destruction on the track yesterday by winning the 1,500 in a spectacular wire to wire effort. Brooke Mackenzie punched her ticket to OFSAA regionals in the Javelin, and Adam Dampier won Bronze in the Senior 400m. We’re back on the track today with huge potential in the 3,000, shot put, 800, triple jump and 200m finals!
Congratulations to the Senior Tennis Team for their stellar performance at the GHAC Senior Tennis Tournament yesterday. They went up against tough competition and rose to the occasion, with nearly all players making it through to the quarter finals of their divisions. A special shoutout to our Girls Doubles team, Isabella Guzman and Nia Wadehra, who made it to the semi finals, being the highest placing Girls Doubles team in the HDSB. And to Tatiana Lassos, who will be heading to OFSAA.
Update from the diamond:
We have some exciting news from our girls' softball team. Yesterday, our Tigers delivered an outstanding performance, defeating Aldershot with a stunning score of 12-0! A special shoutout to our power pitcher, Jada Becker, who struck out 5 batters in just 5 innings.
Our Tigers were on fire with the bats, tallying 13 hits and scoring 12 runs. The MVP of the game goes to Chantal Howard, who wowed everyone with an incredible in-the-park home run. Congratulations to the entire team for their hard work and dedication.
Come out and cheer our Tiger Queens on Monday after school in their playoff game against Hayden.
Thursday May 23, 2024
The Truth and Reconciliation committee invites you to come and help us paint rocks in the library reading room Friday at lunch. These rocks will go to a display in memory of Residential School survivors which students can visit in the outdoor classroom. See you THIS FRIDAY at lunch. See Ms.Turnbull if you have any questions
🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟
Attention midday munchers! Starting Monday The Breakfast Club is thrilled to unveil our latest innovation: brand-new refuelling stations to power up your afternoon!
Located strategically at key spots including in front of the main office, Student Success Center, and Resource Hub in the afternoon. These refuelling stations are designed to keep you energized and refreshed throughout your day.
The Library Volunteer team would like to congratulate Jonah Lim-Tran for winning the book, The Kindling! Jonah, drop by the LLC to pick up your prize. Thank you to all who entered the raffle contest, it was a huge success!
Dive into the depths of your wisdom about Asian Culture! Get ready to play the ultimate Kahoot game where prizes await. Come to the Library Learning Commons on Thursday, May 30th during lunch for some Kahoot fun! Please see Mrs. MacKay to sign up.
And for the third straight year, your Varsity Girls’ Soccer team are Halton Champions! Milton District opened the scoring but TAB fought back and with a corner kick from Sienna Manuel, Ashlyn Rusnov scored the tying goal. In the second half of overtime, Sienna Manuel kicked a through ball and Farrah Caesar scored the winning goal. A solid defensive line from McKayla Miller, Ava Dubkowski, Madeline McArter, Anna Craddock and Josie Norton helped solidify the win. Way to go Tigers! Next Wednesday the team plays off for the GHAC championship at Bronte Athletic Field.
Update from the diamond:
Yesterday, our Boys Baseball team faced King's Christian College in a thrilling match with first place at stake. Brody Kemp delivered a strong performance on the mound, pitching three solid innings and striking out six. The game was intense and evenly matched until the fourth inning when the Tigers unleashed a powerful offensive surge, scoring four runs. From that point, they maintained their lead. Josh Bushen, Jack Herbert, and Jordan Hoorntje were exceptional at the plate, each contributing two RBIs. The Tigers triumphed with an 11-5 victory, securing first place. GOOO Tigers!
Our Girls Rugby team is on a 4 game winning streak! The girls played two games yesterday in the heat, but that didn’t slow down our tigers on the rugby field. First game, they tackled a strong CKSS squad. Kaitlyn Percy led the scoring with two tries, Esther Lim and Viktoria Kozicki scored a try each and Viktoria earned a conversion kick for 2 points also. Excellent defence led by captain Keira Grierson allowed only one score by CKSS.
In our second game, TAB won 24-7 where Kaitlyn and Ester scored again, but Carys Colwill and Sam English added a try each also. Carys converted one. Tough play by Maddie Collier, Skye Parkin and Flo Cummings contributed greatly to the tigers’ game play. Well done ladies and good luck at the semis on Tuesday against Nelson!
Wednesday May 22, 2024
The Truth and Reconciliation committee invites you to come and help us paint rocks in the library reading room Friday at lunch. These rocks will go to a display in memory of Residential School survivors which students can visit in the outdoor classroom. See you THIS FRIDAY at lunch. See Ms.Turnbull if you have any questions.
A reminder to anyone going on the Music trip to Wonderland today please be in the music room ready to go at 9:00 AM.
