Daily Announcements

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When:  TODAY

Time:  During Lunch

Where:  Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When:  Wednesday, February 12th

Time:  During Lunch

Where:  Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

This empowering evening is designed to provide the next generation with the opportunity to discover a wide range of potential career paths.  Youth thrive when surrounded by strong adult role models who help create an evening of support and empowerment as they navigate the professional world.  Mentors and career coaches from various professions, post-secondary pathways, and education levels are invited to speak to attendees.

If you are interested in attending this year’s event on April 2nd at the Burlington Convention Centre, please drop into Guidance for a registration form.  Space is limited.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When:  Wednesday, February 12th

Time:  During Lunch

Where:  Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

A big shout out to all our DECA executives and to everyone who participated in the Regionals where more than 6000 students were competing to secure medals and a few coveted spots in the Internationals being held in Orlando, Florida this year! 

We have 5 medal winners:  Atharv Mishra, Kieran Roy, Susan Fei, Ava Puhlmann and Vanessa Vamvakaris. Congratulations to all our winners.  AND …. Drum roll please … three Blakelock students qualified for Internationationals in Orlando, Florida this year!  Vanessa Vamvakaris, Ava Puhlmann and Susan Fei all qualified for ICDC are headed to Orlando in April! 

A special mention:  McKayla Miller, Christian Kristo, Yuvaansh Kapila and Jonah Lim Tran scored impressive high points.

Congratulations to our winners and to everyone!  GO TIGERS!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Do you love nature?  Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When:  Wednesday, February 12th

Time:  During Lunch

Where:  Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

Natalie Pisek: Junior Girls 50 back

Zayden Dindayal: Open Boys 200 Individual Medley

Cameron Coxson: Open Girls 100 Individual Medley

Please wish them luck as we head to GHAC next Thursday!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Do you love nature? Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When: Wednesday, February 12th

Time: During Lunch

Where: Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

That’s Junior Girls Soccer tryout today at lunch in the large gym.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Do you love nature?  Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When: Wednesday, February 12th

Time: During Lunch

Where: Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Do you love nature?  Are you interested in garden design?

Join us for an INFO SESSION about an exciting Garden Design Challenge!

When:  Wednesday, February 12th

Time:  During Lunch

Where:  Room S107

All students are welcome to attend and learn more about TAB's Community Garden.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"Don't Stress.  Do Your Best.  Forget The Rest."

Keep your heads up and believe in yourselves, Tigers!  Good luck with exams!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary."

So .. this message is clearly about VALUES.   VALUES and  PRIORITIES.  If you place WORK ahead of success then you are likely to find it …. WORK is essential to SUCCESS … it’s as simple as that!!    One day and one step at a time, Tigers. Make a daily plan and stick to it. You CAN do this! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Classes will only run if there are sufficient registrations. Night School will email students to confirm registrations, changes and cancellations.

Academic and Language applications are to be submitted on myBlueprint.  Students wishing to register for Co-Op are asked to please drop by Guidance to pick up a registration form.

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

Your job today is to do your best today.  That might include some planning for the week ahead, yes, but no one is asking you to do everything all at once.  One day and one step at a time, Tigers.  You CAN do this!  

Friday, January 17, 2025

"If you feel 'burnout' setting in, if you  feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best,  for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself."

Be sure to take some time for some SELF CARE … and to RE-ENERGIZE this weekend, Tigers!  We all deserve it!! … then come back on Monday ready to meet the challenges of the final push of the semester! 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

"Don't wish for it. Work for it!"

That’s it.  SIMPLE, DIRECT and POWERFUL.  Now work hard today, Tigers and finish strong!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

"Stop doubting yourself, work hard, and make it happen."

You CAN do this, Tigers! Make a plan and make it happen! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

"Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once.  Breathe.  You're Strong.  You Got This. Take it day by day."

Similar message to yesterday …Your job today is to do your best today.  no one is asking you to do everything all at once.  One day and one step at a time, Tigers. Make a daily plan and stick to it. You CAN do this! 

Monday , January 13, 2025

"Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase."

Your job today is to do your best today.  That might include some planning for the week ahead, yes, but no one is asking you to do everything all at once.  One day and one step at a time, Tigers.  You CAN do this! 

Friday , January 10, 2025

"Sometimes the best thing to do is take a step back, breathe, rest your mind, and come at it with a fresh perspective."

You CAN do this, TIGERS.  Use the weekend to rest your brain and make a plan to navigate the end of the semester so that you can come back strong and ready on Monday for the week ahead.  Have a great weekend, Tigers! 

Thursday , January 9, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

"Focus on the possibilities for success , not on the potential for failure."