Hey Tigers… guess what! It’s time for Spring Bash! Today, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, on our school field, we will have 2 food trucks, an ice cream truck, an inflatable obstacle course, sports such as volleyball and spikeball, and club booths and activities! Come on out to Blakelock’s third annual Spring Bash today at lunch time!
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Attention Grads! We will be handing out your cap and gowns for the commencement ceremony in the staff room today at lunch. So if you have paid your commencement fee on school cash online you can pick up your grad gowns and guest tickets today in the staff room at lunch.
Domination from the diamond:
On Friday, the Boys Baseball team took part in Garth Webb’s annual baseball tournament. Your tigers went 2-0 outscoring opponents 27-4. Jack Herbert and Nathan Thompson were unstoppable on the mound going 8 innings striking out 12 hitters collectively. Josh Bushen was a tough out at the plate scoring 5 RBIs on the day. Your Tigers will play in the semi-final of the tournament this Friday. GOOOO Tigers!
Update from the diamond:
On Friday our Girls Softball team competed in the Nelson Invitational Tournament. They triumphed over Nelson with a score of 16-4, dominated Dunnville 15-6, and conquered Brebeuf 13-2. Each game showcased their hard work and dedication. But the real highlight came in the finals against St. Mary. Our team faced a tough challenge, trailing 9-2. However, they never gave up. With true grit and perseverance, they made an astonishing comeback, with Izzy Nevin hitting a walk-off run to clinch a 10-9 victory! It was a game for the ages and a testament to their unyielding spirit. MVPs of the tournament went to Charlotte Giles-Deroches and Brooklyn Luciak.
Go Tigers!
Big news from the track this past week! Michael Ekeng moves onto the GHAC championships this week as the fastest novice in the tri-boards in the 100, and second fastest in the 200 and Long Jump, in what is shaping up as the new Johnson V. Bailey sprint showdown. Shoutouts to the Jav squad, aka the TAB airforce, who have collectively moved onto the finals next week. Onwards to GHAC this week, can ya dig it?
A reminder to all Choir members we have our last rehearsal today at lunch in room S119.
Friday May 17, 2024
Hey Tigers! We’re sure you’re looking for an exciting way to spend your time as we reach the end of the school year. The Blakelock Student Council has the perfect opportunity for you! The third annual Spring Bash will have food trucks, an ice cream truck, an inflatable obstacle course, sports such as spikeball and volleyball, and club stands with activities. Spring Bash will be taking place on our school field next Wednesday, May 22nd, from 11:30 to 1:30 pm. See you there, Tigers!
Eco Club needs volunteers to help out with Eco Night next week. Contact Ms Salahovic or Ms Habeeb.
It’s on Thursday evening, so we invite everyone to come out and support our school's eco initiatives! We will be showcasing some of the work we have done this year, we will bestselling plants with CPP, there will be games, and a screening of an eco movie. Bring your own bowl for some yummy, free popcorn!
Update from the diamond:
Yesterday, the Boys Baseball team hosted Aldershot at Glen Abbey Park. Zach McCabe took the mound and was dominant through 4 innings, striking out 8! Jack Herbert put the Tigers on the board in the first inning with a triple to left field, setting the tone for the game. Paxton Ross and Jack Pinette led the team with two hits each, as the Tigers triumphed over Aldershot 12-2, maintaining their perfect record. Go Tigers!
Today, May 17th, holds special significance as it marks The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. This day, established in 2004, serves as a beacon of awareness, shedding light on the various forms of discrimination and violence experienced by LGBTQIA+ individuals globally. It's an event that is celebrated in over 130 countries, including 37 where same-sex acts are criminalized. It reminds us that LGBTQIA+ people face immense challenges in their daily lives. Together let's continue to challenge these injustices and foster a world of acceptance and equality for everyone.
This Spring from May 21st to June 7th there will be a Food Drive at T. A. Blakelock. The need for food has been steadily increasing over the past two years in Oakville. The food that is collected will go to members of the Oakville community that are in need of non-perishable food items. Recent personal experience of a close friend has inspired Dylan Timer to run this food drive! Please watch out for the food boxes that will be popping up all over the school from May 21st to June 7th. If in doubt, bring your non-perishable food items to the Main Office!! The items that are in most need are; Peanut Butter, canned soups, canned tuna, canned beans, granola bars, rice crackers, apple sauce and bottled water. Thank you in advance for your support!
Spirit Wear! This is it, Tigers. Your chance to purchase TAB spirit wear closes this weekend. Don’t miss your chance to get that Blakelock swag. Go to the TAB website for more information.