You have the power to determine how this month will play out for you, Tigers.  Make a plan, take control and create your success! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

We know exams and summatives are around the corner, so this meeting will be lighthearted, but still important. Come hang out, stay in the loop, and get ready for an exciting year ahead!

Reminder: SOUTH 204 at 11:30. I repeat, SOUTH 204 at 11:30.

See you soon!

"What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year."

The reality of January is setting in after yesterday.  Make a plan to bring your best efforts to the end of this semester, Tigers and start 2025 strong!! 

Monday, January 6, 2025

"A New Year...a fresh, clean start.  It's like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on." - Bill Watterson

We all know that January is crunch time in the semester.  Use that big white sheet of paper to create a plan to finish the semester strong!  Happy New Year Tigers!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Dear TAB Tigers,  We hope you are having a restful winter break! Please be aware that Breakfast Club will be closed upon our return from the break and will resume on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.  We look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Take a break and give your soul what it needs.

Spend time with family.  Spend time with friends.  Rest, relax and recharge.  All those things will help you be ready for the busy days that await us when we return in January. BE SAFE and HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Tigers!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

We can do it, Tigers! Finish the week strong and head into the holidays with a smile!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

Thank you, Tigers.  YOU are beautiful.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Focus on being productive instead of busy

Get `er done, Tigers so that you can feel GREAT about taking a well-deserved REST over the entire break!

Monday, December 16, 2024

The best way to get things done is simply to begin

One step at a time, Tigers.  Start the week strong … and then finish on Friday with a huge smile ready for a well-deserved break!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wellness is the compete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effict on our state of well-being When we take care of ourselves, that is Wellness.  When we take care of others, that is Wellness.  When do BOTH … that is JUST PLAIN AWESOME! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Get hyped for the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan and find out how YOU can make a difference.

Join actual HDSB subcommittees to bring your ideas to life.

Learn about executive roles and how to take your leadership to the next level.

And most urgently: Help us plan a killer Instagram post to introduce our Senate squad to the school!

 Don’t forget: SOUTH 204 at 11:30. I repeat, SOUTH 204 at 11:30.

This is your chance to step up, stand out, and make an impact. Be there—we can’t wait to see you!

Be a light for someone today, Tigers.  Share a smile and share some kindness.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Friday, December 6, 2024

Thank you to ALL the Tigers who help make our school grow as a community.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Monday, December 2, 2024

Thursday, November 28, 2024

On Thursday, November 28th… that’s today Tigers,  during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.

Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

On Thursday, November 28th during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.

Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Intimate Partner Violence has been declared an epidemic in Halton, and Halton Women’s Place provides help to those that need it.  By supporting this event and by talking about domestic violence, we start to erase the stigma and combat the problem.  With your help, we were able to raise over $1000 for Halton Women’s Place!  We hope to see you all again at next year’s walk.  Way to go, Tigers!

On Thursday, November 28th during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.

Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Want to have a photo commemorating this occasion?

How about your photo as part of a group composite?

Maybe a picture in the yearbook that you can look back at years from now with fond memories?

Or how about a poster size picture of you hanging in your parent’s hallway forever for all to see?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above, then get ready!

Grad photos start next week!  Book your appointment today at: bookmygrad.ca

Monday, November 25, 2024

On Thursday, November 28th during lunch, students will have the opportunity to get a Henna design done by one of our very own Blakelock Henna artists! This has been a favourite activity in the past, so make sure to come to the Library Learning Commons at the beginning of the lunch period to get in line.

Please remember that Henna designs take time, so we kindly ask for your patience while waiting for your turn.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, November 22, 2024

The latest research tells us that 71% of Canadian teens report experiencing bullying within the past 12 months.  That information is GRIM…. But those same researchers have also found that building stronger communities and encouraging people to speak up can change those numbers for the better. 

So… let’s keep working TOGETHER, Tigers to make our COMMUNITY strong and  to make Blakelock a safe place for everyone.  And when it’s needed…SPEAK UP… seek help for yourself….seek help for others.…...   and  show that we ARE   T.A.B … Tigers Against Bullying!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Bullying is a Human Rights Issue.  Canada has signed the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child and article 19 of that document commits to protecting children against abusive treatment .  Traditional research has focussed on protecting children from adults, but current research is focussed on the need to protect children from the mental, physical and violent abuse at the hands of their peers. … Their peers!  That means the harm that you do to EACH OTHER.  

Krispy Kreme Donuts are coming to Blakelock tomorrow in time for the weekend!  They are absolute fire!   If you did not get your online order in on time, fear not, there will be a few for sale tomorrow.  There will also be a bake sale during period one tomorrow and after school, so bring your cash!  Get a treat and help TAB fight against Domestic Violence! 

When: Thursday, November 21st
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar Room

This isn’t just any Kahoot game—it’s a chance to learn about respect, inclusion, and how YOU can make a difference in creating a kinder, safer school community.

What to Expect:
✅ Fun and interactive questions that get you thinking
✅ Friendly competition with your classmates
✅ Prizes for top players (Yes, you read that right! Prizes 

Bring your A-game, your energy, and let’s show bullying  has NO PLACE here! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Hey Tigers!  Are you ready to test your knowledge, compete with your friends, and win awesome prizes?  Then join us for our Bullying Prevention Kahoot Game! 

When: Thursday, November 21st
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar Room

This isn’t just any Kahoot game—it’s a chance to learn about respect, inclusion, and how YOU can make a difference in creating a kinder, safer school community.

What to Expect:
✅ Fun and interactive questions that get you thinking
✅ Friendly competition with your classmates
✅ Prizes for top players (Yes, you read that right! Prizes 

Bring your A-game, your energy, and let’s show bullying  has NO PLACE here! 


So…... ask yourselves, Tigers.  Do YOU do your part to shut down the bullying???… or do you help make it happen?  

Do the right thing, Tigers.  STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT.. And SHUT DOWN THE BULLIES… Let’s work together for a better community for everyone!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Please also take a moment to donate $2 to your period one teacher this week in support of Halton Women’s Foundation!  

Also … This week is Anti-Bullying Week. Please show your solidarity by wearing school colours on Spirit Day this Thursday and mismatched socks on Odd Sock Day this Friday… stand up, stand out and stand TOGETHER to show that we are a community that CARES, Tigers!

Bullying is a relationship problem.  It is about POWER and the ABUSE of power.  It is incredibly difficult for the person being bullied to remove themselves from this destructive relationship.  Once a bullying relationship is established, attempts to make the bullying stop are usually unsuccessful and may make things worse.  ADULT INTERVENTION IS REQUIRED TO CORRECT AND SUPPORT. 

Have you witnessed bullying and should help the victim to get support?  DO YOU need support?  SEEK OUT A TEACHER, COUNSELLOR, OR ANOTHER CARING ADULT…  Use the Confidential Reporting tool on the school website.  CHECK OUT THE POSTER AROUND THE BUILDING FOR MORE INFO..  Reach out for help for YOURself or for OTHERS!…  Take a stand and show that we ARE TAB…  Tigers Against Bullying!

Hey Tigers!  Are you ready to test your knowledge, compete with your friends, and win awesome prizes?  Then join us for our Bullying Prevention Kahoot Game! 

When: Thursday, November 21st
Time: Lunchtime
Where: Library Learning Commons Seminar Room

This isn’t just any Kahoot game—it’s a chance to learn about respect, inclusion, and how YOU can make a difference in creating a kinder, safer school community.

What to Expect:
✅ Fun and interactive questions that get you thinking
✅ Friendly competition with your classmates
✅ Prizes for top players (Yes, you read that right! Prizes 

Bring your A-game, your energy, and let’s show bullying  has NO PLACE here! 

Monday, November 18, 2024

TEASING and BULLYING … what is the difference?  TEASING is in-the-moment and playful.  BULLYING is re-occuring and unwanted.  So ask yourself … is what you are doing, or what you are hearing … is it TEASING? … or is it BULLYING?  

Look for posters around the building to learn more. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

On Friday, November 22 at the start of period 1, join us for Blakelock’s first  ‘Walk for Hope’ to raise money for Halton Women’s Place and bring attention to  Domestic Violence.  We will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash!  Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30!  We are also asking that every student donate $2 for this important cause.  Your period one teacher will be collecting donations every day this week.  Any donation helps this very important cause!!!

 What’s Happening:

When: This is the Last Day for the Origami & Colouring Stations

  Where: Library Learning Commons

Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one!  Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone.  See you there!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

On Friday November 22nd, during period 1, the ESL E class is organizing a walk around the track to raise money for Halton Women’s Place.  Representatives from Halton Women’s Place will be joining us and we will have fun activities, some swag, and a delicious bake sale, so bring your cash!  Please ask your period one teacher to take your class to this event on Friday November 22nd at 8:30!   

We are also asking that every student donate $2 for this important cause.  Your period one teacher will be collecting donations every day this week.  Any donation helps this very important cause!!!

  What’s Happening:

When: All week during lunch 

 Where: Library Learning Commons

Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one!  Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone.  See you there!

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

 What’s Happening:

When: All week during lunch 

  Where: Library Learning Commons

Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one!  Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone.

See you there!

Monday, November 11, 2024

  What’s Happening:

When: All week during lunch 

  Where: Library Learning Commons

Bring your friends, bring your creativity, and let’s make this week a colourful, crafty one!  Whether you're into art or just want a chill space to hang out, we've got something for everyone.