Attention Grads! We will be handing out your cap and gowns for the commencement ceremony in the staff room today at lunch. So if you have paid your commencement fee on school cash online you can pick up your grad gowns and guest tickets today in the staff room at lunch.
Thursday May 16, 2024
Hey Tigers! Next Wednesday on May 22nd, we will be having our annual Spring Bash from 11:30 to 1:30pm! It is sure to be a fun time, with an inflatable obstacle course, food trucks and an ice cream truck, sports such as spikeball and volleyball, and many different club activities. So don’t miss out! Stop by and have some fun with friends!
Eco Club is excited to participate in Spring Bash next Wednesday AND host Eco Night next week on Thursday. We need volunteers!! If you can help out contact Ms Salahovic or Ms Habeeb. Community Involvement Hours will be given!
In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, the Library Learning Commons will have 4 Blakelock Henna artists who will be designing Hennas on students' hands. Drop by the LLC Today during lunch for a free Henna design. Did you know that Henna art has been practised in India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East for over 5,000 years? That’s Today during lunch in the LLC for a Henna design!
A goal by Isabella Guzman and two more from Farrah Caesar and your Varsity Girls Soccer Team beat Georgetown 3-0 in the Halton Semi-Finals. Holly Brimacombe recorded the shutout and a great team effort secured the win. We are off to the Halton Finals next week where the team will face off with Milton District. Let’s go Tigers!
Attention Grads! We will be handing out your cap and gowns for the commencement ceremony in the staff room today at lunch. So if you have paid your commencement fee on school cash online you can pick up your grad gowns today in the staff room at lunch.
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Spirit Wear! Get yours today! Have you been wanting that rocking Blakelock swag you keep seeing others wear? Well this week is your last chance. Go to the TAB website for the link to order yours today!
Hey Tigers! Blakelock is hosting our annual Spring Bash next Wednesday, May 22nd from 11:30 to 1:30 on our school field where everyone will get to come outside and enjoy the many things Spring Bash has to offer. This includes 2 food trucks, an ice cream truck, an inflatable obstacle course, sports, such as spikeball and volleyball, as well as club booths and activities. Make sure to mark this one down in your calendars Tigers!
Eco Club is excited to participate in Spring Bash on wednesday AND host Eco Night next week on Thursday. We need volunteers!! If you can help out contact Ms. Salahovic or Ms. Habeeb. Community Involvement Hours will be given!
In celebration of Asian Heritage Month the Library Learning Commons will have 4 Blakelock Henna artists who will be designing Hennas on students' hands. Drop by the LLC Tomorrow, Thursday, May 16th during lunch for a free Henna design. Did you know that Henna art has been practiced in India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East for over 5,000 years? That’s tomorrow during lunch in the LLC for a Henna design!
The Truth and Reconciliation committee invites you to come and help us paint rocks in the library reading room TODAY at lunch. These rocks will go to a display in memory of Residential School survivors which students can visit in the outdoor classroom. See you Wednesday at lunch. See Ms.Turnbull if you have any questions.
Attention Choir members. We will rehearse today for sure at lunch in S119. We will start right at 11:00 am sharp, so be there!
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Hey Tigers! The Student Council is proud to announce that we will be hosting our annual Spring Bash next Wednesday, May 22nd from 11:30 to 1:30 pm! There will be food trucks, an inflatable obstacle course, club booths and activities, sports, and more! We can’t wait to see you there!
The Varsity Girls Soccer team has advanced to the Halton Semi Finals with a 6-0 win yesterday over Nelson High School. A hat trick was scored by Ashlyn Rusnov, and goals were scored by Farrah Caesar and Sienna Manuel. Holly Brimacombe recorded the shutout. Another great team effort! Way to go Tigers!
Update from the diamond:
Yesterday, the Girls Softball team traveled to compete against Frank Hayden in a thrilling match. The game remained close until our player of the game Destiny Gordon spectacularly hit an inside-the-park home run. Jada Becker led the team from the mound, pitching a complete game and striking out 7 Huskies. Our Tigers clinched a strong 14-7 victory, securing 25 hits in total. Great job, Tigers!
A reminder to all Choir Members - we have a rehearsal today at lunch in room s 119. Please be there!
Last night at the Halton Film Festival, affectionately known as the Eddies, Thomas A. Blakelock showed out in spectacular fashion. Out of over 150 entrants, Blakelock took home “Best Animation” with Colin Charszewski’s “Displaced” and 2nd in the “Best Re-Creation” category with Jack, Ally and Yasmin’s remake of the Breakfast Club (special shout out to Mr. Staiton’s next level acting). Congratulations to all who entered.
Track and Field GHAC forms. Get them. Get them back to Mr. Rochus. That is all. S110. You know the drill.