See you there! 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Interested?  Today is the last day to enroll.  If you have questions, please see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton!  QR codes are on the posters at the T.

Today is the LAST DAY to pick up your school bus stickers.  Starting Monday, November 11, any student without a bus sticker will be removed from the transportation list and will not be allowed to board the bus.

Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.

Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Starting this week, school bus drivers will be checking for bus stickers .  If you don’t have your sticker, you won’t be allowed to board the bus.  Any Students who have not picked up their bus stickers will be removed from transportation starting Monday, November 11.  

Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker as soon as possible.  Stickers can be picked up before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.

Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!

Show your spirit - come grab your gear!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Sounds exciting?  The deadline to enroll is coming up soon -  November 8, 2024.  If you have questions please see Ms. Clarke or Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton!  QR codes are on the posters at the T.

Starting this week, school bus drivers will be checking for bus stickers .  If you don’t have your sticker, you won’t be allowed to board the bus.  Any Students who have not picked up their bus stickers will be removed from transportation starting Monday, November 11.  

Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker as soon as possible.  Stickers can be picked up before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.

Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!

Show your spirit - come grab your gear!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

If you’re passionate about henna and want to be part of this exciting event, we’d love to hear from you!  Sign up to be a henna artist by dropping by the Library Learning Commons and ask for Mrs. MacKay. 

Let’s make this event even more amazing together!

Starting this week, school bus drivers will be checking for bus stickers .  If you don’t have your sticker, you won’t be allowed to board the bus.  Any Students who have not picked up their bus stickers will be removed from transportation starting Monday, November 11.  

Please bring your student ID and pick up your bus sticker as soon as possible.  Stickers can be picked up before Period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.

Don’t wait - get your sticker today to make sure you’re all set for your ride!

Show your spirit - come grab your gear!

Monday, November 4, 2024

Did you miss the Boys’ Basketball meeting?  Head over to E218 to scan the QR code for the interest form and join the Google Classroom.  Be sure to find Mr. Tam to pick up a required permission form—this needs to be signed and completed for tryouts!  Keep an eye on Google Classroom for all the important dates and updates.

We will be having tryouts next week.

If you’re passionate about henna and want to be part of this exciting event, we’d love to hear from you!  Sign up to be a henna artist by dropping by the Library Learning Commons and ask for Mrs. MacKay. 

Let’s make this event even more amazing together!

Don’t forget to pick up your bus sticker today!  Stickers are required to board the bus, and drivers will start checking them as you get in.  Please bring your student ID with you and pick up your sticker before period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.

Make sure you’re set for your ride - get your sticker today!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Did you miss the boys’ basketball meeting? Head over to E218 to scan the QR code for the interest form and join the Google Classroom. Be sure to find Mr. Tam to pick up a required permission form—this needs to be signed and completed for tryouts! Keep an eye on Google Classroom for all the important dates and updates.

First place goes to the masterful "Jack"!
Second prize is claimed by the eerie "Spider"!
And our third-place winner is the chilling "Skull"!

A whopping 192 students cast their votes—thank you all for participating! 

If you're one of our talented pumpkin artists, come on down to the Library Learning Commons to collect your well-deserved prizes!  Let’s celebrate your creativity!

The Library Learning Commons is excited to host another Henna event this year, just like last year’s amazing celebration!  We’re looking for talented students who can create beautiful henna designs to join us for this fun-filled lunchtime event.

If you’re interested in showcasing your skills and sharing the art of henna, please let us know!  Your creativity can help make this event a huge success. Interested artists, please stop by the LLC and see Mrs. MacKay.

Don't forget to pick up your bus sticker today!  Stickers are required to board the bus, and drivers will start checking them as you get in.  Please bring your student ID with you and pick up your sticker before period 1, during lunch or after Period 5.

Make sure you’re set for your ride - get your sticker today!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations.  Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!

Look HIGH and look LOW … there are MANY FOAM SHAPES … AT LEAST 75 hidden around the building for the Wellness Club annual TRADE FOR TREAT EVENT.  Find as many of the Hallowe’en shapes hidden somewhere around the building as you can… and bring them to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT!  Just another way to join in the community fun today!  Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!

Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5.  Be sure to bring your student ID with you.  School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.

Get ready to show your pumpkin love! 🎉 The Library Learning Commons is hosting a Pumpkin Carving Vote.   We need YOUR votes to crown the ultimate pumpkin champion!

When: Today and tomorrow.
Where: Library Learning Commons
What: Check out the spooktacular pumpkin creations and vote for your favorite!

Join us for some festive fun and help us decide which pumpkin deserves the title of Pumpkin Champion!” 🏆 Don’t forget to bring your friends and enjoy some tasty treats while you’re at it!

Let’s make this a Halloween to remember! 🎃👻

Happy voting!


Ciao Tigers! 

Wanna travel to Europe this March break?  Join us as we explore 4 different countries on Europe’s Mediterranean coast this March Break!  We will be visiting Italy, France, Monaco and Spain!  Sounds exciting?

The deadline to enrol for the trip is November 8, 2024.  For more information, see Ms. Clarke, Ms. Akbar or Mr. Stainton!  QR codes to enrol are on the posters at the T. Happy exploring!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Find one of the foam shapes hidden somewhere around the building, take it … and bring it to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT! 

Just another way to join in the community fun on Thursday!  Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!

To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations.  Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!

Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5.  Be sure to bring your student ID with you.  School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.

Get ready to show your pumpkin love! 🎉 The Library Learning Commons is hosting a Pumpkin Carving Vote.   We need YOUR votes to crown the ultimate pumpkin champion!

When: Today and tomorrow.
Where: Library Learning Commons
What: Check out the spooktacular pumpkin creations and vote for your favorite!

Join us for some festive fun and help us decide which pumpkin deserves the title of Pumpkin Champion!” 🏆 Don’t forget to bring your friends and enjoy some tasty treats while you’re at it!

Let’s make this a Halloween to remember! 🎃👻

Happy voting!

To commemorate the Islamic Heritage Month, MSA in association with Salaam Neighbor will be organizing a gallery walk in the library conference room today during lunch. See you there!

Ooblek, also known as cornstarch mud, is a fun liquid with some interesting traits and characteristics!

Sign up using the posters around the school, and join us Friday at the start of lunch for a fun spooky experience.

Following this week's steam activity, the steam council will be meeting Friday, second half of break for our weekly meeting.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Find one of the foam shapes hidden somewhere around the building, take it … and bring it to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT! 

Just another way to join in the community fun on Thursday!  Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!

To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations.  Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!

Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5.  Be sure to bring your student ID with you.  School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Find one of the foam shapes hidden somewhere around the building, take it … and bring it to the “T” at lunch to TRADE it for the TREAT! 

Just another way to join in the community fun on Thursday!  Happy Hallowe’en Tigers!

To celebrate, the Library Learning Commons will be hosting a special event during lunch where you can help create stunning Diwali wall decorations.  Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, whether you’re familiar with the festival or just curious to learn more!

Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5.  Be sure to bring your student ID with you.  School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the TAB Drama Council is for you! Please join us for our first meeting, today, at the start of lunch in the studio theater to learn more! See you there!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Please pick up your bus sticker today before period 1, during lunch or after period 5.  Be sure to bring your student ID with you.

School Bus Drivers will be checking these stickers as you board to make sure only assigned students are on each bus.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Why don’t actors ever play hide and seek?   Because they are always in the spotlight.

What’s that?  You want to hear another one?  Ok, here it is:

What’s a ghost’s favorite play?  Romeo and Ghouliet.

(laughing loudly)  HAhahahaha Oh, Boy, Whew!  

If you thought that was funny, or even if you didn’t, but you are interested in being part of the school play, come to the information meeting today at the START OF LUNCH in the STUDIO THEATRE.   We need actors as well as people to work backstage.  If you are interested in set, costumes, props, music, choreography, other backstage work, or performance, please come to the information meeting at the start of lunch today.  

Those Boys will be heading to Ottawa in a couple weeks for this year’s OFSAA.  A big congratulations to all runners who ran yesterday, if your season is finished, please wash your singlet and return it to Mr. Rochus.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Monday, October 21, 2024

Friday, October 18, 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a Math teacher for help.  PLEASE REMEMBER, TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP! 

Want to make a difference and represent our school at the Halton District School Board level?  Whether you tried out for the Senate or just want to get involved, this is your chance!  Led by your 2024-2025 Student Senators, Rishi and Mobin, we invite you to our first meeting today during the second half of break at the conference room in the office.  Come share your ideas, help shape the future of Blakelock, and make your voice heard!

Don’t miss this great opportunity to lead and represent our school in front of all of the HDSB!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a Math teacher for help.  Sign up is open until October 15.

We are thrilled to announce that the Breakfast Club is expanding, and our new spot, The Tabby Shack, will be officially open for business starting next week!

We’ll be serving hot bagels, English muffins , and fresh fruit  everyday at the TAB Shack, so stop by for your favourite morning bites.

Plus, don’t miss the Grab & Go Kart station, which will be located in the east stairwell for even more options!!

Join us next week to celebrate and grab some delicious breakfast!