The Truth and Reconciliation committee invites you to come and help us paint rocks in the library reading room this Wednesday at lunch. These rocks will go to a display in memory of Residential School survivors which students can visit in the outdoor classroom. See you Wednesday at lunch. See Ms.Turnbull if you have any questions.
Attention Symphonic Winds members: rehearsal will only go until 4:00pm today. Don’t be late!
Monday May 13, 2024
Spirit Wear! Get yours today! Have you been wanting that rocking Blakelock swag you keep seeing others wear? Well this week is your last chance. Go to the TAB website for the link to order yours today!
Congratulations to the HOSA team for another successful year at the competition. Everyone did an amazing job in their events and learned so many new skills in the health care workshops. You all did a fantastic job! We can’t wait to compete again next year.
Person 1: Hey, have you heard about the rock concert tomorrow in the large gym?
Person 2: Yeah, the "Lunch Jam," right? I can't wait to spread some jam on my bread while rocking out!
Person 1: Umm, I think you might have misinterpreted it. It's more about jamming to the music, not jamming on your sandwich!
Person 2: Oh! Well, that's a whole other kind of jammin'! But imagine if we could combine both—rocking out to the tunes while enjoying some tasty jams!
Person 1: Haha, that would be quite the culinary and musical experience! But alas, we're serving up pure rock 'n' roll, no sandwiches included.
Person 2: No worries! I'm still excited to groove to the beats at the "Lunch Jam" tomorrow! It's gonna be epic!
Person 1: Absolutely! Let's jam out and make some unforgettable memories!
Attention Track athletes, especially long jumpers, sprinters and javelin throwers: please see Mr. Rochus in room S110 ASAP to get a trip form for Friday's GHAC Qualifying Meet.
In celebration of Asian Heritage Month the Library Learning Commons will have 4 Blakelock Henna artists who will be designing Hennas on students' hands. Drop by the LLC TODAY and Thursday, May 16th during lunch for a free Henna design. Did you know that Henna art has been practiced in India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East for over 5,000 years? That’s today and Thursday during lunch in the LLC for a Henna design!
Update from the diamond:
On Friday, the Boys Baseball team traveled to take on Acton up in Georgetown. It was a close game the whole way through until the Tigers erupted in the 5th inning and did not look back from there. Jordan Hoorntje knuckled his way to 7 strikeouts in 4 innings of relief. Evan Kemp and Paxton Ross both drove in three runs each as the Tigers ended up winning 15-3. Go tigers!
Friday May 10, 2024
In celebration of Asian Heritage Month the Library Learning Commons will have 4 Blakelock Henna artists who will be designing Hennas on students' hands. Drop by the LLC on Monday, May 13th and Thursday, May 16th during lunch for a free Henna design. Did you know that Henna art has been practiced in India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East for over 5,000 years? That’s Monday and Thursday next week during lunch in the LLC for a Henna design!
Hey, Tigers! Are you passionate about the environment and eager to expand your learning? Eco Club invites you to join us for an amazing evening at Blakelock's second annual Eco Night on May 23rd, here at Blakelock. This event is looking bigger and greener than ever before, with some fantastic companies on board like Oakville Transit and Oakville Green, along with many others. Join us for a night of eco-consciousness, and exciting initiatives. Let's come together to make a positive impact on our environment. See you there!"
Day 5 of MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK, Tigers. Here is your last dose of DID YOU KNOW ……
DID YOU KNOW that Stigma and discrimination attached to mental illnesses and substance use problems present a serious barrier not only to diagnosis and treatment but also to access to employment, housing, and other basic necessities. Stigma both creates and deepens social marginalization. (CAMH fast facts)
It is up to ALL OF US, Tigers to break that stigma. After living through the impacts of the pandemic, we ALL understand now more than ever, that thoughts and feelings can be hard to control. Keep an open mind when it comes to dealing with MENTAL HEALTH and let’s continue to create an even BETTER community! We all need each other!
Hey Relay-for-Life-ers:
If Ms. Neumann took your photo yesterday, either check your CHATT or come to S105 at lunchtime so she can get it to you. Cheers!
Cancer CAN be beaten!
HOSA members congratulations to those of you who competed yesterday at the conference! And good luck to everyone who is competing in round 2 today!
Congratulations to the Jr Boys Soccer team on their massive 10-1 victory yesterday. The boys played really well together to earn their second win in their last 3 games. Next up is a game against Abbey Park next Tuesday. Good luck Tigers!
Thursday May 9, 2024
Good morning, Tigers! TODAY IS THE DAY OF RELAY FOR LIFE! If you did not receive an email with information regarding the event, please DM our Instagram, @tabrelayforlife. If you are attending Relay, make sure that you bring a tent