There is a Cross Country practice today, following school!  Come get one last spin of the legs in during the much anticipated annual extravaganza known as the Great Gobbler Workout.  Will the defending Grand Gobbler, Ethan Deveaux take home the belt for a second year in a row?  Show up to practice and find out. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

To sign up, please grab a permission form from the Math/Science department, room E217, or ask a math teacher for help.  Sign up is open until October 15.

No major commitment needed, just drop in and challenge someone!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Monday, October 7, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Spots are limited, so be sure to grab your friends and sign up with Mrs. MacKay in the LLC.!  There are just a few spots left!

Don’t miss out on this ooey-gooey adventure!  We can’t wait to see you there!   

Happy Slime-Making!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

If you have a spare, Coop or an elearning class in Period 5, please check your HDSB email ASAP.  Please attend the day indicated in the email from Mrs. Svendsen.  Drop by Guidance if you have any questions!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 

This Tuesday at the start of lunch come to S117 for a meeting.  We plan on going through all of the things we are planning to do to help the environment this school year.  So if you signed up, or are thinking of signing up, this is your chance!  You will have lots of fun while saving the environment.

Monday, September 23, 2024 

Meetings:  Wednesdays at 11:00AM

Weekly Friday Prayers:  at 11:30AM at Room South 106

Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj

New members and new ideas are always welcome.

This Tuesday at the start of lunch come to S117 for a meeting.  We plan on going through all of the things we are planning to do to help the environment this school year.  So if you signed up, or are thinking of signing up, this is your chance!  You will have lots of fun while saving the environment.

Friday, September 20, 2024 

Thursday, September 19, 2024 

Meetings:  Wednesdays at 11:00AM.

Weekly Friday Prayers:  at 11:30AM at Room South 106.

Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj.

New members and new ideas are always welcome.

📣 Exciting News!  Join Us for Another Bead Bracelet Making Lunch Hour!!  Due to the overwhelming success of our first session, we’re thrilled to announce another opportunity to create your own beautiful bead bracelets!

When:  Today during lunch
Where:  Library Learning Commons Seminar room

We are meeting today after school in the main area of the Library.  See Ms. Turnbull if you have any questions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 

Attention all crafty minds and creative souls! 📚🧵

Join us for a vibrant and sparkling lunchtime adventure in the Library Learning Commons as we dive into the dazzling world of Bead Bracelet Making!  Whether you're a beading pro or just looking to try something new, this is your chance to let your creativity shine. 🌟

When: Today during lunch!!
Where: Library Learning Commons / Seminar Room
What to Expect: An array of colorful beads, expert tips, and the opportunity to create stunning, personalized Bead Bracelets.  

Bring your lunch, your friends, and your enthusiasm.  Let's make this a lunch break to remember! 🍽️🎨

See you there with your beading spirit on! 💫

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 

Attention all crafty minds and creative souls! 📚🧵Join us for a vibrant and sparkling lunchtime adventure in the Library Learning Commons as we dive into the dazzling world of Bead Bracelet Making! Whether you're a beading pro or just looking to try something new, this is your chance to let your creativity shine.  🌟When: Wednesday, September 18th  That’s tomorrow during lunch
Where:  Library Learning Commons / Seminar Room
What to Expect:  An array of colorful beads, expert tips, and the opportunity to create stunning, personalized Bead Bracelets.  Bring your lunch, your friends, and your enthusiasm.  Let's make this a lunch break to remember! 🍽️🎨

See you there with your beading spirit on! 💫

Monday, September 16, 2024 

Meetings:  Wednesdays at 11:00AM.

Weekly Friday Prayers:  at 11:30AM at Room South 106

Please join our Google Classroom using code: dxs47wj

New members and new ideas are always welcome.

We want your awesome ideas and boundless enthusiasm as we dive into brainstorming fun and engaging library activities.  Whether you have a wild suggestion or a creative twist on an old favorite, bring it all!

Let's make our library the coolest hangout spot in the school.  Can’t wait to see you there and start cooking up some fantastic plans!

Hope to see you all there!

Friday, September 13, 2024 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Why wait?  Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break. Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.

🌞 Don't miss out on:

Hurry in and pick up your books today!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

        Bring your friends, take a break, and make something that will help you stay calm and focused during exam season.  See you there!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Why wait?  Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break.  Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.

🌞 Don't miss out on:

Hurry in and pick up your books today! 📖✨

Friday, June 14, 2024

Any questions can be addressed to Mr. Kana, Mr. Beaupre or Mr. Stevens.

Why wait?  Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break.  Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.

🌞 Don't miss out on:

Unlimited adventures through reading

A chance to explore new genres

Plenty of books to keep you company all summer

Hurry in and pick up your books today! 📖✨

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Why wait?  Grab your favorites and discover new adventures, all while relaxing and enjoying your break.  Whether you're into mysteries, fantasy, romance, or sci-fi, we've got something for everyone.

🌞 Don't miss out on:

Hurry in and pick up your books today! 📖✨

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Monday, June 10, 2024

Big shout out to Michael Ekeng who raced with the best in Ontario this past weekend as well, coming 12 and 13th in the 100 and 200 with competition from all across Ontario.

Well done!  And thanks for a great Track season.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Thank you for supporting our Boys Baseball team throughout their historic season.  Yesterday, your Tigers hosted Kings Christian College with a championship on the line. Nathan Thompson got the start on the mound delivering a stellar performance with 4 dominant innings, striking out 6.  The game was back and forth until the 6th inning.  With the tying run on second base, Josh Bushen faked a bunt and slashed an RBI single to tie the game up 2-2.  The Tigers took the lead on hits from Brody Kemp & Nathan Thompson going up 4-2.  Jordan Hoortje came out of the bullpen, reliable as ever and closed out the game, for the Tigers to win their first Championship in 13 years!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIGERS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Monday, June 3, 2024

Friday May 31, 2024

Thursday May 30, 2024

If you want to apply for a leadership position with the council (no previous experience required) you can fill out our google form on the council instagram page and we’ll reach out to you for an interview next Wednesday!

Yesterday, the Boys Baseball team hosted an electrifying semi-final playoff game against White Oaks at Abbey Park.  Jack Herbert got the start on the mound, delivering a stellar performance with 4 dominant innings only giving up 3 hits.  The Tigers were trailing 1-0 until the 5th inning when Brody Kemp capitalized on a pitcher’s error to score from third base, tying the game.  The excitement continued as Jordan Hoorntje came out of the bullpen, striking out 6 batters to keep the Tigers in the game.  The tension built as we entered the bottom of the 7th inning with the game tied.  With the winning run on second base, Zach McCabe made an unforgettable infield single, securing a dramatic walk-off victory for the Tigers.  The Tigers will now play Kings in the finals next week.  GOOO TIGERS!

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Monday May 27, 2024

-Ethan Deveaux, the new novice boys 3000m record holder, taking almost 17s off a 13 year old record, and the novice boys 1500m champion.

-Michael Ekeng, GHAC Champion in the Novice Boys 100, bronze in the 200, and a qualifier in the long jump as well.

-Brooke Mackenzie, qualifier in the Junior Girls javelin

-Lauren Keats, GHAC silver medalist in the Senior Girls triple jump.

-Adam Dampier, GHAC bronze medalist in the Senior Boys 400 and bronze medalist in the senior boys 800.

The team will be back at Mohawk Sports Park this Wednesday and Thursday, hoping to stamp their ticket to the big dance in the land of the purple ponies, next week.

Friday May 24, 2024

Join us at the Tabby Shack for a culinary adventure as the Breakfast Club unveils its tantalizing new menu items! Starting today, savor the delicious flavors every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:45 to 8:30 am …..open to all and at no cost. 

Indulge in a delightful array of breakfast delights crafted with love and expertise. Whether you crave fresh fruit, eggs on a bagel or a muffin, we've got something to satisfy every palate.

Don't miss out on the chance to kickstart your mornings with a burst of flavor and energy.  Bring your appetite and join us at the Tabby Shack to experience breakfast like never before!  See you there! 🍽️✨

We have some exciting news from our girls' softball team. Yesterday, our Tigers delivered an outstanding performance, defeating Aldershot with a stunning score of 12-0! A special shoutout to our power pitcher, Jada Becker, who struck out 5 batters in just 5 innings. 

Our Tigers were on fire with the bats, tallying 13 hits and scoring 12 runs.  The MVP of the game goes to Chantal Howard, who wowed everyone with an incredible in-the-park home run.  Congratulations to the entire team for their hard work and dedication. 

Come out and cheer our Tiger Queens on Monday after school in their playoff game against Hayden.

Thursday May 23, 2024

Attention midday munchers!  Starting Monday The Breakfast Club is thrilled to unveil our latest innovation: brand-new refuelling stations to power up your afternoon!

Located strategically at key spots including in front of the main office, Student Success Center, and Resource Hub in the afternoon.  These refuelling stations are designed to keep you energized and refreshed throughout your day.

Yesterday, our Boys Baseball team faced King's Christian College in a thrilling match with first place at stake.  Brody Kemp delivered a strong performance on the mound, pitching three solid innings and striking out six.  The game was intense and evenly matched until the fourth inning when the Tigers unleashed a powerful offensive surge, scoring four runs.  From that point, they maintained their lead. Josh Bushen, Jack Herbert, and Jordan Hoorntje were exceptional at the plate, each contributing two RBIs.  The Tigers triumphed with an 11-5 victory, securing first place.  GOOO Tigers! 

In our second game, TAB won 24-7 where Kaitlyn and Ester scored again, but Carys Colwill and Sam English added a try each also.  Carys converted one.  Tough play by Maddie Collier, Skye Parkin and Flo Cummings contributed greatly to the tigers’ game play.  Well done ladies and good luck at the semis on Tuesday against Nelson!

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Tuesday May 21, 2024

On Friday, the Boys Baseball team took part in Garth Webb’s annual baseball tournament.  Your tigers went 2-0 outscoring opponents 27-4.  Jack Herbert and Nathan Thompson were unstoppable on the mound going 8 innings striking out 12 hitters collectively.  Josh Bushen was a tough out at the plate scoring 5 RBIs on the day.  Your Tigers will play in the semi-final of the tournament this Friday.  GOOOO Tigers! 

On Friday our Girls Softball team competed in the Nelson Invitational Tournament.  They triumphed over Nelson with a score of 16-4, dominated Dunnville 15-6, and conquered Brebeuf 13-2.  Each game showcased their hard work and dedication.  But the real highlight came in the finals against St. Mary.  Our team faced a tough challenge, trailing 9-2. However, they never gave up.  With true grit and perseverance, they made an astonishing comeback, with Izzy Nevin hitting a walk-off run to clinch a 10-9 victory!  It was a game for the ages and a testament to their unyielding spirit.  MVPs of the tournament went to Charlotte Giles-Deroches and Brooklyn Luciak. 

Go Tigers!

Friday May 17, 2024

It’s on Thursday evening, so we invite everyone to come out and support our school's eco initiatives!  We will be showcasing some of the work we have done this year, we will bestselling plants with CPP, there will be games, and a screening of an eco movie.  Bring your own bowl for some yummy, free popcorn! 

Yesterday, the Boys Baseball team hosted Aldershot at Glen Abbey Park.  Zach McCabe took the mound and was dominant through 4 innings, striking out 8!  Jack Herbert put   the Tigers on the board in the first inning with a triple to left field, setting the tone for the game.  Paxton Ross and Jack Pinette led the team with two hits each, as the Tigers triumphed over Aldershot 12-2, maintaining their perfect record.  Go Tigers!

Thursday May 16, 2024

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Tuesday May 14, 2024

Yesterday, the Girls Softball team traveled to compete against Frank Hayden in a thrilling match.  The game remained close until our player of the game Destiny Gordon spectacularly hit an inside-the-park home run.  Jada Becker led the team from the mound, pitching a complete game and striking out 7 Huskies.  Our Tigers clinched a strong 14-7 victory, securing 25 hits in total.  Great job, Tigers!

Monday May 13, 2024

Person 2: Yeah, the "Lunch Jam," right?  I can't wait to spread some jam on my bread while rocking out!

Person 1: Umm, I think you might have misinterpreted it. It's more about jamming to the music, not jamming on your sandwich!

Person 2: Oh!  Well, that's a whole other kind of jammin'!  But imagine if we could combine both—rocking out to the tunes while enjoying some tasty jams!

Person 1: Haha, that would be quite the culinary and musical experience!  But alas, we're serving up pure rock 'n' roll, no sandwiches included.

Person 2: No worries!  I'm still excited to groove to the beats at the "Lunch Jam" tomorrow!  It's gonna be epic!

Person 1: Absolutely!  Let's jam out and make some unforgettable memories!

On Friday, the Boys Baseball team traveled to take on Acton up in Georgetown.  It was a close game the whole way through until the Tigers erupted in the 5th inning and did not look back from there.  Jordan Hoorntje knuckled his way to 7 strikeouts in 4 innings of relief.  Evan Kemp and Paxton Ross both drove in three runs each as the Tigers ended up winning 15-3.  Go tigers! 

Friday May 10, 2024

DID YOU KNOW that Stigma and discrimination attached to mental illnesses and substance use problems present a serious barrier not only to diagnosis and treatment but also to access to employment, housing, and other basic necessities.  Stigma both creates and deepens social marginalization.  (CAMH fast facts)

It is up to ALL OF US, Tigers to break that stigma.  After living through the impacts of the pandemic, we ALL understand now more than ever, that thoughts and feelings can be hard to control.  Keep an open mind when it comes to dealing with MENTAL HEALTH and let’s continue to create an even BETTER community!  We all need each other!

If Ms. Neumann took your photo yesterday, either check your CHATT or come to S105 at lunchtime so she can get it to you.  Cheers!  

Cancer CAN be beaten!

Thursday May 9, 2024